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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

WARNING. This page contains mature content/themes including death, anxiety, weapons, trauma, gore, and violence. It is highly recommended you avoid this page if sensitive to any of these topics. Thank you.


This page belongs to Robyn. Do not steal this page’s content or coding.

The ArnavVerse[]


Arnav (are-nah-v)

Ocean; Air; Sun; Wave; Stream; Sea

Titled for the Sanskrit word “Arnav”, this alternate universe is developed centrally around the importance of seafaring technology. Trade routes flourish under the invention of ships, and pirates roam the seas. Passage to foreign worlds made easy by the development of these technologies, islands, and even whole continents, unknown to society have been discovered. Among them, new dragon tribes, new threats, new magics.

Though a seeming utopia, the ArnavVerse’s earth is built on the ashen ruins of previous societies. A scavenger empire brought down by a swirl of flames, the remnants of massive buildings, buried far beneath the surface. Reducing the thriving humanoid population to minuscule numbers, the dragons of old took the world back centuries, rendering the technological age of the scavengers an element of the past.

Then the renaissance era. The rebirth of technology, the rebirth of advanced science and possibility. The world reconstructed itself, though instead of scavengers ruling the realm, the dragons were an unstoppable force. Until, far in the future, where an alien creature descended from the vaulted heavens. Their insatiable appetite for dragons drove them to maul the massive cities spanning the continents, tossing society once more into the abyss of turmoil and chaos.

Current Date: 9, 224 AS. It is the autumn harvest, around November


This alternate universe (AU), is open and actively accepting contributors. However, it belongs to Robyn. This is the work of Robyn’s imagination, and constructed of their headcanons and theories. Any theft of this AU’s ideas, theories, name, coding, or anything akin will be dealt with immediately.

If requesting to have a character placed into this universe, be sure to leave a comment on the page, pinging Robyn (@Dragon Cat114) so they are sure to receive the notification. Do not edit this page unless you have been given explicit permission, or are a named contributor.



The current events of the timeline occur around 5, 012, where this universe is dominantly set. However the timeline itself extends far into the future, hinting at possible events and twists. Referenced from the timeline here.

The Rein Of Kings[]

  • Begins around 7, 000 PSE (pre-scorching era)
  • The Lost Eon (7, 000 PSE - 6, 900 PSE)
  • The Earth is about 40-80°F hotter than present day
  • The continents are all meshed together to form one massive land mass known as “Titan”
  • Titan is reined by dinosaurs
  • The first dinosaurs evolve
  • Jurassic Age (6, 900 PSE - 6, 800 PSE)
  • The middle age of the dinosaur history
  • Cretaceous Age (6, 800 PSE - 6, 600 PSE)
  • Latest age of the dinosaurs
  • Dinosaurs are larger than the average dragon, though not by much. These have primitive wings sprouting from their backs, however they cannot fly
  • Would later evolve into dragon-like creatures (or the first ancestors of dragons)
  • Ancient human civilizations referred to them as “dragons” for lack of a better term
  • Dinosaurs were hunted to near extinction by humans and later wiped out by a series of gigantic earthquakes that split the continents up, forming our modern day dragon world
  • Rein Of Kings comes to a close around 6, 600 PSE

The Age Of Humanity[]

  • Began around 3, 576 PSE
  • Humans were around mid 2020s technologically
  • Modern-like cities existed
  • Humanity is at peak advancement
  • First dragons are being hunted for sport

Pre Scorching[]

The Scorching[]

  • Modern-day years begin at 0 AS
  • Dragons of Pyrrhia overthrow the humans, slaying most of the population
  • Tribes separate, leaders are chosen
  • Pyrrhia dissolves into a state of constant warfare for wounded 500 years
  • Scorchbourne is constructed in 530 AS

The Founding Of Pantala[]

  • Occurs between 0-3,000 AS (approximated around 2, 000 AS)
  • BeetleWings and LeafWings are exiled
  • They find Pantala and settle there
  • Breath Of Evil is almost obliterated

The Age Of Darkstalker[]

  • Roughly 2, 956 AS
  • The Gift Of Diplomacy is created by Penguin
  • Roughly 2, 972 AS
  • Queen Vigilance takes the NightWing throne
  • Roughly 3, 001 AS
  • Albatross begins construction on the SeaWing Summer Palace
  • Roughly 3, 003 AS
  • Manta and Reef of the SeaWings are married
  • Roughly 3, 006 AS
  • Prince Arctic and Foeslayer meet and fall in love
  • They run away together, sparking the NightWing/IceWing war
  • Roughly 3, 007 AS
  • Darkstalker, Whiteout, and Thoughtful hatch
  • Roughly 3, 008 AS
  • Fathom discovers his animus abilities
  • Clearsight hatches
  • Roughly 3, 011 AS
  • Royal SeaWing Massacre
  • Clearsight and Darkstalker meet
  • Roughly 3, 012 AS
  • Arctic is slain
  • Foeslayer is captured
  • Whiteout and Thoughtful meet
  • Clearsight and Fathrom defeat Darkstalker
  • Roughly 3, 015 AS
  • Fathom and Indigo start their family

The Discovery Of Ninjago[]

  • Roughly 3, 020 AS
  • Discovered by forces of both Pyrrhian and Pantalan tribes combined
  • Colonized
  • Roughly 3, 050 AS
  • The Serpentine Wars Occur
  • Roughly 3, 060 AS
  • The SerpentWings are driven underground

The LeafWing Dark Ages[]

  • The first case of Leaf Mold is contracted around 3, 050
  • A good portion of the LeafWing tribe is infected
  • The Queen dies from Leaf Mold
  • Turmoil ensues as the tribe suffers a plague and a leadership crisis
  • A commoner rises up to ascend the throne starting the current royal line
  • The disease is somewhat contained for now

War Of The Stars[]

  • 4, 000 AS
  • Aaravos arrives on Pyrrhia from an unknown location (presumed an undiscovered island or animus creation)
  • 4, 010 AS
  • Aaravos meets the IceWing Monarch of the time
  • Aaravos begins a war between the IceWings and SeaWings
  • Aaravos is listed as a threat and imprisoned by an animus IceWing

The SkyWing Tragedy[]

  • Around 4, 800 AS
  • Odin of the SkyWings and IceWings ascends the throne
  • Odin and Frigga immortalize themselves
  • 4, 810 AS
  • Hel hatches (born from Odin and an unnamed NightWing)
  • 4, 815 AS
  • Hel is banished and held back by Odin’s magic
  • 4, 818 AS
  • Thor hatches and is proclaimed heir to the throne
  • 4, 820 AS
  • Loki hatches and is abandoned by his IceWing parents
  • Loki is taken in/adopted by Odin and Frigga
  • Loki is proclaimed a Prince
  • 4, 830 AS
  • Frigga is murdered
  • 4, 836 AS
  • Thor is immortalized
  • 4, 838 AS
  • Loki is immortalized
  • 4, 840 AS
  • Odin abandons the throne, leaving it for Princess Firestorm
  • Loki fakes his death
  • 4, 940 AS
  • Odin dies
  • 4, 941 AS
  • Thor challenges Firestorm and loses, nearly dying
  • Thor leaves the Sky Kingdom
  • Hel returns to torment her brothers
  • 4, 942
  • Loki is murdered
  • Thor kills Loki’s murderer and revives Loki
  • Thor and Loki go their separate ways

Pantalan Events[]

  • 4, 462 AS
  • Tree Wars
  • SilkWings are enslaved
  • Massive swaths of the jungle are burned
  • LeafWings go into hiding
  • HiveWings become supreme power of Pantala

The Rein Of Queen Oasis[]

The Death Of Oasis[]

The War Of SandWing Succession[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

  • 5, 011 AS
  • Books:The Dragonet Prophecy, The Lost Heir, The Hidden Kingdom, The Dark Secret, The Brightest Night, Prisoners
  • Turtle enchants Anemone to be an animus to prevent his secret from being discovered
  • The Dragonets escape from their guardians and are captured by Scarlet
  • Glory wounds Scarlet with venom and the dragonets escape with Peril’s help
  • Clay meets his family and Ruby becomes SkyWing Queen
  • The Dragonets arrived at the Summer Palace and meet Tsunami’s family
  • Tsunami figures out Orca’s statue was killing the female eggs
  • The Summer Palace is attacked by Burn’s army
  • The Dragonets arrive at the Rain Forest
  • Glory discovers the tunnels
  • Glory becomes RainWing queen
  • Starflight is kidnapped by Morrowseer and returned to the Night Kingdom
  • Starflight meets the false Dragonets Of Destiny and Dreamvisits with Glory to warn her
  • RainWings attack the NightWing island and free the imprisoned dragons
  • Queen BattleWinner dies
  • The volcano erupts and Starflight is blinded
  • Sunny is kidnapped by NightWings, from whom she escapes and steals an enchanted mirror
  • Sunny meets her mother, Thorn, and discovers she’s a hybrid
  • Sunny is taken to Burn’s Stronghold and later freed by Peril and Thorn’s Outclaws
  • Burn is killed by a Dragonbite viper, Blister is killed by the Eye Of Onyx, and Thorn becomes the new Queen
  • Darkstalker’s enchanted bracelet breaks off
  • Fierceteeth and Strongwings escape prison with the help of Saguaro
  • The dragonets plan an intertribal school
  • Hatchings: Auklet, Cliff
  • Deaths: Fjord, Crane, Crocodile, Vengeance, Battlewinner, Morrowseer, Preyhunter, Tapir, Bright, Orangutan, Dune, Horizon, Viper, Sandstorm, Blister, Burn, Palm, Gill, Tortoise, Whirlpool, Kestrel, Osprey, Cardinal, Arbutus, Mushroom

The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

  • 5, 012 AS
  • Books: Moon Rising, Winter Turning, Escaping Peril, Talons Of Power, Darkness Of Dragons
  • Jade Mountain Academy opens with its first students
  • Moonwatcher is contacted by Darkstalker
  • Sora attempts to kill Icicle
  • Icicle is blackmailed by Scarlet
  • Moonwatcher receives a new prophecy
  • Winter and the Jade Winglet track down Icicle and Queen Glory imprisons her
  • Shapeshifter greatly injures Kinkajou
  • Winter discovers that Pyrite is really Hailstorn
  • Hailstorm and Winter participate in the Diamond Trial. Hailstorm returns to the Ice Kingdom claiming he’d killed Winter, while Winter helps Foeslayer escape
  • Peril and Turtle leave Jade Mountain and look for Scarlet
  • Peril meets her father, Soar
  • Scarlet makes Ruby give up her kingdom
  • The Jade Winglet steal Darkstalker’s scroll and Peril burns it
  • Darkstalker is released
  • Turtle enchants a stick to keep him hidden from Darkstalker
  • Turtle enchants Qibli’s earring to protect him from Darkstalker’s spells
  • Anemone heals Kinkajou and puts a love spell on her
  • Darkstalker exiles Anemone
  • Anemone and Turtle fight and it’s revealed that Turtle enchanted Anemone to be an animus
  • Darkstalker teleports all animi to himself, imprisons Turtle, and takes away his animus powers
  • Darkstalker inflicts a plague on all IceWings, killing the Queen and rendering her daughter, Snowfall, as leader
  • Qibli multiplies his earring to protect others from Darkstalker’s spell as well
  • Qibli and Winter save Ostrich from the Talons Of Power
  • Onyx attempts to kill Queen Thorn
  • The Battle Of Jade Mountain occurs and is ended by an enchantment crafted from Qibli and Turtle’s combined efforts
  • Darkstalker is turned into Peacemaker by Kinkajou
  • Winter helps found a town called Sanctuary
  • Winter and Qibli establish a relationship

The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Future[]

The War Without Winners[]

  • 5, 080 AS
  • Queen Ruby is assassinated
  • King Smolder is assassinated
  • Prince Cliff takes over as King
  • 5, 081 AS
  • Prince Cliff resigns from King
  • Condor becomes monarch
  • 5, 082 AS
  • War against the RainWings begins
  • 5, 083 AS
  • RainWing heir (Dragonfly) is assassinated
  • Glory and Condor meet, where Glory kills Condor in a duel
  • Tanager becomes ruler in place of Cliff for a time
  • 5, 086 AS
  • Cliff takes the throne once more

The Crimson Scourge[]

  • 6, 005 AS
  • The “parasite” is discovered in the rainforest
  • First scientists are infected
  • Disease spreads to the MudWings
  • SeaWings retreat to the Deep Palace
  • SkyWings become infected
  • Disease spreads to Pantala
  • The rainforest is burned
  • 6, 006 AS
  • SandWings become infected
  • Mass drownings occur
  • IceWings rebuild the Great Ice Wall
  • NightWings retreat to Night Kingdom
  • The Hives are burned
  • The strong Leafspeakers create an impenetrable LeafWing base
  • Sky becomes clogged with ash from mass fires
  • Global temperatures drop 10°F
  • 6, 007 AS
  • The mysterious NightWing announces they see a bright future
  • IceWing and NightWing scientist discover a cure together
  • 6, 100 AS
  • The world returns to normal

A Quiet Place[]

  • 7, 000 AS
  • Dragon society is technologically advanced (adorned mid 2020s modernity wise)
  • Massive creatures descend from the sky
  • A Quiet Place Part II prologue begins
  • A Quiet Place: Day One plot occurs
  • A Quiet Place plot occurs
  • A Quiet Place Part II plot occurs
  • Society remains in a state of turmoil
  • Monsters are finally hunted to extinction by the SeaWings and the world begins to rebuild

Camp Cretaceous[]




  • Dark Red - SkyWings
  • Red - Fanon Towns/Villages
  • Light Green - WealdWings
  • Orange - Canon Towns
  • Dark Purple - NightWings
  • Light Blue - IceWings
  • Yellow - SandWings
  • Black - ChasmWings
  • Lilac - AmazonicaWings
  • Dark Green - RainWings
  • Brown - MudWings
  • Dark Blue - AevumWings
  • Light Pink - Schools
  • Dark Teal - Sea Creatures



  • Dark Teal - Sea Creatures
  • Orange - Unclaimed lands
  • Yellow - HiveWings
  • Purple - SillWings
  • Pale Lilac - ObscureWings
  • Dark Green - LeafWings
  • Blue - Unexplored lands
  • Red - Fanon Towns/Locations

Isles Of The Arnavverse[]

Xadia: Xadia is across the continent from Pyrrhia and Pantala, and is home to the archdragons, archtribes, and colonizers from Pyrrhia and Pantala.

Ninjago: Ninjago is south of Xadia, and is home to SerpentineWings, BoneWings, and numerous other tribes unique from the other Pyrrhian and Pantalan settlers.

The Demon Realm: The Demon Realm is an alternate dimension to the Overworld (which contains Xaida, Ninjago, Pyrrhia, and Pantala). The Demon Realm is home to The Boiling Isles, and other smaller islands formed from the bodies of fallen titans.

Amphibia: Amphibia is another alternate dimension with a single continent (that being Amphibia). This dimension is closely related to The Demon Realm, and often times they share many similarities.

Animi/Animus Magic[]

Put in place by the wise animi known as Turtle and Anemone, a set of rules were instigated to help prevent another Darkstalker from arising. The object these rules were cast on has vanished, and is suspected to be guarded somewhere incredibly safe. These laws include:

  • No dragon shall make themselves immortal, nor can they make another immortal
    • However, there is a spell that allows immortality, as long as the dragon isn’t killed in battle, or from a wound, they will live. The effects of disease and time cannot ravage their bodies
  • No dragon may make their scales as hard as Diamond, or invincible
  • No dragon can alter the past, or go back and change key events, no time travel permitted
  • Animi are required to make a once yearly trip to a structure like an hourglass, where they will stand and be judged based upon the sand
  • If there is more white sand (white being the bad color) that animus is required to stop using their magic and do good for others, to help replenish the amount of their soul lost
  • You cannot clone or create a dragon, nor can you enchant another dragon or enchant something that could effect another dragon
  • Spells cannot be cast to overpower these rules. If attempting to break the rules, or change them, the current animus protector of the enchanted object will be magically notified, and they have full right to take action
  • You cannot make yourself, or another dragon an animus, nor can you take away already existing power

This enchantment was cast by Jerboa III, who was glad to limit the amount of things an animi could do. Despite having the ability to use their powers, most animi are strictly bound by these laws, and rather not use it at all and protect their souls.

Most tribe’s views of animus magic haven’t changed. The IceWings still revere it, though the current Queen rarely enforced the “one dragon one enchantment” rule of the IceWings past. SkyWings still practice extermination processes of their animi, which is permitted by the Queen to prevent an Albatross incident, though with the new laws in place, there should never be another Albatross or Darkstalker. Newer tribes, such as the ChasmWings view animus magic as a highly useful tool, though they cannot, genetically, have it. Overall, animus magic has much higher value then previously, though it’s suspected that the animus gene will die out, and animi will be lost to the centuries.


The most common form of travel other than flight or walking is easily by ship. Vast ships have been constructed to make the distance between Pyrrhia and Pantala manageable. Large ferries offer sight seeing tours around the numerous islands and bays scattered across the continents, and fish is one of the bigger industries as a result.

Boats were originally proposed by Qibli to Tsunami and Turtle, but the actual concept wasn’t created until the abandonment of Pantala, and even then those boats were primitive. The first “real” ship was constructed by a SeaWing/SkyWing pirate by the name of Sparrow who deemed his ship The Blue Pearl. He also deemed the term “pirate” for pillagers of the sea, and many others followed his examples, creating a danger to seafaring travel and trade. The oceans soon grew to have dedicated shipping lanes from continent to continent, and for the most part, Pirates respected that. Trading companies flourished in light of these trading/shipping lanes, and they’re the lead group against the existence of pirates.




Dimensional Travel[]

Dimensional travel is a common practice throughout the isles of the Arnavverse, though is strongly advised against due to the dangers surrounding it. There are many alternate dimensions tethered to the main continents of Pyrrhia and Pantala. The dimensions (including Amphibia, the Gravityverse, the Demon Realm, and the 16 realms surrounding Ninjago).

There are many forms of dimensional travel, whether it’s through use of magical objects (such as the Calamity Box or the Realm Crystal) or through natural means of the dimensional (like Titan’s Blood). The dimensions of Amphibia and The Demon Realm share a very close connection, and share many similarities, while Ninjago’s 16 realms are somewhat separate. The Gravityverse is also very close to Amphibia and The Demon Realm.


There are numerous monotheistic religions that span the wide reaches of the two continents.

Teachings Of A Trickster

This religion was formed by none other than our infamous trickster Loki. This religion has mostly died out, but in the time when Loki was banished, it was strong. He dazzled his followers with unseen demonstrations of shape-changing, and he might have manipulated their minds into worshipping him. Loki’s followers mostly feared the aggressive hybrid’s intentions, and decided following him was better than being slaughtered at his claws.

There are a few followers that think Loki is an actual god. A higher being come to walk earth alongside them, and teach them the ways. Loki’s followers were criminals, using the talents their leader taught them for evil. The religion fell apart though once Loki was murdered, and the reality that he could die brought down the belief he was a god.

Canon Characters[]

These dragons are featured largely in the Wings Of Fire Universe as well as the ArnavVerse.
















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CW Base Ex2

Dragon Cat114



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HiveWings can have stingers in their wrists or tails, and can have venom in these stingers, as well as in their teeth and claws. This venom can paralyze for up to 48 hours, and causes a cold chill to spread through the body before being replaced by the feeling of fire. You cannot move, whatsoever. The paralyzation can be undone if the paralyzed dragon is exposed to an extremely strong stimulant.

Some HiveWings can release an incredibly foul odor that smells “like pickled sulphur”. There’s a possibility that some HiveWings can shoot paralyzing darts from their tail tips.


Many HiveWings were injected with the Breath Of Evil as dragonets, and could’ve been control by Ex-Queen Wasp, before her death.

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LeafWings can photosynthesize, or convert sunlight into glucose, which their bodies use as food. Due to possessing this ability (like RainWing) they don’t have to eat as often. However, without sunlight they can become weaker, and their scales dull easily. They rely heavily on the sunlight, due to hunting in the Poison Jungle being dangerous.


Some LeafWings can be hatched with Leafspeak, which is the ability to control plants. They can heat and understand the plants’ language, which allows them to cause the plants to grow at will. This power can be weak or strong, and in hybrids, they often cannot control plants, but still understand their leafy languages.

Color Changing

LeafWings slightly change colors depending on the season. Their wings, sails, and leaf tail-tip become tinged with orange, red, gold, and brown during autumn. Their sails and wings get white tinted in the winter, and they gain frosty hints around their talons. Their colors are also duller in winter, and richer during spring and summer.


Leaf Mold

Leaf Mold, also known at the LeafWing Plague, is a disease that mostly affects LeafWings. Leaf mold is inspired by the actual decomposition of leaves, that is known as leaf mold. Many people use it to make compost, and it’s essentially the leaves disintegrating.

Leaf mold is a severe disease, that is spread by the exhalation of spores on one’s breath, resulting in the infected being isolated together or exiled entirely. Leaf mold is most dangerous to the elderly dragons and young dragonets (under the age of 2 DY). Leaf mold typically kills within 1-14 days, if it does become severe enough, and it usually renders its survivors with permanent blister scars around their eyes (often leaving them blind). The fevers it causes are also high enough to cause blindness before the blisters, as well as temporary or permanent deafness. It can also leave its victims with permanent joint pain, from the intense aches it creates.

On days 2-3, the disease typically results in a red tinge along the wings, that is hardly visible unless your scales are extremely pale. It also gives cold symptoms (such as fever, chills, aches, dizziness, etc).

Leaf 1


On 4-5 days, the red along the wings darkens and is more visible on moderate scales, it also spreads to the sail. The fever has slowly risen, and dragons are more prone to fainting or fits in their sleep.

On 6-7 days, gaping holes have opened in the dragon’s wings, and the red along their sails has darkened. Their fevers are rising more, and hallucinations/fever dreams are more prominent. Night terrors also prevent the sick dragons from sleeping.

On 8-9 days, the red is a bright crimson, and the holes have spread inward on the wing, as well have started to affect the horns, sail, ears, and tail-leaf. Rashes have begun appearing on limbs/shoulders, as well as over the eyes.

On 10-11 days, blisters pop up around face, shoulders, limbs, and on the underbelly. Ears, wings, and sail are more torn, and the red is a bright visible shade. Muscle pain is at its height, and moving is difficult. Fevers are the hottest they will get, and fainting/fever dreams/hallucinations have claimed more lives. Hearing has started taking damage from the internal temperature, as well as eyesight. Eyes are painful to open, and they’re crusted on the outside with blood and a brown substance.

On 12-14 days, death often occurs. Blisters have appeared more, and the red has covered most of the body. Body temperatures have dropped an extreme amount, lower than the average. Most cannot move by now, and are typically beyond natural saving.

Lack Of Sunlight

“Withering” is a condition common in sun-deprived LeafWings. Without easy access to the sun so they can photosynthesize, LeafWings get weak quickly. Their scales dull easily without access to the sunlight, and their wings can shrink, or tighten up, similarly to how plants wither when they die. Their scales dull and get brown (or if they’re already brown they become grayer), and the leaf on their tail-tip can actually shrivel up and become nonexistent. This is why LeafWing typically don’t live on the forest floor.

First Names[]


PoisonWings are typically named after venomous, or dangerous/carnivorous plants (ex Sundew, Hemlock, Belladonna). These names can be two-part, or just one, and can also take from the genus of different plants or the scientific name (such as Prunus or Ricinus). They can also be named after dangerous kinds of fungi (such as the Death Cap mushroom).


SapWings are usually named after less threatening plants, and more along the lines of trees (ex Willow, Rowen, Birch). They can also be named the same way as PoisonWings (including the genus or scientific name).

Dragons Of Mixed Blood

Hybrids and tribrids usually have a name that somewhat relates to a plant (ex for a leaf-sea a water plant name would be excellent). That’s the usual way parents name their dragonets, but it can be different as well.

Middle Names[]

Middle names typically follow the same naming scheme as first names (ex Sundew Hemlock, etc).


Surnames follow the usual naming scheme, and are also plant related. Last names are often two part and can have a “-“ or not (ex Plantfinder or Plant-Finder).


The LeafWings are typically ruled by a Queen, though there have been a few Kings in the past (namely King Juniper). The PoisonWings had an elected leader (Belladonna) while they were estranged from the SapWings, while the SapWings were ruled by Queen Sequoia.

The current LeafWing ruler is Queen Hazel, since the retirement of Ex-Queen Sequoia.


Royalty is passed down through the royal family. Queen Hazel is the great granddaughter of Ex-Queen Sequoia, and it is unknown who Queen Sequoia’s daughter and granddaughter are. Queen Hazel has no descendants as of now.


PoisonWings are essentially just thought to be the “meaner” of the two LeafWing classes, while SapWings are the “nicer” or the “sappier”. Otherwise, LeafWings have no subspecies.






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Current Locations[]


Cliffview is a town occupied mostly by IceWings and those with IceWing blood. Due to this town’s location in the subzero North of Pyrrhia, it is rarely visit by traders other than the traveling IceWing or IceWing relatives ones. SkyWings also occasionally meander up to the town, but that’s less common.

Port Zenith[]

Port Zenith is a thriving port frequented by traders and merchants. It’s home to the biggest trading company in the known Dragon World. The East Pyrrhian Trade Company (East Pyrrhian Co.). It is also home to the world famous Zenith Bazaar, a place known for hosting some of the most well-known artisans on the continents.

Historical Locations[]

Carex Village[]

Formed around 3, 030 AS, this village was young and didn’t last long. It was the first victim claimed by the effects of The Mold. The entire villages was wiped out by the effects of The Mold, and its last surviving member (a LeafWing healer) left a warning against anyone entering the space. The warning details the symptoms of The Mold, and leaves a chilling message. The scroll was discovered nearby the body of a resting LeafWing, who was presumed to be the healer and author of this letter:

The mold began as any other disease would, a fever, coughing, extreme exhaustion, just like any other outbreak of the common ailment. Then patients came, complaining about sores sprouting across their scales, and a nasty red across their wings.

I saw to the patients best I could, prescribing treatments for rashes (such as poison Ivy or poison oak) but to no success. Soon, the screams of pain lifted in the night, startling away the jungle creatures with their wails. Fever dreams and hallucinations claimed the lives of the first victims.

Soon the red turned into gaping wounds in the patient’s wings and sail. Wounds that were dripping with a dark brown substance, as well as blood. They reeked of rot, of moldy leaves, damp earth, and soiled meat. Then the mold spread, eating away at the dragon’s flesh, breaking down their very scales while they were still alive.

I discovered how the mold spread, spores were exhaled on the dragon’s breath, so the infected were exiled. I am haunted by the cries of pain as I sliced away rotting bits of bodies, haunted by the sights of parents gripping their dying dragonets. These visions will forever torture me.

It is getting late now, and I fear my candle is almost gone. To anyone who finds this letter, run, leave the ruins of this village and don’t touch anything. The mold is still here, still rotting away at the bones of its victims, still lurking in the dust particles drifting in the sunbeams. I wish I could’ve found a cure, but now, I must leave. I would fly away but as cruel fate must dictate, my wings have far too many wounds now.

The bottom part of the letter has been torn off or removed, leaving the healer’s identity a mystery.


Gallery/Image Credits[]

All Fantribe Sigils by Robyn

