This is a creation by Averie-the-LegoDrag0n and BlackburnTheDragon. Please ask us before editing.
Will be continuously adding to the story. Please comment below if you see anything else that may have been neglected.
Chapter One[]
Forty years before the Brightest night when the dragonets hatch in Book One: The Dragonet Prophecy.
Zirconred was a dragon with questions. Questions such as why were all the SkyWing animi being destroyed before they were given a chance to prove themselves worthy of being useful. The same was also true for the firescales like his deceased sister, who was tossed of a cliff directly after hatching. After trying to have these questions answered for the hundredth time, his parents finally told him the story of Sparkblossom.
"One millennia after the Scorching, the SandWings and SkyWings made a truce after a long war. The SandWings gave the SkyWings a trio of magic garnets that each gave the user extreme fire powers, and we gave them animus magic. Many generations later, all three of the Fire Garnets became under the possession of Princess Pyrope. When Pyrope challenged her sister for the throne but lost, the gems were passed down to her newly orphaned animus granddaughter Sparkblossom."
"At age ten, Sparkblossom's parents died, leaving her an immense fortune that was increased exponentially from inheriting her grandmother's treasure. When Sparkblossom inherited the Fire Garnets, however, she decided only to use them if there was an important cause. However, Sparkblossom did sell one to a pink-hued SkyWing named Rhodochrosite. She locked the other two in a chest that only an animus could open. After discovering her magic, she became one of the richest dragons in history. It is said that she owned one fifth of all of Pyrrhia's valuables at age 20. This was the year 1234."
"Sparkblossom's great-aunt (who was the queen) had no children, meaning Sparkblossom was the next heir to the throne. But only sisters, daughters, granddaughters or nieces could challenge the queen. When Sparkblossom discovered that her parents had been secretly killed by her great-aunt, she was determined to have her revenge. Because she couldn't kill the queen herself, she tried finding another way."
"To defeat the queen, Sparkblossom discovered a new, dark aspect of animus magic never seen before -- controlling other dragons. After months of careful planning and remaining calm in front of the queen, she set it in motion. During a rare party celebrating three full moons, an unexpected fiery explosion destroyed the balcony the queen was on, and many more were detonated inside the palace. The destruction sent black smoke into the air for miles, and the palace was turned to char."
"After two days of putting out the fires, Sparkblossom was discovered, unconscious but alive, locked in a deep cellar in her mansion. She told everyone to search for a reddish-pink dragon with a gold bracelet with amber beads. After searching the ruins for days, a decapitated pink talon with the bracelet matching the description was discovered. It was holding the shattered remains of the Fire Garnet that Sparkblossom had sold many years before."
"The only upside to the explosion was that a few of the survivors started experiencing unusual fire powers, including Sparkblossom's step-cousin, Vivid. These were the first of the firescales. Her mansion became the new palace. When Sparkblossom ascended the throne, her first act was to destroy the two remaining Fire Garnets, and that no other treasure like it be created in the SkyWing Kingdom. She also promoted Vivid to her new council."
"All of these events were Sparkblossom's own doing of course. And when she 'destroyed' the Fire Garnets, Sparkblossom buried them directly under her palace, as well as her old plans for taking the throne. She ruled for 40 years, and handed the throne down to her granddaughter Cinnamon without a fight. The box was discovered almost two millennia later, but not opened until another fifty years after that by Queen Carmine. She was the first to decree that all animus SkyWings and firescales were to be destroyed."
Instead of answering his questions, Zirconred had even more questions. One in particular was "are the Fire Garnets still around?". The story became one of his favorite mysteries to ponder over. His mother finally told him that these questions weren't important and that he should focus on something else, such as his fighting skills that didn't need thinking. Then came the time that Zirconred said out of frustration, "I wish that I had the Fire Garnets." An instant later two warm red gems fell onto the stone table.
Silence. His parents stared at the jewels that had landed on Zirconred's dinner plate. He was an animus. Half of Zirconred's brain was yelling "I'm an animus! I'm a powerful individual! Mwa ha ha!", and the other half said "But SkyWings don't like powerful dragons, soooooo ... now what?". It felt like an hour before anyone said anything.
The next few days were spent deciding what to do. Of course his parents didn't let him decide anything (typical). They finally decided that Zirconred should erase his own animus magic with a spell. He overheard them talking and did not really like that idea. If I run away, he thought, I could probably survive on my own. But where would I go? Maybe I should go find another animus. The only other animus dragon was currently a NightWing (he found that out by accident from eavesdropping on his parents). Maybe they're somewhere nearby.
He left that night, leaving a note for his parents saying not to follow him. But how to get to the secret NightWing kingdom? Nobody alive had seen it. Well, Zirconred thought, time to test out my magic. He found a small rock. Enchant this to bring me to the current NightWing animus.
After a strange feeling of being squeezed through a drain, he landed next to a young male NightWing, maybe two years younger than him. They were in a dimly lit cave that was stifling. The NightWing dragonet let out a startled yelp. "Hey. Calm down," he whispered. "I'm an animus, too. My name is Zirconred. Who are you?"
"Stonemover," the NightWing said. "How did you get here. Never mind. Magic, right?" Zirconred nodded, showing him the stone. "Why are you here?", asked Stonemover.
"I just wanted to talk to another animus. Isn't it great to have powers?".
"You wouldn't be so excited if you knew about the Darkstalker." said Stonemover.
Darkstalker. Zirconred had heard that name before. Sounded like some NightWing legend. He guessed it probably was.
"So how did you discover your powers?" asked Zirconred, trying to change the subject.
"After my dad told me to be quiet one too many times, I desperately wished that he'd leave me alone. It took me about a month for me to realize that I was an animus". After I discovered, I told my mother. That was a bad mistake. She immediately told Queen Battl..." Stonemover stopped talking.