“Venus, stop being a rotten pitcher plant. You should be sad that the Hives [1] are burning! This is like, step one of being a real LeafWing, stop having revenge on everything.”
— Appletree to Venus about becoming a SapWing.[2]
Appletree is a female LeafWing dragonet who currently resides in The Poison Jungle’s ruins, investigating The Breath of Evil. She was formerly part of the SapWings.
(please notice her cover art is a recolor of Sundew’s book cover by Joy Ang with the background of Moon Rising. I do not take any credit other than colors and facial edits. The dragon on the poison jungle is NOT canonly Appletree, I just like to think it’s her teaching Venus how to escape a dragon trap.)
Appletree has sage green scales with lighter underscales, and darker accent scales. Her wings, spine, and tail tip go from a very light yellow to a pinkish-red in a smooth fade. She has light yellow scales dotting her neck, torso, and tail, and her talons and back talons are the same yellow color. Her horns and forehead bit are pink-red, and she has small red freckles on her face. Apple’s eyes are the darkest black, and her pupils are white, like her eyes are inverted. Her chest frill is what makes her unique, aside from her colors that pop out from the others.
Appletree is intelligent, and her dark eyes are large and kind. She is fierce and protective, but when with her friends, she is giggly and behaves like any other dragonet her age. Apple believes that, like Blue, Wasp is the enemy, not the other HiveWings, and wants to take her down, unlike the other SapWings. She is best friends with Venus, an ex-PoisonWing.
Appletree and Venus are best friends, as she was the one to rescue Apple from a panther as dragonets. Afterwards, Apple took Venus into her tribe and started teaching her the ways of the SapWings. She regards Venus as “her wild side,” because Venus is usually the one to break the rules first when they go outside together. They both care about each other, and will do anything to protect one another from the dangers of the jungle.