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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Content Warning
This page contains profanity, violence, mild gore, or other forms of content that you may find upsetting.
Author's note: there are some mentions of gambling, because of one dragon who gambles all her money away (who the main characters go to for help, though. I actually do not know why they do this)

This is a LightWing fanfic by LunaStar77. Theft will not be permitted

I will be including a bunch of random tribes

Characters, because I needa keep track of personalities[]

Dawn: Is a stubborn, pretty LightWing. She's quite stuck in her ways, and the ways of her long-gone family, especially in keeping old grimoires that she believes could tell her more about the beliefs and ways of her past (she finds out her family uses DARK MAGIC *GASP*). She enjoys gardening (keeping her hanging flower garden of marigolds and anemones alive, and sustaining an ever-growing village of bonsais), cooking (trying out absolutely every recipe in her library of cookbooks), inventing things to make her life easier (she comes from a long line of inventors; she invented several things like a solar-power battery for her electric stove, oven, and refrigerator, and several sinks with different forms of plumbing, some to transport organic matter into her compost machine to better help her plants grow), and reading (she has read 189, 056 books out of her entire collection of 13, 456, 765, 678 so far). Her eyes are like shimmering, uncut crystals, and her scales are light magenta-purple-to-orange, like the first rays of dawn. She has sharp, refined reflective horns, like a crown, and she has reflective scales around her eyes, claws, and wings.

Wind: Is a cheerful yet worrisome TempestWing whose grandmother is superstitious, the main reason why she doesn't want him near Dawn, whose home full of Grimoires is slowly making the old TempestWing believe that all LightWings practice dark magic. He has stormy gray-blue and purplish scales, a little lighter than most TempestWings, and his eyes shine a brilliant blue. He enjoys adventures (mostly those where treasure is involved), video games (the ones Dawn invented), and sports (especially Wind-ball, a that involves trying to get a ball through two hoops while also trying to acquire as many points as possible by finding different gemstones around the map, which then must be added to your team's hoop). He has arachnophobia, and is a TempestWing Spark.

Heartbeat: Is a grumpy, devious, extremely dark purple DeathWing with a love for the gory, creepy, and downright disturbing. She is quite smart, too, and fast-paced, with an exocranium decorated with glittering pressed gemstones of all colours, with inlaid gold dotted lines in between, contrary to most DeathWings' plain ones, and contrary to her own dark demeanor. Her eyes are an odd mix of dark purple and auburn, and, without the reflective layer, would be extremely dark, but they are regarded as pale and light in normal light. She enjoys horror stories and films (where dragonets die, apparently. She really needs to learn how to part with this obsession), pranking dragons in nasty ways (usually Wind, whose jumpiness never helps him), making dragons' lives miserable (usually Wind, again), but also enjoys singing (she actually has a beautiful voice; she and Dawn usually sing together, with her smooth, brilliant cutting voice accented by the undertones of Dawn's snarky one), painting (she's an artist), and helping Dawn with cooking (she always finds a way to sneak a fake spider into Wind's food, spooking him for days).

Halo: Is an AviWing with iridescent, dark wings and scales streaked with gold and pale tones in triangular patterns, and big, blue-aquamarine eyes like the sky. He is funny, caring, and has a knack for figuring things out, although his family carries a lot of religion and superstition. He wears a pendant with a shard of the Glass Spires that naturally broke off, split in two smaller pieces, which he now wears as two separate necklaces, although he gave one of them to Dawn, his 'girlfriend'. They met during the Month of Knowledge, during which he was travelling to share some scientific literature from his tribe, and during which Dawn was picking up some groceries at the market, and she stumbled upon his stall. They started talking, and, in a few days, they'd become close. Halo enjoys writing (usually stories), gardening (he is quite attached to this small, flowering magnolia star bonsai tree, and often helps Dawn take care of hers), traveling, collecting bird feathers and bird watching (it is quite simple for him to attract birds, with his 'Language of Tones', and he has learned what birds respond to).

Trix: Is a SandWing-LightWing-IceWing tribrid, an adult who works in a jewelry and clothing shop in town. She is a fashion designer with a cute face, but overall unreliable tendencies, and she is quite irresponsible, gambling her money away and spending it on acessive shopping sprees. She usually wears a real polar-bear fur coat (the inside has the fur), inlaid with magenta sequin diamond patterns on the outside, covered in talon-stitched white leather to perfect the diamond. It's probably super expensive, but she'd rather have it than sell it.

Prologue: In Which the first story is told[]

Shhh, darling egg.

No, your name isn't darling egg, silly. It's DAWN. Say it, DAWN.

No, you won't remember these stories when you hatch, silly. But they will still stay at the back of your mind, in the vast library called your memories.

Yes, one day you will unlock it. In time you will become Keeper.

Yes, you know what Keepers are, silly. Hush now, let me tell you this story.

There once was a sun up high in the sky. Of course this sun exists, little egg. Where do you think warmth and light comes from? What do you think reflects off our scales and feels like honey in the morning day? Yes, the sun is big, Dawn. Big and round and big and powerful.

Let me continue my story, little egg. Don't interrupt.

The sun was lonely. She had only herself and no one else. So she wanted sisters. She then created the Sister Moons.

Of course the moons are sisters. What else would they be?

One was big, full and round. She needed a name. The Sun named her Imperial. Then were the two smaller ones, Oracle and Perception. Y-- I mean, No, child, you do not have any siblings. You're my little special egg and will always be. Your father and I cannot have another egg. It isn't scientifically possible.

Yes, your mommy loves science. Now let me continue, little thing.

The four were siblings. But they were all different. The sun was warm and loved the light, drinking it like honey and dressing in it like gold. The sister moons preferred crystals and ice, not fire and warmth and gold like the sun did. Yet, they loved each other. One day, the four decided to make a planet full of life. It was a prosperous place filled with water and earth and land and life, where dragons and humans alike roamed. Yes, most dragons called humans scavengers, but we know the truth.

One day the sister moons became attached to the planet, teaching it, and soon they fell out of the circle of the Sun. The Sun was jealous that she wasn't getting their attention. What ever happened to the leader Sun? Well, her jealousy pushed them away, and they seemed to dance around her. Or, at least, the planet danced around her. The little thing couldn't do without her love. So the Sun continued blessing the land with her love and compassion so that all life could prosper, knowing that it was her responsability.

One day she was telling her young planet a story, much like I am telling you now. In the middle of it, though. the Sister Moons came to dance around the planet once again. She grew impatient and banished some of their light so they wouldn't be as radiant to the planet, and the Sun had her child back. During the nights, when she'd turn away as her child slept, the Sister Moons came to dance around the planet, unknowingly receiving light from the Sun as she focused on the other parts of her life. The moons were cursed, though, and could only gain their full radiance every few weeks.

Together, the Sun and the Sister Moons made the land the place it is today.

Yes, child, this is a true story. Yes, child, the stars were made from the energy the Sun took from the Sister Moons, the energy that only showed at night because that was when the Sister Moons were active.

One day, child, you will remember all of this.

Hush, now. Goodnight. Sweet dreams, I must go.

No, child, I'll tell you another story tomorrow.

Sleep now.


Chapter One[]


Dawn was like any other LightWing; safely hidden away in the territory between the Kingdom of Sky, the Kingdom of Sand, and the Kingdom of Ice. Her scales, shimmering, iridescent magenta-purple to orange, like the rays of dawn, were dotted with reflective mirror scales around her claws, eyes like shimmering uncut crystals, and on the paler membranes of her wings. Her reflective LightWing horns, in the long, refined circle of a crown, made her appear regal, or, at least, more regal than she felt.

She quickly made her way to the sandy alcove of her mountainside home that consisted of a network of tunnels and slopes and caves in the mountain. The entrance was a small tunnel whose entrance was covered in flowery vines attached to the white bones of prey, part of an odd contraption that worked by pressing a small, hidden button within fake bark around a tree that had grown into the mountainside over the years -- an enormous oak tree that had survived thousands of years. "Since the scorching," her mother had told her. She didn't quite believe that a tree could really survive five thousand years, during a time where dragons literally incinerated everything, but her mother had been told by her mother who'd been told by her mother who'd been told by her mother... on and on until their very first ancestors, the builders of this place. She clicked the button, and she could hear the subtle whir of gears and pulleys pushing the bone aside, such a subtle, tiny noise, inaudible to most dragon ears, especially through the steady downpour of rain, but this had been Dawn's family home since forever. She knew where to look.

A door showed itself, and she looked up at a similar contraption to the one that concealed the door in vines, just that it concealed something very different and the button was on the inside, in the master bedroom. It hid a glimmering stained glass art piece of the Sun, the Sister Moons, and a scattering of stars. They were the reflection of generations of Celestialists and Eclipsics, the religion that worshiped the Sun and the three moons as its primary deities. Their contraption was built three thousand years before Dawn hatched, created solely to conceal that they still worshiped these deities instead of moving on like everyone else, mainly because they believed that those gods had left them behind during times of great war, but Dawn's family hadn't. After all, religion was religion to them. It couldn't just change, could it?

Dawn entered the smooth-walled main cavern, with shelves full of books (from the scorching; it was a style adapted from a long line of what were known as BeetleWings when they helped her ancestors), mostly old Grimoires with old magic spells or Cookbooks with long-forgotten recipes, but Dawn gave herself the mission of cooking all of them. Some books included mathematical theories and scientific research, or just journals of daily life back then. Or perhaps they were stories her ancestors made up. Who knew?

Suspended over the dip in the ground, a downward spiral covered in fluffy throws and colorful rugs and pillows, hung a crystal chandelier with ornate gold designs, where light shone through. Dawn's great-great-great-great-many-greats-grandmother had invented the odd contraption; it consisted of a carefully-placed hidden mirror on top of the mountain, with more mirrors directing the light down and down, splitting into different sections to light other rooms, until it shone through an enormous crystal that amplified the light. It was placed in such a way that it would get sunlight during the day and moonlight during the night, so the LightWing family could be awake at all hours, and was made so that it was waterproof, yet still harnessed enough light to light up each room.

Dawn made her way through more tunnels that went upward until it branched off into one that went down in the opposite direction and one that went up. The first entered into the kitchen, stocked full of produce for Dawn's many cooking escapades. The latter went up into the master bedroom, an enormous suite with a bath, an enormous canopied bed filled with the same throws and rugs and pillows as the entrance cavern, shelves filled with pot plants and books, and a desk with fountain pens, colored pencils, paper, blank books, craft supplies, inkwells, and feathers covering the available surface. The stained glass window took up an entire wall, with a button to move aside the plants-on-bone mechanism concealing it, and a crystal chandelier similar to the one in the main cavern illuminated the room.

Muffled shouts startled Dawn out of her trance, making her sit up, alert. Was it Wind, the funny male TempestWing Spark who'd been best friends with Dawn since a young age? Was it Heartbeat, the grumpy female DeathWing who Dawn originally deemed unworthy of friendship but they'd soon become close? Or, perhaps, was it him ...?

Dawn self-consciously peeked out the window. Sure enough, it was Heartbeat hissing at Wind about him doing something wrong, like sneezing or looking at her in a funny way, or maybe even getting her wet (although that would be the weather's fault). She stumbled through the corridors and opened the door to her friends, who'd been bickering about something inane.

"STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT, YOU INSUFFERABLE WORM," grouched Heartbeat, stumbling inside as if she owned the place. Her iridescent raven-dark scales (actually the darkest of the dark shades of purple) were splattered with fat drops of water, which slowly dribbled off her. Her exocranium glittered with swirly patterns of colorful pressed gemstones and inlaid colored metals, like gold or bismuth (a very iridescent metal that Heartbeat discovered while on a trip, which she verified with an actual metal-scientist, that actually looked like it was rainbow). Her eyes were similar to this 'bismuth metal', and shone dark purple-to-auburn, glazed over with a shimmering layer known as the tapetum layer, which Dawn found out through a series of books, and things Heartbeat told her.

"I'm not doing anything," whimpered Wind, a stormy gray-blue-purple TempestWing with swirly storm patterns all across his body. He frowned, his displeasure evident in his brilliant blue eyes, and he waved his large, feathery wings, spraying water everywhere. "Just because you've got deep psychological problems doesn't mean I do."

"I'm the one with the problems?" Heartbeat scoffed. "You're weak, useless, stupid... heck, I don't understand why anyone would want you as a friend!"

"Just you watch it, you conniving, stupid--"

"GUYS!" Dawn bellowed, stomping down the halls and picking up a spare botanical guide and Grimoire. She turned to face her companions, who'd fallen silent (although Heartbeat still muttered under her breath about how stupid Wind was, but Dawn let that slide). She regarded them with utmost scorn, before continuing briskly. "Now, I need to tend to my garden. Their internal clocks are telling them that they are getting watered and I do not feel that it is right to trick them."

The other two followed her, and she could hear the echo of their talonsteps as she made her way to her greenhouse garden, an enormous space cut into the rocky cliff side and covered with glass. The antechamber was a small space accessible with a door, that had a mat, sink where you had to disinfect before so as laying a claw on the plants, and a separate sink for washing the mud and organic matter off your claws, with a biodegradable pump at the bottom for crushing and waste disposal in the compost, where worms composted it so that it could be used to help the plants grow better, as a sort of fertilizer. After washing her hands and putting on her gardening gloves, she pushed through the door and entered the greenhouse. Long, wooden beams made a pagoda all around the room, crisscrossing to create a canopy for when she opened the roof (although she wasn't about to open it now; the water would surely drown her plants, who needed only a specific amount of water), from which baskets with intricately wrought iron frames hung. They each had glimmering gemstones inlaid in the pattern, and the basket itself had a woven straw basket inside, with a smaller basket within to house a trail of hanging ivy, lush orange marigolds, and hot pink anemones, and these baskets were hung at each corner of the four-cornered pagoda. At the far end of the room, Dawn housed her bonsai trees, including her prized beauty, her lilac bonsai tree, a tall, graceful tree with the tiniest clusters of lush leaves and flowers that all bunched together so that it looked like you could sleep on one lush patch of leaves, and a miniature red pagoda and flower-forest below, with the tiniest of blooms and grasses inching out of the rocky soil, with little clusters of mushrooms between little cracks (a very helpful tip she learned from the Proper Care of Dragon Bonsais, a book she'd found in the endless libraries of her house. Her vegetable gardens were situated near the front, with a small workbench of tools and gardening equipment standing next to it, from which she proceeded to pick up her spray-watering pump, a simple bottle with a straw and a spray at the top, so that she could spray her smaller, more delicate plants.

"Dawn?" said Wind hesitantly, earning himself a glare from Heartbeat. He stepped forward as Dawn moved towards the first hanging basket, delicately spraying each plant with water.

"Yes, Wind?" Dawn replied, not taking her eyes off her plants as she watered them with utmost care. She peered at a small bloom that had grown there, and immediately identified an imposter weed growing amongst the flowers. She tended to it, then lifted her head.

"My grandmother has been complaining again. She's going to raise a petition with the other TempestWings for my banishment."

Dawn was surprised; Wind's grandmother loved him. Why would she want him banished? It just didn't make sense. Dawn opened her mouth, unsure of what to say to that, before she spoke, "Why would she do that, exactly?"

"Because she hates you."

Dawn scoffed, her gaze returning to her plants. She looked up again. "Why would she hate me, anyhow?"

"Because you're researching your past and using black magic."

"Look, Wind, your grandma's just paranoid," Dawn said, tending to her plants with a darting glance at Wind. "You can tell her to go eat rocks. There's no way I'm abandoning my family's history over a little catspat between me and her."

"This isn't a little catspat," sniffled Wind, throwing his wings up in disbelief. "I'll be banished!"

"When has your tribe ever trusted her?"

"Well, there was that time..."

"Yeah, but she mislead them."

"It's not her fault! She's OLD!"

"Well she doesn't get to call the shots," said Dawn tersely, "besides, she doesn't have that much of an influence. Why are you worried?"

Wind flapped his wings in exasperation.

"Aww," said Dawn. "You're so cute when you're all ruffled like that." She smiled pleasantly.
