This character is owned by Wolfy. Please don’t steal, edit, or use inspiration for your own ocs. I also don’t seem to be getting the comment notification on this page! If you want to comment, please ping me!
DISCLAIMER: This page may include..
- death
- violence and fighting
- kidnapping
- arson
- multiple other crimes
- mentions of
- blood, death, fighting, war
- and much more!!
Please stop reading if you don’t feel comfortable with these things!
Alice is a SilkWing who resides in the underground lab. She has SeaWing abilities from a experiment, yet are useless to her as she dislikes water. She is not introduced in any stories yet.
TW: This character especially has mentions of c@nniba/ism and s@distic behavior! (also, to mods: please tell me if I was too descriptive! It’s in the “adult” section of her history and I don’t really know the limits to “don’t be too descriptive when explaining the mentioned topics above”)

- unemployed
- (past) lab experiment
- being alone with her thoughts
- creepy / dark things
- torturing her victims
- lurking in the darkness
- the screams of terror
- getting disturbed / distracted
- annoying / irritating dragons, humans, items, sounds
- bright light
- dislike
- dislike
- sadistic
- independent / prefers solitude/working alone
- resourceful
- emotionally resilient
- manipulating
- calculated / strategic
- authoritative
- unempathetic
- cunning / conniving
- ambitious
- very unpredictable
- merciless
- tactical
- relentless
- night owl / has insomnia
- obsessive about her goals, to the point where it causes detriment of other aspects of her life
- could be a bit cynical
- perfectionist
- extremely vengeful
early life
Alice was hatched in a small family.
It was a normal one, two parents, a sibling, just a family. She was loved as well, cared for decently, and even properly fed every day. Her mother would tell stories before bed, her father bring some sweet cakes on every special occasion, and her sister would read books with her. She thinks she remembered what her favorite story was, it was called When the Moons Comes Up. It was about dreams.
“I think..?”
Did she though?
Did she hatch in a normal family of four, had loving and caring parents, and had a normal life? Did her mother tell tales and tuck her in bed, or did she ignore her as she cried to sleep? Did her father buy sweet cakes from the market after work, or did he scold her for being out too late and starve her? Did her sister read her favorite story to her? ..or does she not exist?
Was her favorite book When the Moons Comes Up? Or did she ever learn how to read?
Just. Remember. Something!
Why can’t she remember anything?
What about leaning on top of a tree branch, her sister under her as they had their daily reading session? The view was nice, the green luscious grass and bright blue skies dotted with clouds. But was the sky dark? Was it full of thunderclouds, looming like giant mountains, the grass dead under her small talons? Was the rain pouring as hot tears streamed down her eyes, eyes widening in shock? Or was she laughing full-heartedly?
Did she even have a life before this? This world of pain and suffering, of shots and experiments. Of lonely days and nights, staring blanking at the ceiling for the next injection.
..wait, her mother's name was Chrysoprase, Father would always call her Chryso, his name was Buckeye, and her sister was named Awlking. Yes, her sister would love to fly around their house with her. Wait, did she have wings back then? How long ago was it, maybe a few years ago?
She thinks she remembers a certain day, one filled with joy and excitement or maybe sorrow and regret. The tree was either green or dead. Was she smiling or crying? Was the sun shining or was it hidden in the dark clouds?
Why had the world chosen her? Why did the scientists come for her? Why was she like this?
Sleep, eat, experiment, repeat.
Every day was the same, a continuous cycle that was impossible to escape from. One experiment made her scales glow, and the other gave her SeaWing abilities.
Artificially forcing powers onto a dragon. It sickened her.
Every time she looked at herself, through a water spill on the ground or a reflection from the glass. She just saw a shaking dragon, head always in a daze. When she looked at her talons, all she saw was red.
But all had just simply stopped when he had been “succeeded”, at first she didn’t know what that meant, but then they shoved her head underwater, stabbed a knife to her arm, used other experiments to fight her, and she was still alive. So she laid there, on her cold stone bed at supposedly night, chained to the wall, eyes staring off into the ceiling like every day. Slipping into a world she talon-crafted, bit by bit.
The scientists almost ignored her now, throwing in smaller scraps of food and broken buckets of water, experiments became less and less frequent to the point where she never saw them “tend” to her at least a day per week. Her cellmates were no help either, they were the favorites. Of course, they were, they cooperated, in a way. One was the one that had been chosen to fight her, blood painting the walls as she was shoved into it again. The other was unfortunately the first’s friend, and they both hadn’t had enough on that day either it supposed.
She was smashed into the floor, the blood coating her like snow, and every day the scientists ignored the gruesome scene. Pasting by the cell with a glance and occasionally a quick note in their clipboards. Yet every, single, time, she would be alive the next day. Maybe she had a nasty bruise or scar, a blood stain, or a permanent throbbing, but she was still alive. They always stopped before she could die, and that might’ve killed her mentally. She would’ve happily stabbed a knife deep into her heart, but where did she find the resources chained to a cell? She could only wish that her cellmates would do the killing for her.
Then the experiments escaped, outsmarted the scientists once again with all their minds together. She had been one of them, running mindlessly alongside the hundreds of others as they carelessly pushed through the crowd to leave this awful place. But being bound with heavy irons your entire life does make a difference to your running skills. She had learned to endure the terrible shots that were injected through her body, but she hadn’t thought to run, ever. So she had been slowed behind, from the lack of stamina, tripping on the loose chains and the other bigger dragons pushing her back and back and back until one of the scientists grabbed her tail and yanked her back.
“I got one! Ack, hurry! She’s squirmy.”
Her only attempt at escaping had vanished, as none of the running dragons looked back, all disappearing into the distance. But she saw one glance, a quick one, one so fast she didn’t think it counted, but a glance from a cellmate. Yet she also kept running.
The scientists didn’t do much with her when they chained her back into a cell, a different one. This one was quite clean, she had assumed that it was for the favorite ones. They kept notes in a clipboard for a while through a one-way mirror, she couldn’t see them but they were there. She would often stare at the mirror, at herself. Her teal blue scales, and unsettling bright orange eyes. It almost shocked her, she didn’t recognize herself.
Injections were rare too, and most didn’t have an impact on her. But one did, not a very long-lasting one she would say but a big one. It clicked off her mind as if someone was controlling her. Eyes blank, movements stiff and forced, she broke the mirror with an ability she hated using. She clawed and bit endlessly at them, she saw nothing but sweet, delicious blood. They tried to stop her of course, and they succeeded.
She sat there, eyes wide and silted. What just happened? Everything was so confusing, so cold. And it wasn’t a surprise that there was another series of murders. The large group of scientists had lessened and now left with very cautious and hesitant dragons. There was more protection now, despite her doing anything besides it. Her wings were tightly bound, her legs barely able to move, each arm wrapped with the strongest material they could find that was connected to the wall.
And so she lay there, a familiar scene she dealt with before. Where she slipped into a bright world of hers, where she fell..
down in an abyssal void, one she wasn’t sure she could ever escape.
In a world where she ate at a long table of sweets and tea. Where she would take each small velvet cake and devour it, the food she hadn’t tasted in months, years even. There was no sense of time in this place. The dragon in the hats would offer her more, urging her to try the tea.
Each mouthful filled with such delightful taste as she sank her crooked teeth deep into the guts, more sweet cakes with red fondant, swirling the iron taste on her tongue. The hot, too-sweetened brew, overflowing with sugar, as she dug her face in the mess. She savored every taste, every bit, every part. It was a thrill she had needed, for decades.
A sharp ringing in her ear, but she didn’t mind it.
A shrill, ear-bleeding shriek, she ignored it blissfully.
The hard crunch of the bones, the squish of the insides.
The remaining scientists attempted uselessly to stop her, none going as far as touching her. Tazers, sleeping shots, obeying injections. Yet none worked, she tossed the guns away, knowing she was running on adrenaline. She kept shoving the innards into her mouth, retching from the force.
The blood was still warm on her tongue when she killed the last one. She was alone.
It was silent, for the first time ever. No screams of experiments, no chatting from the scientists, just silence. Everything was red, the bodies covered messily in blood and flesh, but she felt alive. So she laughed. She doesn't know how long, but her figure shook as she laughed and laughed. Blood stained her blue scales, gore dripping from her mouth but she kept laughing.
Then she collapsed.
- SilkWing build and wings
- “SeaWing” bioluminescent scales and back fins
- anglers curved outwards
- somewhat transparent wings
- knife collection wrapped with scrappy leather and ropes on anglers
- broken but useable lightbulb and piece of a mirror hanging on left horn, and a dagger piecing through the anglers on the other horn
- singular knife bound to the end of her tail
- has glasses but doesn’t wear them
- horizon blue with darker, metallic blue as a secondary
- sea mist green underbelly, with faint cyan fades
- pale green spikes with deep dirty blue fades, light navy wave markings overlapping
- green-white (outer), edgewater green (inner), and ash grey (markings) wings
- inner wings has glacier blue cloud-like markings
- marking on the wings has jet grey fades near the bottom
- tealish blue anglers with dark fades near the end
- water teal bioluminescence scales, leg scales being slightly darker
- neon-ish orange eyes
- silver glasses
very negative
Alice will hate her the most of all of her life. She never bothered to find out her name, the same with the cellmate’s friend. But this one was chosen to fight her on that day, and bullied her ever since. She was smashed into the corner, yet never to the point of dying, and received much trauma from that. She believes that the two betrayed her during the escaping and wishes for vengeance.if it's too big, it scrolls, like this one
- page created on July 19
- based off of Alice from MD