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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Akoya decor

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The following page belongs to whosskazu. Any form of stealing/heavily referencing will not be tolared. Happy flying!

Akoya is a female Seawing dragonet. She's one of the main antagonists in the Hearts of Doom Reboot series. Alongside Nimbrostratus and Twillightseeker, she's also the main founder of the rebel group Windward.


Akoya has dark graiysh-blue overscales, green eyes with dark blue fins, underbelly and wings with white dots all over them wich resembles tiny stars, as her entire family is related to Nightwings and Queen Slumber, howhever, she has way more Seawing blood in her lineage, therefore she cannot be considered to be a full hybrid.


Sometimes Akoya can seem desperate for attention and teasing. When other dragons aren't paying attention to her, she will say her words too loud, just to make sure that they are looking at her. She can be socially ankward too, not able to have any friends when younger because of her stand-offish behavior, she never actually tries to talk to anyone, always keeping everything to herself. This makes other dragons spread rumours about her, even tough she doesn't mind any negative attention, because at least she's receveing it. She can get extremely attached to a few dragons, creating some kind of emotional dependence, which in the end she will always be the one who will get hurt for not being able to maintain a good relationship.


Akoya hatched in a huge, always busy family. Since small, she was taught by her mother on how to take care of herlself and to never depend on anyone. After her mother died of a sickness, Akoya lived for years being neglected and verbally abused by her own family, until she flew away to the west, only bringing her mother's necklace with her.

Some time after, when walking around the Sky Kingdom, Akoya met a loner Icewing named Nimbrostratus, who also had a simillar story to her, and, as she started spending more time with him, they both went to live in Possibility.

Akoya created feelings for Nimostratus, believing that they were soulmates, as he was the only one who was by her side during the hardest moment of her life, While him only tought of her as a ally on his rebel group plan.

Even after "living together", Akoya knew that Nimbostratus had a second life, but she never questioned him for staying away for hours, she just accepted it, as she was too afraid of being alone once again. Possibility's librarian, Roridula, tried to advise her several times, but Akoya always denied any kind of help, always remaining faithful to Nimbostratus, who barely made any effort for their relationship.
