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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Amethyst is an OC made by Ameythst


Amethyst is an 11 year old ice/night hybrid, he is partly responsible of stopping the Second War of Nightwing Succession. He is in a relationship with Cavern (Horizon The All-Wing)


The moment he hatched he saw the 2 full moons, meaning he would get 2 nightwing powers since he was a night/ice hybrid, he received prophecy and animus powers, 6 months old and he knew how to control his prophecy powers and learned how to not use his animus magic unless it was an emergency, his nightwing father wanted him to stay in the cave on the mountainside for the rest of his life, but his icewing mother wanted her son to go out there and find a soulmate and form a family, so his father abandoned them and took an egg with him, when he was 1 year old, his family and relatives came over to the cave o celebrate, when he was 2 years old he caught a polar bear to impress his cousins and parents, 4 days before his 3rd birthday, half of his relatives died from Darkstalker's border when they were trying to go to the old nightwing palace to examine the ruins, but failed when they crossed the border. He was really devastated, 6 weeks after his birthday, his little brother Shard came out of his egg. While he celebrated, he noticed that there was 1 full moon, meaning Shard would get a Nightwing power, and that turned out to be animus powers, after that he taught Shard to not use his animus powers unless it was an emergency, it was close to his 4 birthday so he was excited for another party, in the party, he battled an adult relative, but lost. He lost his temper so after the party he practiced his fighting skills and became strong and quick, in his 5th birthday, he challenged 3 adults and 2 dragonets to battle against him, with his cleverness partnered with his strength and speed he managed to take them all out, even though he won, he didn't celebrate, he helped them all up and said "Well played". After that, he taught Shard how to fight, 1 day before his 6th birthday, the Nightwing/Icewing war was on, his mother and the other half of his relatives agreed to go out there to fight for their tribe, which turned out to be icewings, but sadly, he lost his mother and the other half of his relatives due to the waves of superstrength, he didn't spit anger at the nightwings, he understood why, they were trying to survive, after that, he became an assassin that kills evil dragons so that other dragons didn't have to go through what he and his brother had to go through. He currently is in a battle with his brother at the nightwing volcano trying to find their hidden brother.

The War of Nightwing Succession[]

Amethyst was mentioned by Mistral when she was talking to Nightwatcher on a rock.

The Second War[]

Amethyst first appeared during an ambush in an infirmary, he killed the skywings that were attacking the dragons in the infirmary. He seemed to be a little bossy but also brave, when another attack came, he and Mistral and Shard defended the infirmary. Shortly after he and his friends made camp, he decided to make another camp. After several attacks happened, he decided to take turns guarding both camps. After Lumi died, he felt responsible. An epic duel happened between Sanddune (Who ordered the skywings to kill one of them, which was Lumi :() and him. After that, Bronze appeared, with some help from Spindle and Lumi, they were able to defeat him too. He found his father's spear and his mother's longsword, made an underground base, etc. He was nearly kidnapped by Nebula's dragons, but managed to get away. When Deathstalker betrayed them, he started fighting with no hesitation, after he realized that Sahara died. He killed Nebula with his mother's blade, to avenge Sahara . . . . . . . . (More will come soon!)


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Amethyst as a human
