Content Warning: This page contains content and themes you might find distressing, such as child abuse and transphobia in the form of misgendering.
Alaria Esculenta is the only child of the long-established and affluent Esculenta family, though you wouldn't know it just by looking at vyr — or from the way the family refuses to mention vyr. The famous heritage patterns that traditionally identify members of the Esculenta family are conspicuously absent on Alaria's scales, and as far as the casual observer can tell, Alaria is just an oddly colored SeaWing commoner.
Alaria uses she/her, ve/vyr, and avi/avis pronouns.[use]
For most surface-dwelling dragons, Alaria is one of the more unique SeaWings that they'll ever bump into, at least when it comes to coloration. Vyr scales are a dark, dark purple, with the underscales being a lighter shade than the overscales. Vyr frill is a dark brown color, reminiscent of vyr namesake.
Alaria's bio-luminescent patterns are a striking red color, and are vaguely squiggle-shaped. Vyr heritage patterns would normally appear as two large circles per wing, with long wavy sunbeams radiating off of them, but they've been bleached by the sun into a pale pinkish color that blends in with vyr scales.
Ve's quite a bit smaller than your average surface or shallow-water dwelling SeaWing—a side effect from being born in and growing up in the extreme pressure of the deep ocean.
When walking on land, Alaria tends to have a bit of a slouch due to being unaccustomed to not being supported on all sides by the ocean. Watching vyr swim provides a stark contrast to how ve walks: in the water ve holds vyrself with a grace clearly reminiscent of the SeaWing Nobility.
The indifference or outright hate that Alaria has suffered since a young age at the collective hands of vyr community has made vyr into someone who desperately needs real love and affection, but has no idea how to ask for it.
Ve attempts to maintain a sharp exterior, building on the training ve went through as the heir to the Esculenta family. This is a facade. Alaria wants nothing more than the ability to finally let vyr guard down, though ve isn't sure if that's something ve is even capable at this point.
Alaria struggles with attachment issues, and will quickly and easily latch onto people who treat vyr with kindness. Ve is very uncertain of where the line between "acquaintance" and "friend" is, and prefers to let the others decide.
Ve always felt a general sense of unease about things, whether it was never seeming to be in on jokes made by vyr peers or vyr body changing in ways ve couldn't understand.
Any form of weight or pressure on Alaria's scales reminds vyr of the deep ocean ve grew up in and can cause panic attacks, especially if vyr surroundings are dark or poorly lit. Ve often has trouble sleeping during the winter as a result. Ve has found that sleeping with a moonglobe or near someone else helps, but ve struggles to ask for either.
During the summer ve dozes off in the sun frequently; the gentle, even heat is reminiscent of the thermal vents ve lived near during vyr time in the deep ocean, but without any negative memories attached.
Author's note: history is currently heavily in flux while her character is developed. Expect changes.
Alaria is trans dragoness born into a highly influential and conservative family of SeaWing nobility. With vyr culture generally opposed to the types of societal changes that would be required to accept trans individuals, ve kept vyr feelings surpressed for most of vyr life.
Ve was never going to be an incredibly important dragon, at least by Esculenta standards. As the family's only child and a son to boot, Oxyrhina and Corax viewed vyr primarily as a tool to draw other families into the folds of the Esculenta Estates.
Alaria's relationship with vyr parents is on long-cracked ice, and ve is terrified of being found by them and dragged back to vyr childhood home. Despite this, ve feels a little guilty about leaving, and hopes ve didn't cause them any undue trouble by doing so.
Ves parents are currently under the impression that ve is dead, but they keep an ear to the currents in case anyone reports seeing someone with vyr appearance.
As Alaria's former fiancée, Brissidina has played a complicated role in vyr life. To Alaria, their betrothal symbolizes the total lack of control ve had over vyr life while living in the deep ocean. Ultimately, however, Bris is responsible for Alaria's successful escape attempt, and for that ve is eternally greatful.
Grim was the first dragon Alaria met on land, and ve enjoys hys presence. Hys jokes and occasional whining provides a welcome change from what ve grew up expecting dragons to act like, and listening to it tends to make ves day a little brighter, regardless of the front ve puts up.
Ve took eagerly to what medicine and potion making skills Grim was able to teach vyr during their brief travels together.
Initially, Alaria found Arbor's confidence and straight-forward attitude off-putting, but during the weeks they traveled together ve began looking up to her for those same qualities.
Murmur is the closest thing Alaria has to a parental figure, and ve treasures their relationship. Ve is aware that ve can be more than a bit clingy when it comes to ze, and is working on being better about it.
Alaria is deeply grateful to Murmur for taking vyr in and giving vyr a place to work. Ve hopes to one day repay ze for everything.
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