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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
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Ashes is a female NightWing created by L1quid. She is the main protagonist in Shifting Storms, the second novel in Pern.


Ashes has black scales like shadows or the hardened rock on a lava field, and orange eyes. Her horns, underbelly, and the spikes running down her back are grey.

A small, claw-shaped piece of obsidian hangs from a silver hoop on one of her ears (kind of like an earring). She also wears a fire-proof sheath around her chest that contains an obsidian knife in it.


Ashes, like Tide, is loyal her respective government, and is unable to see through their lies and is terrified of failing them.

Despite this, she is a master liar, using words to weasel her way into anything.

She is also numb to horrific acts of violence, such as throwing a dragon into lava for their beliefs (that go against the teachings of the NightWings) or destroying a coalition of humans and dragons for political gains.

Species Adaptations[]

Ashes has normal NightWing species adaptations - can camouflage in the night sky and dark areas, nocturnal sight, breathing fire, and an enhanced sense of smell.

Because she hatched on the NightWing island, Ashes has developed slightly fireproof scales and bacteria in her mouth like a komodo dragon.


Shifting Seas[]

Ashes is a supporting character in Shifting Seas - the first novel in Pern, which occurs two hundred years post-Prophecies (after the main events of Wings of Fire).

She first appears at Ruby's palace accompanied by Vulcan, entering the SkyWing throne room, where all the draconic leaders of "Pern" have gathered to discuss the looming threat of domestic and extraterrestrial war. Tide notes that there is a human on Ashes' back, and the NightWing tells her it's her "pet" whom she calls "Firehead", due to the orangish hue of his head hair.

Ashes was present during dinner, which was held in Ruby's dining hall, eating the food provided by the SkyWing queen (and giving some to her human rider).

She was present at the religious service the next morning, where the SkyWings worshipped their god, and was placed in the backmost pew, alongside the IceWing representatives. When Marsh, the MudWing queen, was nearly assassinated by Lava, one of Vulcan's finest assassins, Ashes stayed put as Tide and Argil chased her down the tunnels of the SkyWing palace.

Ashes appears later on in the story, where Tide and Argil meet her in the Poison Jungle. Both dragons instinctively don't trust her, but she tells them that she can lead them to the Undercurrents' new base, which is a futuristic version of the Indestructible City.

As Ashes lead the two across Pantala, Sunny, an egg that Tide found in the jungle hatches. Ashes suggests the name Silica for her, but the SeaWing and MudWing quickly disapprove of it.

Later, on the shores of the MudWing-SeaWing border, Argil gives Sunny to Ashes and tells her to hide as a patrol is coming. Ashes hides in the trees as Tide and Argil are attacked by Jambeau, a SeaWing, and his mini human army, which nearly kill the two. As Jambeau's human prepare to kill the dragons, Anemone and her human find them dying on the beach and also find Ashes and Sunny in the nearby trees.

Ashes is arrested and questioned before the Undercurrents deem her "safe" for public life.


As Ashes' NightWings bind and prep the dragons and humans for a transportation-like device, she growls at Tide, "It was politics that built you, and it was politics that destroyed you".

Ashes appears in the epilogue, arriving on the NightWing island and telling Vulcan that the last of Pern's dragons have surrendered themselves to his rule. Vulcan asks if she used the "I have important information" technique or the "forcing you to surrender through threats" technique, and she says that the latter worked like a charm.

Shifting Storms[]

Ashes is the main protagonist of Shifting Storms - the second novel in Pern, which occurs two hundred years post-Prophecies (after the main events of Wings of Fire).

Shifting Stars[]

Ashes is a deuteragonist in Shifting Stars - the third/final novel in Pern, which occurs two hundred years post-Prophecies (after the main events of Wings of Fire).


Human-dragon resistance[]

The human-dragon resistance formed when the dragons of Pern realized that they couldn't fight Vulcan on their own. So they turned to humans for help, and an unlikely alliance was formed.

Ashes was assigned by Vulcan to find the resistance and snuff them out so that they may be destroyed. When she and Phoenix, her rider, were found by the resistance, the NightWing lied about why she was there and they easily accepted her into the group.

While at the resistance's base in a (futuristic) Indestructible City, Ashes and Phoenix secretly passed off information about the resistance to the NightWings so that a large-scale invasion would catch them off guard.

This leaking of information led to a night ambush of the base at the end of Shifting Seas, which effectively destroyed the resistance and put them under Vulcan's rule.


Lizard is a female proto-dragon, and one of Ashes' distant ancestors.


Phoenix (dragon name: "Firehead" ) is a male human and Ashes' rider. He originated from a futuristic version of Talisman.


Tide is a female SeaWing and an heir to its throne. Ashes got the SeaWing to trust her before betraying her to the NightWing government.


Vulcan is a male NightWing and the leader of the NightWings in Pern. He considers her one of his most important dragons, due to her expertise in lying and passing on information to the the tribe.


  • "It was politics that built you, and it was politics that destroyed you." - to Tide at the end of Shifting Seas


  • Ashes (NightWing) is the Wings of Fire adaptation of Ashes (VolcanoWing) from L1quid's These Alien Dragons trilogy.
    • Ashes' name was chosen because she was one of the dragons caused the ultimate destruction of planet Eukarya in the series, leaving the (metaphorical) ashes of dead civilizations behind.
    • Ashes appearance in Turning Tides (TAD bk.1) was loosely based on Crocodile, a female MudWing who only appeared in Wings of Fire: The Lost Heir (2013). Throughout the rest of the series, she is loosely based on corrupt government officials throughout human history.
      • L1quid intentionally made Vulcan, Ashes, and most of the VolcanoWings in These Alien Dragons pure-evil characters because they despise the overuse of the "sympathetic villain" trope in modern fiction. (They do like the "sympathetic villain" trope, but only when it's executed correctly.)


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