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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

This character belongs to Fear, do not use without permission.

Artist mee (fear)
Creator fear
Attribute Festive Grumpiness
Element Snow, Glitter
Color White, Red, Gold
Song [insert a christmas song]
Age 15 dyo
Gender agender
Orientation asexual
Occupation Santa Claws; criminal
Tribe RainWing (enchanted)
Goal to make everyone remember what Snow's Flame is really about
Residence Rainforest
Relatives mother, father, grandfather (previous Santa Claws)
Allies Peppermint, Taffy, Carol
Enemies anyone who got their gifts burned; this includes some royalty
Likes the cold, the warmth, being spiteful, hot cocoa, candy, being their own person
Dislikes being Santa Claws, greedy smokebreathers


with this design/character i attempted to apply the festivities & hype often overshadowing the true feelings some may hide.


to others, Awe may be the Grinch, the Scrooge for Snow's Flame (Christmas for dragons, thats what i call it) due to the fact that they never asked for this job. they're fond of the idea & concept of Snow's Flame, seeing as its for spending time with loved ones, but they get very angry when someone thinks its about the presents. (and thus, they get rid of the presents)

due to being Santa Claws!!! (aka in the loop of an animus' word) they can do the following:
  • able to temporarily use the abilities of previous Santas (ie. firebreath, underwater breathing, etc.)
  • general RainWing abilities (venom, prehensile tail, camouflage)
  • easy transportation - the Glitter Teleportation (the signature Santa Move. lets them jump from Pyrrhia to Pantala without exhausting themselves)
  • give snow's flame to anyone they care for (the flame is the spirit of the holiday) OR, alternatively, take it away
  • can whip out a long-desired present out of a glittery, minty cloud (is cutting back on that because thats Not the spirit of Snow's Flame)
  • misc. undetermined abilities. (mind you, theyre still young)
  • PEPPERMINT - the childish candy merchant
  • TAFFY - the funky blue icewing guy
  • CAROL - the lovely lightwing that loves singing

Awe comes from the line of 'Santa Claws'; with their grandfather having had been the most recent one before them. no, its not a family line, its just whom the current Santa Claws thinks of first as they pass away that becomes the next one. Currently, Awe is a criminal on the run (though nobody knows their name) from blowing up a bunch of presents! fun!


credit for the stylized font images - here


