Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

note: this dragon was 'adopted' from Red destruction. well, the idea came from them.

[currently being re-made]



— {{{2}}}

Antlion is a strange little SandWing dragonet who feels somewhat colder than a SandWing should. His main scales are a pale grey-yellow colour, possibly the result of too little sun, and his overscales are paler than his main scales, but just as grey. His underscales, however, are a pale amber-gold colour. His large eyes are a deep golden colour. His frill is a brown-ish colour, similar in hue to his eyes and underscales, and usually sticking straight up. His wings are a slightly darker colour than his frill, and dappled with a pale orange-yellow colour. Notably, Antlion's wings are shaped in such a way that the membrane reaches down to the base of his tail, before suddenly rising up again, and going back down again, in such a way that they create two useless flaps in addition to his main wings. These, again, do nothing, but can make him appear as if he has four wings from a distance.

Additionally, Antlion's tail is...strange. At the tip, he has not one but two main 'hooks' to his tail, a pair of them, along with a pair of similar but far smaller spikes further back towards the base of the stinger. This gives him the appearance of, at first, having two tail barbs. They are quite useless for injecting venom, though - the spikes aren't positioned quite right for the typical SandWing jabbing motion. The most he can do is scratch someone, but even then his toxins aren't especially potent. His horns are long, curving first downards, then upwards in quite an elegant way, and their colour is somewhere near the colour of brass.



— {{{2}}}

Antlion is quiet, but far from shy. He has this tendency to wriggle himself into trouble as soon as you turn your back, and this isn't helped by how easily he works with others. Especially his brother, Seagull. Thankfully, Antlion tends to obey others, but if he or someone he's close to dislikes you... let's just say it won't go well for you. Or your belongings. Especially that expensive glass sculpture that Antlion is just dying to push over. Or steal. Antlion isn't that much of a thief, but he does have a collection of gemstones, and, well, if it's shiny enough, he might just decide that it'll be better off in his possession.

Antlion's voice is usually small - he doesn't really yell that much. [WIP]
