Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Code for alexandrite

[A L E X A N D R I T E]

for the best version of the page please have the beauty and the beast font installed on your device!! -pokeball


Belongs to Animal56.

Coding by Pokeballmachine.

[R E F E R E N C E]

SeaWing for animal

reference by sunset!

Background Information
Creator Animal
Code Pokeball
Infobox Ahkia
Main Attribute Weirdness
Elemental Attribute Ocean
Theme Animal Dolphin
Theme Color Purple
Theme Song type here
MBTI Personality type here
Character Information
Age 4
Gender Female
Orientation qUeStIoNiNg
Occupation Princess
Tribe SeaWings
Goal not to be killed by some

royalty serial killer?


Residence Jade Mountain Academy
Relatives Tsunami (mother)

Riptide (father)

Coral (grandmother) Auklet (Aunt)

Turtle (uncle?) Fin (uncle)

Allies Family, friends?
Enemies A lot
Likes ...
Dislikes ...
Powers and abilities Canon SeaWing, unknown animus
Weapons Animus magic, fighting skills
Quote "Frick you."

[A P P E A R A N C E]

she's purple ok??

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]

revamp time

[H I S T O R Y]

her life is frickin BORING

[R E L A T I O N S H I P S]


You can ASK for relationships if we have had a good conversation or we know each other pretty well.

Good Friends are like family

Tsunami- Alex loves her mother, and looks up to her. Postive

Riptide- She loves her father dearly and also looks up to him. He is a good dragon, and keeps up with the latest dragon trends. Positive

Queen Coral- Alexandrite likes her grandmother, but some things annoy her that Coral does, such as cares more for a floor than bleeding soilders. But, she is a good queen, and takes care of her dragons. Positive, Neutral

Auklet- She loves her aunt and thinks Auklet is fun. Positive

Clay- Alex thinks of Clay as a funny and goofy dragon, and fun to hang out with. Positive

Sunny- Alex thinks of Sunny as sweet and kind, and likes her for that. Positive

Starflight- She loves Starflight's love of scrolls, and often talks to him. Positive

Queen Glory- Even though she doesn't visit often, Alex likes how she is sarcastic. Positive

Deepsea- Alex likes the nervous and kind scrollworm. She thinks of him as a close friend. Positive

Moray- drippy and boring. Alex gets a chilly feeling around Moray. Believes Moray wants to kill her. Negative

Weed- thinks of Weed as funny and a good friend. Positive

Cheetah- Alex likes to have the sporty SandWing around. They have a lot in common. Positive

Tailwind- thinks the SkyWing likes her. Is a good bodyguard, though. Positive

Starteller- Alex likes how Starteller is smart, and a good dragon to talk to. Positive

Parakeet- likes the bubbly RainWing, and likes how her injury does not affect her personality Positive

Lemming- sees him as stern and bossy, like her. Neutral

Turtle- likes how her uncle is quiet and kind. Positive

Anemone- likes how her aunt can be sassy sometimes, and thinks she is pretty. Positive

Fin- rarely gets to see him, so she doesn't know much about him. Neutral

Noble- redo

[T R I V I A]

  • um stuff? idk
  • hehe

[G A L LE R Y]
