So, this is my first fanfiction, so please don't judge me,
but his is my imaginary Clay/Peril date night.
A Date With Clay
The Invite and the Earrings
“I am going to do this.” Peril thought as she was flying towards Jade Mountain from the Sky kingdom. She had just received an official invite to a private party celebrating the arrival of some SandWing ambassadors, and she was allowed to invite one person of her choice if she could find anyone that would want to go. Her first thought had been CLAY, CLAY, CLAY, so she’d started back for the academy at once.
“You can do this. Breath deeply Peril.” she reassured herself as she landed and walked in. It was in the middle of the school day, so all the students were in their classes. She looked around through the hallways for a little bit until she found Clay’s office and knocked on the door. It opened right away and Clay’s head popped out.
“Peril! Why are you here? I thought you were with Queen Ruby.” his wings folded around her in a big hug. You can do this Peril. She told herself. “QueenRubyinvitedmetoapartyandIwouldlikeitifyoucamewithme?” please, please, please, please, please?
“Well, sure Peril, but I’m not much of a dancer. Hmmm, I guess I could learn,... when is it?” Clay asked.
“Three nights from now.” Peril answered hopefully.
They stood in silence while Clay considered.
“ Sure, I’ll meet you three nights from now in the main entrance!” Clay hugged her again and Peril bounced happily out his door, and then collapsed in the hallway.
“That was a lot of work.” Peril said to herself. “And, I can’t go to the party wearing no jewelry, but my fire-scales prevent me from doing so,... I need Turtle!” Suddenly, a huge bell wrung out in the halls, and the doors opened while students streamed out of the hallways. All she could do was cling to the walls and attempt not to burn somebody, while everybody streamed noisily down the halls. Peril quickly spotted the Jade Winglet, but couldn’t follow them until the halls were clear.
Once they were, she flapped into the Prey center and found Turtle again.
“Turtle!” Peril gasped flapping awkwardly towards him dodging students and sheep. “I need a favor.”
“And hello to you too Peril.” Qibli said sarcastically. Turtle snorted.
“Hi, Peril. What do you need?”
“I need you to enchant a piece of jewelry to not melt when it touches firescales.” Peril told him, jumping out of the way of a chicken quickly followed by a random SkyWing.
“Do you have any jewelry?” Turtle inquired.
“Uhhh,” Peril groaned.
“You can have these.” Anemone walked up and handed some pearl earrings to Turtle. “I couldn’t help but hear you conversation, and Mother sent them to me, but I find them awfully boring compared to some other things that I have.” Turtle took them in his hands and thought about what words he should use.
“Enchant these earrings to not melt when touched by firescales, and to look pretty to everyone she encounters.” he handed them back to Peril, and she suspiciously, (but hopefully) held them in her talons. She curled them onto her ears.
“IT WORKS!” her yell echoed across the Prey center making every Dragonet turn their heads towards her. “He, he, excuse me! Thanks.” she whispered to Turtle and dashed out of the Prey Center.
Chapter Two: The Sky Kingdom
Peril and Clay were approaching the palace, Peril wearing her new earrings, and Clay wearing a lone gold armband studded with rubies on his right arm. Clay had complimented Peril on her earrings, so Peril was in the best mood she had been for a couple of weeks.
“Queen Ruby said to enter in through here.” Peril told Clay as she tilted her wings and swooped into a high entrance leading through a tunnel to a platform around the top of the palace. It was decorated floating lights and there were various SkyWing foods on a table in the corner. SkyWings were walking around talking with friends while quiet music played from the center of the platform. Peril saw Cliff jumping around after Queen Ruby, her brother Vermillion talking to a tall bright Orange dragon who towered over him.
“Queen Ruby?” Peril asked to get the queen’s attention.
“Peril you came! And you’ve brought Clay! Thanks so mu- wait a minute. You’re wearing earrings. How?” Queen Ruby asked.
“Oh they’re animus touched.” Peril answered airily as if it were no big deal. SHE NOTICED, her head went bonkers as her feet did a tiny little jig that no one noticed.
“Cool. Well, help yourself to something to eat, the dancings going to start in a couple of minutes.” The queen walked away to the SandWings, but Cliff jumped up and almost hugged Peril before reeling back as he remembered.
“Peril! I wrote another song and it’s really awesome but I had the feels that grandma might not like it much since it’s about her meanness.” he blurted as if he’d been waiting all day to tell her that. “And who is the mud dragon beside you?”
“Have you grown a foot taller than when I last saw or have you grown a foot taller than when I last saw you. Good to see you again little Prince. The MudWing is Clay, my friend. You should probably go find your mom now. She might be wondering where you are.” Peril smiled at him and he bounced away towards his mom. The sun was setting and painting beautiful reds, oranges, pinks and yellows all across the sky as The SkyWings all started dancing.
“May I?” Clay asked reaching out his hand to Peril.
They started dancing and when the dance was over they went over to the buffet and had some food.
“Thanks for inviting me Peril.” Clay said, “I’ve had a wonderful time so far.”
“Oh, it was nothing.” Just the bestestest thing that could ever happen to my life! The stars were out now and it was getting cooler. As the night went on, there was more dancing, Cliff showed Peril and Clay his song about scarlet, but there finally came a time when they had to head back to Jade.
“Thank you so much for coming Peril! And you Clay. I hope you had a wonderful time. Hope to see you soon. Bye!” Queen Ruby said as they lifted off into the night. Cliff had already gone to bed, and had given Peril a copy of his song. As they flew through the night, they could see over the mountains and Peril was glad there was no light because she was constantly blushing when she thought of the party. They flew until they could see the lights of Jade Mountain and they landed in the empty but lit main entrance hall, and Peril and Clay stood next to each other looking up at the stars.
“Thank you for coming Clay, I really had a fun time dancing. It’s the first time I’ve ever danced. Though I did practice when I was alone in the Sky Palace sometimes.” she intertwined her tail with Clay’s.
“Me too.”
Clay walked Peril to a private bedroom, and they said one last goodbye until Clay walked off to his office.
“That was definitely the best night of my life. By far.” Peril said one last time before falling asleep.
Clay walked into his study thinking about Peril when he saw a little not on his desk. It read:
We the dragons of the Sky
Hate Grandma Scarlet I'll tell you why
She is very, very mean
Our kingdom was a messy scene
She made dragons fight and that's not fun
Everybody would get scared and run
We the dragons of the Sky
Hate Grandma Scarlet I've told you why
Clay laughed aloud and realized that was the note that Cliff had sent home with them. It was his song.
"That prince is one unique guy." Clay said as he pinned the song up on his wall.