Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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>> This character was created by Galcatty. <<

Aoenium thumb
(name pronounced Ae-own-ee-um)
Artist/s Galcatty
Background Information
Creator/s Galcatty
Attributes Hard working, Stubborn
Theme Element Wood?? idk
Theme Animal
Theme Colour #DADD98
Theme Song
Working Man by Imagine Dragons
MBTI Personality INTJ-A "The Architect"
Character Information
Age 11
Gender Female
Orientation Demisexual
Occupation Woodworking
Tribe Sandwing
Goal Get her work to all edges of Phyrria
Residence Sandstone dragonmade den at the edge of the Queendom of Sand
Relatives -
Allies Mantis, Cougar, Borean
Enemies -
Likes Smell of cut and or burnt wood
Dislikes Water, damaged wood
Powers + Abilities Pinpoint firebreath
Weapons Poison barb

>>  Summary  <<

Aeonium is still a work in progress!

Aeonium is a craftsman that works solely in wood, from woodburning to woodwork. She makes more decorative odds and ends then furniture and the like.

>>  Appearance  <<

Aeonium is smaller than your average adult sandwing, at first glance she looks like a not quite adult dragonet and she's often mistaken as such which irritates her greatly.

Aeonium has a tattoo of three different kinds of aeonium on each side of her neck (so six in total). The top and largest aeonium is the 'Black tree Aeonium', the middle in size and place is the 'Aeonium Rubrolineatum', and the bottom and smallest of the tattoos is the 'Kiwi Aeonium'.

She also has a small scar of melted scales above her wrist on her left arm from she and her rainwing friend's attempt to bottle venom to be used for wood burning as opposed to fire.

>>  Personality  <<

(gotta figure out how to write this down)

>> Relationships <<


My characters

Mantis - Aeonium is always willing to hear Mantis's input, no matter how bizarre. "He loves my abstract art and loves to speculate. It's honestly pretty silly sometimes."

Cougar - Aeonium's boyfriend in everything but name he works to support her in whatever way he can. Cougar handles most of Aeonium's financials and trade when it comes to bringing it to the rest of Pyria. "I don't know where I'd be without Cougar."

Borean - Though first and foremost business partners, Borean and Aeonium have what you might call a friendship. They only really meet during business transactions they enjoy talking to each other. Aeonium admires him for his ability to run a caravan and trading service as well organized as his. "We're not best buds or anything but I couldn't ask for a better business partner."

Other's Characters

None to speak of yet.

Aeonium lives on the edge of the Queendom of Sand, trading her goods with (mainly) the IceWings via a caravan called Borean's Traveling Bazaar.

I'm not quite sure the time period she lives in but I imagine maybe the late years of Queen Thorn's rule?

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