Man, this page has been deleted so many times before.
Atlas uses he/him pronouns, and is a male. He is a Sea-Night hybrid.
"I've had quite enough! Out of my office, now!"
Atlas is mostly a cold, grey-blue color, like the kind of blue you'd see on a cave wall. A stripe of dark grey-blue runs from the tip of his snout to the tip of his tail. He has NightWing spikes running down his back, which are black with a hint of blue. His eyes are navy blue, with a white sclera. Oddly, he doesn't have pupils. His scales, weirdly enough, have stars sprayed all over them, more so near the top of his body. He has the same SeaWing webbing, between his claws, and on fins on his back. He has the NightWing scales on the tip of his snout, as shown in the graphic novels of WoF. The scales on the tip of his snout are black with a hint of blue. His ears are large, and his horns curl toward each other. He also has spikes on his gonial angle (yes, weird science term). The scales on his main body fade into a deeper blue at the tip of his tail, though it is so subtle that it is hardly noticeable. He has the same SeaWing bioluminescent markings, which are a pure white, and always seem to glow faintly. His wings have blue nebulae on them that look like splashes of water, and scattered stars that also spray outward like a splash. His underbelly is a pure white, which clashes dramatically with his dark scales. His white color is also found on his inner legs. His claws are sharp, like fishhooks. His tail ends in a narrow tip.
His face is often curved into a scowl of concentration, and he has big bags under his eyes. He usually wears circle glasses with gold frames, a black leather pouch on his chest (holding writing materials and a notebook), and two gold wristbands studded with pearls.
Regular tribal abilities, including the strange ability to breathe small plumes of fire.
Atlas lives in a private room in the Deep Palace, where he writes novels and such. He does not get any visitors often, and is a widely celebrated author of quite a few scrolls. While he does have a good amount of money, he almost never touches it.
Atlas is very, very intelligent. If he wanted to, he could be a scientist. He is very focused and concentrated, and is extremely patient. He is completely accepting of anyone, even if he might not look like it at first. The only thing he judges anyone about is their personality. He does have some emotional capacity to care for dragons, and he does. He is also quite wise, having lived for some time, and will lend advice to anyone who needs it.
Atlas is a very introverted dragon. He can sometimes he holed up in his room for days, and hates being distracted. He is not only stubborn, but very blunt, and never sugarcoats anything, even if it's for the life of him. Due to being blunt, he is also very honest, and doesn't lie very often. He is often obsessed with his work, and can chat about it for hours, boring the other dragons into leaving the conversations.
Atlas is... crabby. And grumpy, and tired. He snaps at dragons who distract him, and has a generally pessimistic view on life. He can sometimes go days without eating in his room, when he's too absorbed in his work. He's hubris, and doesn't like to ask for help from ANYONE. He finds little enthusiasm in doing anything but writing, and can easily ruin conversations with one sentence. He makes little friends, thinking that they waste time. He is often stressed, as he is trying to carry on his father's legacy, which leaves him little time to make friends anyway.
Atlas's father was a science-y SeaWing named Loch, and his mother was a sweet NightWing named Darkeye. Darkeye snuck out of the volcano one day, wandered through the rainforest, and found a sandy beach. Loch, a cerulean SeaWing, was with his two parents, recording whatever observations they were doing, along with a small team of SeaWings. Darkeye was especially fascinated with Loch, so she waited until he was alone and popped out of the rainforest to say hi. He screamed, though, and the other SeaWings came running. When they found Darkeye, they decided--however ridiculous it was--to adopt her. She was taken back to the Summer Palace, and her childhood was spent playing with Loch and falling in love with him. Eventually, the two had eggs.
Loch and Darkeye had eggs, and Loch got a job as a scientist. Darkeye became an astronomer, and gave the tribe a wealth of information about the stars. Orca made an attempt on Queen Coral's life, and the couple were deeply disturbed about this. They became Coral supporters, and were eventually invited to live in the Deep Palace, as she had heard of their loyalty and achievements. Loch joined the Royal Council, and Darkeye became a well trusted member of the SeaWings--NightWing or not.
Baby Dragonet[]
Atlas hatched first. He was the oldest. But, he had five different siblings. The second hatched, and Atlas's younger sister, was a kind and almost motherly dragonet named Tidekeeper. The middle-born dragonet, Atlas's younger sister as well, was named Astraea. Atlas and Astra made a quick bond. The younger two, Atlas's younger brothers, were twins, named Fastcurrent and Quickwave. Atlas was instantly intrigued by writing and scrolls. However, Loch was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and was hospitalized.
Atlas learned to read, write, and talk in long sentences before any of his siblings, and was considered a bit of a prodigy. His father taught him what he could, and Darkeye taught Atlas about astronomy. Darkeye signed all of the siblings up for a prestigious school, as she had the money to do so. Not only did Atlas skip a grade, but he was also the best out of almost the entire school. Fast and Quick had to be held back a grade, because of "behavioral issues" and "rebellious attitude". Despite this, life went on.
Atlas joined a book club, and managed to rope Astra into it, too. Tide joined a biology club, and Fast and Quick pulled pranks on the school staff. One day, though, something bad happened.
Loch passed away. Atlas knew that he would be remembered, but that wasn't enough. He worked tirelessly, improving his skills until he could beat anyone in a spelling bee, no matter how hard. He was stressed from all of his work, and became reserved and snappy. Nobody ever wanted to go near him. While his grades rose, his happiness fell. But he would not let himself rest.
Atlas started writing small poems, to help himself calm down. When Astra came to visit one day, she said that his poems were good, and that he should publish them. Atlas was not convinced, but did so anyway. They turned out to be a hit. Atlas's name became big, and he was invited to live in the Deep Palace permanently. Glad for the offer, Atlas took it up. His house was medium-sized, with little lighting, as Atlas only needed his nightvision to get around. He continued publishing poems.
Atlas starting writing short books, at first. Mostly childrens' books, but they slowly got bigger and bigger, until he was writing books with multiple hundreds of pages in them. Atlas was enormously successful, and business was booming. His books were sold across the land, and he joined Coral's council, though he had little time to attend meetings. He also came on diplomatic meetings, occasionally.
Tidekeeper lived in the Summer Palace, as a marine biologist. Astraea became an astronomer, and Fastcurrent and Quickwave were actors and stuntmen.
Life is good. Atlas is working on a long-awaited book called The Isle of Darkness - A History of NightWings. He lives a quiet life, and has gotten over his father's death, slowly releasing the building pressure in his body.
The future is now!
Tidekeeper is navy blue, with pale green bioluminescent markings. She is one of the few dragons Atlas loves.
Astraea is black with scatterings of pastel blue stars on her underwings. Atlas has a bond with her, and visits her often.
Very Positive
Fastcurrent is dark grey with cyan bioluminescent markings. While Atlas considers him a ruffian, he loves him.
Quickwave is a pale grey with blue bioluminescent markings. Atlas loves him, too.
Loch was a cerulean blue SeaWing with cyan bioluminescent markings. Atlas misses him, and wants to carry on his legacy.
Darkeye is dark grey, with white underscales. Atlas loves her.
How does Atlas even have glasses?
I don't know.
An atlas is actually a book of maps.
"Who am I? Why, Atlas, of course. Not like I want to be."