Audacious, alternatively known as Hookfang, is a young male human who is a supporting character and minor antagonist in How to Train Your Wings of Fire 1.5, an upcoming How to Train Your Dragon and Wings of Fire crossover written by HTTYDPokemonFan under the username ReptileGirl497 on[1]. He is the son of the Invincible Lord, and thus the prince of the Indestructible City.
Audacious is tall. He has long, slick red hair and a pointed face. He often wears red and black robes and a headband studded with rubies and onyx.
Audacious is spoiled, arrogant, reckless, stubborn, short-tempered, and somewhat of a bully. He calls himself the 'Prince of the City' because his father is the ruler, and he thinks that everyone should respect him. However, one thing that sets him apart from the Invincible Lord is their varied sense of morality. Audacious tends to be more well-mannered than his father, and was genuinely appalled when the Invincible Lord revealed his plans to conquer all of Pyrrhia. He is shown to care about other people and their wellbeing, vowing to protect Bat and the others from his father.
How to Train Your Wings of Fire[]
Audacious was one of the humans invited by Bat to attend the peace summit on the false brightest night, when the new SandWing queen would be chosen.
How to Train Your Wings of Fire 1.5[]
Audacious first appeared when Cloud ran into him while visiting the Indestructible City. He offered to buy her lunch, but she politely turned him down. He witnessed her trading some dragon scales she found for new clothes and some books, and asked her where she found them as he wanted to make dragon-scale-plated armor. Cloud neglected to answer and swiftly left.
The next time Cloud visited the Indestructible City, she brought along her friends, Bat and Gust, to act as buffers between her and Audacious.
Audacious became interested in Cloud almost immediately upon meeting her. He initially didn't care about her feelings and saw her almost solely as a source for dragon scales, which she traded to him in exchange for supplies she needed. Audacious was certain he could convince Cloud to marry him, and was furious when she refused his proposal.
- Audacious means showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks.
- It can also mean showing an impudent lack of respect.
- Despite having learned Audacious's real name, Inferno still refers to him as Hookfang.
- Audacious is the scavenger (human) counterpart of Hookfang the Monstrous Nightmare.