Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki


Hello! Tis I, the narrator! I will prompt these dragons *gestures to VaIkyrie and Lightning* today, we (mostly they) will be debating (sort of) on the topic of Animus magic! All questions shall be brought to me!

Valkyrie: Who ever you are, please, put me back on my own page, I was happily doing nothing.

'Who ever I am?!' Did you not hear a word I just said? Are you even listening to me now?

Lightning: I am!

*sigh* Let's just begin. Prompt One: Was Jerboa III right to shatter Animus Magic, Why or Why not?

Lightning: That's complicated because on one side, it prevents all the bad spells but on the other it prevents all the good ones.

Valkyrie: I agree, it also prevents bad animus spells, like the obsidian mirror, from being disabled. And this spell is irreversible.

Lightning: Yeah, that's probably not a good idea, in case there's ever a need for animus magic. I feel like a better spell would have been to keep any animus spells- past, present, or future- from being used with bad intentions. So that way a spell that, for example, freezes prey couldn't be used to hurt a dragon.

Valkyrie: I don't think Jerboa put too much forethought into her enchantment. I feel like the reason she didn't disable ALL animus magic is because she knew it would bring down the Ice Palace and other useful animus spells (like her answer scroll).

Lightning: I agree, I don't think she thought about future useful spells, like spells to stop famines or save sick dragons.

Valkyrie: Yeah, but it's also a good thing she didn't, because then we wouldn't have dreavisitors or the gift of vision. (Both of which are very useful.)

OK, we've got some pretty good information. Now the next Prompt-

Lightning: Do you think that the pieces of Darkstalker's scroll still work?

Valkyrie: They could, Jerboa only said 'the power of all current Animus dragons' I don't think Darkstalker would count.


Valkyrie: Hush, we are trying to have a very serious conversation here-

Lightning: Oh! A butterfly!


Valkyrie: I don't know, there isn't really enough scroll left for anyone to do anything with it.

Lightning: Maybe another reason Jerboa didn't cancel out ALL animus magic is because she knew about the whole Darkstalker/Peacemaker thing.


Lightning: What do you think about animuses... animi... animu? losing their souls?


Valkyrie: Well, now it's not.

Valkyrie: To be honest, there is no right answer to that question

Lightning: What do you mean?

Valkyrie: With animus magic gone, there's no way to find out the truth...

Lightning: Can I share my theory anyway?

That's the whole point of this!!

Lightning: Perhaps it's simply a seductive power. When you use it, you want to use it more and more until it eventually becomes a consuming lust, and ultimately you go insane and tend to hurt others with your relentless thirst for power.

Valkyrie: Hm... I like that, makes more sense than, loose your soul and go crazy and murder everyone along the way MWA HA HA HA HA. Another theory is in the word itself, animus is Latin for mind, heart and soul. This could be a hint to its effect on the user.
