The ArachWings are a work in progress fantribe created solely by Hypnosania. They are heavily populated with members and currently reside beneath Pantala and the outskirts of surrounding peninsulas.
Their features and lifestyle were primarily influenced by arachnids. Their design, content, and anything else that is not in your possession is not to be stolen, vandalized, copied or heavily referenced without given permission. Co-owners will not be accepted at this time.
Side Notes[]
This page is a work in progress, so everything you see here is not complete nor is it official.
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The ArachWings are a tiny, spider-like tribe with features mostly surrounding the idea of arachnids. They have slender and moderately muscular frames. They have large, gleaming yet always tired eyes with thin slits serving as pupils. ArachWings primarily live underground in caves and crevices, rarely creating their homes above land due to the risks of death.
ArachWings tend to grow small tufts of hair on the back of their necks and sometimes on their head. A common way that they style their hair surprisingly is like a mohawk. Second most common is braids, however majority of ArachWings are unable to grow their hair long enough.
Oddly enough, the rarest mutation is growing an actual tail. It rarely happens, however such ArachWings cannot spin webs therefore they have a difficult time with their natural features being primarily surrounded around arachnids. Second in line is albinism, any ArachWings with albinism often have extremely sensitive pinkish red eyes and very thin skin.
Royal ArachWings, similar to SeaWings, have a certain pattern on their wings. They have cobweb markings along the edges of their wings, typically faded white but occasionally a different colour. Different generations of royalty often have a different set of colours than the last, but sometimes two generations will have the same colour in a row.
Most ArachWings have a soft green colour as their blood, but sometimes it changes due to mutations. Common mutations include red, blue, and even a mix of both. A simple way of determining is based off of the colour of their ears, as there is a very high possibility of it being the same shade of their blood.
Their colours tend to vary from dragon to dragon, most are commonly grey, black, white with the occasional streaks of cyan. Less common but nonetheless still possible is any other additional colours. Piebald and melanism are semi-common pigments throughout various dragons.
There’s no real way to describe the multitude of styles ArachWings have, but the most commonly seen are capes and cloaks decorated with patterns like dragon skulls, spiderwebs, bold lightning shaped letters often saying their name or something else that describes them, and the occasional brightly coloured gingham patterns.
ArachWings who also believe in/worship a certain deity in their history (see beliefs section) wear outfits accordingly. An example would be: on the first king’s birthday, the dragons (most, if not all of ArachWings) wear colours according to his appearance and what he wore as a king.History[]
During the early stages of Pantala, ArachWings had not existed as a tribe yet. Through years of evolution from the HiveWings, BeetleWings, and other tribes that inhabited Pantala, the first ArachWings had hatched. At first, they looked more like a HiveWing with fur rather than what they look like today. Their wings had gone from transparent and shimmering to thick and imposing, and other features such as their facials, legs, neck, underbelly and tail had gone through several changes each following generation of ArachWings.
Before being considered as a “tribe”, ArachWings had been scattered across Pantala, living among the HiveWings and considered as one of them. The mixed genetics in their blood—proving the point they were not labelled true HiveWings— did not pass with the HiveWings. Soon these outcasts were chased out of each and every structure owned by the HiveWings until they had nowhere to live except tunnels and caves. They adapted well to the dark, enclosed and ashy crevices quite quickly. In that time period many of the “mutated HiveWings” crossed paths. Their “kind” spread across Pantala rather quickly, overpopulating within years. The first—and most respected—of their “kind” was labelled as Spiderling. With him came the formation of what we know as the ArachWings, who inhabit every part of underground Pantala and even beyond.
Spiderling wasn’t very fond of the HiveWings. Not just because his tribe had been chased out of every potential home by them, but the fact that they seemed almost desperate to get their talons on a few of his tribe members.
Many years ago, around when the HiveWings had captured the SilkWings as servants, they yearned for the small, crafty ArachWings to be apart of the team as well. Despite much threatening and fighting, the ArachWings kept strong. Year after year, each ruler would hold up the same guideline they had. “True dragons do not give in, no matter what is dragged along into their path”, is something they had created, said by the first ArachWing ruler in history. Each ruler, each generation, each dragon, no matter what, they didn’t give in. The ArachWings would capture the HiveWings underground, the darkness causing them to go mad, while the HiveWings had created something called “the ArachWing camp”, where they stole innocent dragonets and taught them that their tribe was a mistake, that they meant nothing to the world, as well as torturing them and killing them off one by one. Never worrying about running low, because they could just steal more. And even with all of the innocent dragonets with their life on the line, they finally got what they truly wanted. Spiderling.
And they killed him. The ArachWings knew nothing of this until the word had spread like wildfire. Devastated, they yearned to get revenge. They formed parties after parties of soldiers, eventually managing to take down a single hive with enough weapons and flammable materials.
Hundreds of vicious battles between the two caused enough damage to the both of the tribes—the HiveWings losing one of their hives—and the ArachWings losing many of their dragonets and even their KING, the war finally came to an end. They formed an agreement, but that did not mean they were allied. The damage that had happened to both tribe was unforgivable in their eyes.
Each tribe repaired their territories and slowly moved on from the things and dragons they lost. Their economies regrew to their original state. But the land they roamed still held the scars of the war, the blood of their lost soldiers, and the bodies of fallen heroes.
Spiders Of A Web[]
On the first of January each new year, it is tradition to celebrate Spider Of A Web, a memorial for their fallen king named Spiderling. Dragons dress up in cobweb themed costumes and parade around the palace for days to come, throwing dances and feasts. The event generally ends 1-2 weeks later.Spiderling=[]
Every ArachWing knows the tale of the great Spiderling, the founder of the ArachWing kingdom who single-handedly saved his tribe from the HiveWings. A war was raging between the two tribes for decades, a perilous decision made by the HiveWings in retaliation against Spiderling’s adamant protest against joining the SilkWings as servants. At the end of his life, he was captured and executed by the HiveWings. To his tribe, he is known as a hero. To the HiveWings, he is known as a villain and rebel. Spiderling was born on January 1st, and to celebrate his achievement, his tribe decorates their homes and themselves in dark, mysterious colours and cobweb designs, representing what he enjoyed most and what his appearance was shown to be.
Supposedly a ‘myth’, Wanderer was described as one of the greatest ArachWings in history. Many do not believe in her, but the ones who do celebrate her life in winter by wearing thick dark blue cloaks with white fur lining the edges and capes with snowflake patterns, as she was described as being the dragon who gifted the ArachWings the feeling of snow one cold year.
The ArachWings has remembered that day, and the ones who believed in her created calendars to state when Wanderer would bestow the frigid weather upon them. It is said to be every century and a half, and after many years found it to be true. Still, none of them know for sure if Wanderer is truly the dragon who brought snow to Pantala every 100 1/2 years. It’s a mystery.Lifestyle[]
Hybridism is extremely rare in ArachWings, due to their cut off communication with other tribes found on Pantala. Few, if any ArachWings have travelled to Pyrrhia.
ArachWings do not have access to every occupation, but offer quite a few.
textArachWings, like spiders, can have many eggs at one time. The dragonets hatch extremely tiny but grow to their ordinary size within a matter of months. Mutations occur while an ArachWing is inside of its egg, and most are only discovered near adolescence if not visible beforehand.
Relationships are open! Feel free to send a request in the comments. It will take time to add your tribe to the relationships, so please be mindful of that.
A very negative relationship between the two tribes. After their war ended, they would often have spats and small fights between them. After the HiveWings tortured their dragonets and tried to use them as servants, the ArachWings formed an unbreakable grudge against the HiveWings.
A positive-neutral relationship. The SilkWings are just a weak tribe in the eyes of the ArachWings, a tribe that can’t fight for their own rights, and a tribe that has nothing useful. But they’re still considered an ‘ally’, and they’re somewhat useful in battle.
The ArachWings don’t really care for the LeafWings, especially after most of them travelled to Pyrrhia.
A positive relationship. The ArachWings think the KoiWings are very unique and pretty, and a useful ally in battle. The KoiWings are owned by Ro.
The ArachWings find the bat-like tribe to be very interesting and a compatible ally, often seeking good relationships between their tribe members. The ChasmWings are owned by Robyn.
- Despite being terrified of arachnids, this tribe is the favourite of their creator
- They’ve gone through several redesigns, most
- of which have not been made public