Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
For the Aesthetic Inspired Contest


Andromeda's main scales are a deep purple-ish color. The scales along her snout, eyes, legs, neck, and wings seem to be of a lighter purple and additionally have a sort of shine to them while her "wing-arms" are a shade lighter than these scales. Her belly is a pale purple, making quite a noticable difference between it and her scales. Like with most young dragons, the spines on her back are still a fair color, not yellowed with age or darkened from battles.

Unlike other NightWings, Andromeda's eyes and the underside of her wings seem to be a wave of purples and yellows, constantly in motion like the rippling waves of the ocean.


Andromeda has the notable personality of a child, being described as bubbly, excitable, and energetic by all who meet her. She takes full advantage of these welcoming traits while working as the apprentice of a baker, being the one to greet customers. Her bubbly personality can get her in trouble while working, however; especially when grabbing orders from the hot ovens and almost bumping into her boss multiple times. Even though she seems open to new friendships and relationships, Andromeda actually is very insecure, especially when her abnormal eyes and wings come into question.





Jupiter is Andromeda's overprotective father.


Juno is Andromeda's very "down to earth" mother.

Elara, Mars, Pandora, Venus, and Vulcan

These five are possibly the best friends that Andromeda could have asked for.




