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"All hail me!"
Amber is a firey red-orange, red, and brown SkyWing-MudWing hybrid. She has orangey-brown scales with fire-red under-wings. Her eyes are a turquoise blue/green. Her scales and spikes on her back are a deep shade of red. Her horns are long and curved, and they are a dark brown with deep red rings. She is thin but very muscular. Her wings are large from her SkyWing descent, and her arms/legs are burly from her MudWing descent.
"Gotta love me!"''
Bossy, mean, in-charge, leader, cool, mischievous... Amber is a very bossy dragon. She is the "Squad Leader" of her friend group. She is the "boss" of everyone, and she orders everyone around. She only likes those who follow her, or those in her group. She doesn't like it when people talk back to her or tell her off, because she believes she is the best and only she is. You can find her sitting with her friends in the library (causing trouble, obviously).
"There's definitely a problem with that...thing."
Amber has is very tough and strong. She may not look it from her thin appearance and seem it from her reputation, but she trains and works out a lot in her free time. She can hold her breath for almost an hour. Her wings are powerful, but not as large as a SkyWing's. Her claws are sharp and painful. Her teeth are very long and pointed, so if she bites you (or even snarls) it's either painful or intimidating. Amber is a medium-sized dragon, but very large compared to her classmates. She can breath fire in large, long plumes of flames, and in one short breath.
"Everyone thinks I'm such a great dragon!"