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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

"Everytime the wind blows, I hear a sound,"

Background Information
Creator Prema Melody
Infobox Artist Prema Melody
Character Information
Nickames Aster, Nix, Nebula
Age 9 years (20 hys)
Gender Female
Orientation Bisexual
Pronouns She/They
Tribe WorkWings/RainWings
Occupation None in particular, researcher
Residence Lost City of Night
  • Unknown WorkWing (mother) and RainWing (father)
  • Plentiful (adoptive mother)

Asternix has scales that are like a sunset in the night sky with midnight scales fading into splashes of orange-ish beige and faint red. She has a blue-lavender underbelly and, orange-to-red frills and tail tip. Her scales are scattered with stars, sometimes constellations even. Her eyes are the same faint red and the scales on her head radiate with warm colors.

Her structure is wingless, due to the WorkWing part of her, and she has two stingers that don't work properly. Asternix has RainWing frills, WorkWing tusks and two eyes. Her general build is skinny with slightly below average weight.

Her right foreleg is disabled due it being too cold to thaw and she wears an enchanted silver wing on her left talon which allows her to more clearly see in the darkness, near the levels of NightWing night vision.

Asternix isn't an athletic dragon. Their only positive skill is their incredible speed and, with the aid of the ring, sight. She lacks any ability due to her genes clashing together and canceling each other out. Instead, she's more on the stealth side. Her capability to fight relies on how much her scales blend in with her setting, and how fast her opponent is. Sometimes she's even able to attack airborne dragons. Their weakness has, and always will be, fighting against SkyWings as they're too swift to be hit by her projectiles.


Nix is more reclined. She doesn't socialize often and sometimes barely talk at all. Nix more-so likes alone time a lot. She loves to spend the time quietly rolling in the fields until the sunset tuned into a midnight sea or pick bright red apples next to a cherry tree, a few examples. This makes her seem as a mysterious, mystical figure in the eyes of other dragons.

Her conversations with others is, nevertheless to say, weird. She's not that talkative as she hasn't interacted with others for a long while. However, sometimes in small bursts, she'll greatly exaggerate, joke or chatter about subjects she loves. When it's time to part, depending on the conversation, she'll either quietly sigh in relief or have a sorrow look with a weakened trot down the hill.

Nix is carried by curiosity. They wonder about certain things often, wanting to explore as to why the exist, how they exist, and other possibilities. Recently this has carried them to studying the stars, astronomy. Whenever she's on a topic, she can't resist to research all the things she doesn't exactly know.


Asternix hatched on the brightest moon, sometime around 5,003 AS. Her hatching startled her WorkWing mother. Not wanting both dragons to be caught, Nix's aunt helped Nix and their mother reach to Pyrrhia. However, due to difficulties involving the sea, Asternix was swept away on a birch log.

This log would drift onto the shores of the Rainforest, left there to wander on her tiny talons for half of the day. She was starved, a little one year old dragonet laying on the beachside. She curled on the night of her few last breaths, however, a RainWing found her and scoped them into their cottage where she was treated.

Nix would be cared by Plentiful, taken on short walks and given plenty of nutrients. Throughout the morning she would help with tending to the trees, picking fruit or re-setting seeds. In the evening she would join the RainWings to bathe in the summer sun. During the night her eyes scouted the Rainforest as she hunted. Not being native to the forest, Nix would constantly question things. She would study the birds, why the sun shines, how scales change. Of course, Plentiful couldn't answer all of her questions, some were even too complex to come out of Nix's mouth.

Due to her constant strive of curiosity, Plentiful tried to find a RainWing with a similar want to knowledge as all of the RainWings schools were barely active and fit. When she couldn't find one, she also searched through the night.

One morning, Nix, at the age of 3, didn't find Plentiful anywhere. She asked dragons, and even tried to trace footsteps but she couldn't spot the location of her adoptive mother. She climbed up towards the throne in an attempt to ask help from the queen, though Splendor was already missing. In place was Magnificent who denied her.

Mangrove and Orchid crossed the dragonet and took them in, worried for her. Though every night Nix would continuously search the Rainforest for Plentiful. Her search stopped when she was lost on the other side of the forest, opening her eyes to the rest of Pyrrhia. A young and naïve dragonet, Nix decided to run to the nearby Mud Kingdom in hopes of finding Plentiful.

Constantly, she entered and left kingdoms, leaving some dragons puzzled. Of course, sometimes she was spotted, sometimes she was taken in, however somehow, in someway, she left. Across 2 years, she continued to wander, pulling prey and fruit from anywhere she could. Eventually, in Possibility, a worried IceWing had them put in a Dragonet Center, watched over by multiple adults. Kept until the age of 7, Nix left back to the Rainforest about the time the NightWing Exodus ended. She asked many dragons, both RainWings and NightWings, if Plentiful had returned. Though, she came across Orchid who told her that Plentiful didn't make it.

Upset, she planned on leaving but decided to stay to watch over Plentiful's cottage. Constantly, the community of RainWings would cheer her up but she wouldn't reach her peak happiness as often anymore. They left when the Succession War was over, leaving their best friend to look over the cottage. She didn't leave because of grief or fear, she left because she wanted to know why? Her constant question was why.

Why do things work the way they do? Why do things happen?

She left to research libraries and ask question to professors, leading to her constant wandering and residence in the Lost City of the Night. On her way to the Lost City of Night, she ran into an encounter from a weakened IceWing who mistook her for a NightWing. Nix was able to overcome the battle, but her left foreleg was frozen dead cold. So in response, she went to a MudWing doctor who had her arm cut off. She still can feel the cold drift on that arm, even after months.

She returned to the site, finding a silver enchanted ring in the dark under a rumble if what could be assumed to be a den. She wore the ring, surprised to see her eyesight sharpen through the night. She kept it on, knowing it will help her more with her research. Of course, Nix would sleep, she rested under a cave which was carved for a library, but she spent more time through the night.

She may leave to either get more resources, or to take a break, but her main residence lied in the rumbles of the Night Kingdom.


Plentiful was the best dragon Asternix has ever had. She was a careful, slightly over-protective adoptive mother and cared the life for her. She would constantly feed her to health, send her to the medic if she was badly injured, and tried to answer Nix's multiple questions.

Her soothing lullabies calmed Nix and put them to sleep while her rewards brought Nix to be a hard worker. Plentiful was also Nix's combat trainer. Due to her build, she focused Nix more on stealth and how to use the dart gun. When Nix didn't like the dart gun, they switched to a dagger instead.

Their best moments is when they're together, working on the field helping trees grow and fruits blossom. Nix did the planting and reached for low hanging fruit while Plentiful aimed for the top. If she felt risky, Nix climbed to the top to reach for the highest fruit. Every time Nix would fall, she would be caught in Plentiful's talons.

Due to this, it was extremely painful when the news brought about that she died, and Nix entered grief and decline. Sometimes, she would try to revisit those memories again.

Mangrove & Orchid

For half of a year, the two RainWings looked over Asternix when she lost her guardian. Asternix didn't hate them, she was still at the time in denial that Plentiful was gone, searching constantly for her. They would care for her but her mind was stuck on the location of her adoptive mother.

  • Name comes from "aster" meaning star and "nix" meaning snow.
  • Asternix when she was younger sometimes jumped from a short branch to pretend she was flying, she didn't hurt herself though because it wasn't high enough to do any harm.




WorkWing Navigation
Vagues Present: GoldenwhispererRubysnapper

Historical: DiamondslayerDullemeraldCarpenterCrazy • Emeraldsplatter • AshsparkerPearlscrapperMonomoriumOnyxrunnerGarnetcrusher

Lesser Queens Present: CyrogladiatorAzulwashingJadeshovingPharaoh (queen)

Historical: Pebblestepper • Yellow • Peridotslammer • Dungbeetle • Yellow III • Malachitewrestler

Royalty Present: Dungbeetle IIAndesitecarver • Electric (ward)

Historical: Sapphirebolt

Other Dragons Present: Katydid • Ashglarer • Opalstriker • Chafer • Sardonyxchipper • Aphid • Blightclasp • Scarab • Amethyststomper • Junebug • Hercules • [ • Tapinoma • Belohina • Meru • Rubycrusher • Polyrachis • Oakburner • June • Goldbinder • Goldchipper

Historical: Amberscorcher • Violetslasher • SapphirecarverFireflyQuartzseekerScarabPharaoh (commander) • Deathwatch • Birchkiller (multiple)Coalkiller (multiple)MoundMoonrunnerJuneBrecciaslashCrystalburnerRoseWormTopazclawer

Hybrids Present: Asternix • Deathwatcher

Historical: Lapiscarver • Clearsight

Mythical Pannipha
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