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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Quick Notes[]

Fanfic is owned by DragonshipVV. Please do not edit unless you are an admin or you just want to fix grammar and spelling mistakes.

WARNING! This contains violence, death, gore, and some romantic things so get prepared.


A new generation in Pantala. This tells the story of Monarch, the daughter of Luna and Swordtail , and her sister, Honeybee. Luna is dead. Blue is dead . Swordtail is dead. Cricket is dead. The former queen of the SilkWings is dead. Everyone is still under Queen Wasp's mind control and the hives are still dangerous. Can Monarch and Honey save Pantala - like their parents tried to?


Cricket's POV

Cricket and her friends backed down into the shadows as the queen of the HiveWings loomed over them, along with the whole HiveWing army.

" Little dragons", Queen Wasp hissed. "I've been expecting you.

There was a long, frighteningly long silence that seemed to shake Cricket all the way to her wingtips. The eggs were still safely huddled in their nest, but they for sure wouldn't be if Queen Wasp found out. Or if she killed them first.

" Including a traitor from our own tribe", Queen Wasp went on in her mavolently gleeful voice. " Two flamesilks, and a troublemaker that's ended up in prison four times". Her piercing gaze dropped over Swordtail.

Before Cricket or anyone else could say anything, the queen of the HiveWings spoke. " Kill them all", Queen Wasp ordered.

Fear shot through Cricket as the entire army ran up to them, spears bristling and armor clanking. Within seconds, the soldiers had caught Blue. Luna shrieked and bolted after him, only to be caught by Swordtail.

" Luna, please", Swordtail was saying. " I can't lose you like this"...

" But I have to rescue my brother", Luna shouted back. She wriggled out of his grip and soared down to Blue, who was already a puddle of blood on battlefield. And then, Cricket discovered that she was moving, too. Cricket leaped down , but a HiveWing soldier caught her. She kicked him in the face as blood began running down his nose. Now was her chance! She hopped down the boulder she was sitting on, beside Blue's almost-dead body.

Blue's beautiful shimmering scales were smeared with bright red blood, and he was missing an ear.

" Blue"! Cricket cried. From what she could tell, he was still alive, but just barely.

" Cricket", Blue managed to gasp. " The eggs-"

" I know", Cricket said softly as tears began streaming down from her face. " They'll be safe, I promise. I love you, Blue".

" I love you, too, Cricket", Blue said just as he passed out. And just like that, he was dead.

Cricket realized that she had been too distracted on Blue that she didn't notice a HiveWing soldier sneaking up on them. But as she got closer, Cricket realized she wasn't any other soldier. It was Queen Wasp.

Queen Wasp was holding a very long and sharp spear, and along her side were five other HiveWings just as big as her. Cricket realized they were Lady Scarab, Lady Jewel , Katydid , Cadelle, and Bumblebee. But their eyes were white. How had Wasp managed to control them?

Queen Wasp plunged the spear at Cricket's heart, but Swordtail jumped in front of her and got stabbed instead. And then Swordtail was dead.

Luna's face was clearly furious. She lunged at Wasp, thankfully dodging all the spears, and aiming her flamesilk at Wasp's heart.

But, she was blocked by Bumblebee, who leaped onto her and tried to attack from behind.

" No, Bumblebee"! Cricket yelled. " She's our friend! Remember her"?

Bumblebee didn't listen to her. She slashed Luna's neck and ran to Wasp gleefully and cheerfully. Luna was dead.

" Yes, Bumblebee", Wasp said , nudging the little dragonet. She pointed at Cricket. " And now for you".

The entire army chased after Cricket. She dove into the sky. Thousands of HiveWing soldiers were after her, flying and walked. At one point, a spear nearly cut off Cricket's left wing, and then Cricket acciendentally stepped on a soldier's foot, earning a ferocious hiss.

Cricket flew into the place where she had hidden the eggs. She flew through the rainforest canopy, but she already saw large shapes appearing one by one after her.

" Where is she"? One soldier demanded.

" Did you see her"? Another one asked.

" Find her", The third voice was clearly Queen Wasp.

Cricket peered into the nest. The eggs were safe. Two of them were from Luna and Swordtail, and the other one was from her and..


She acciendentally rustled a large bush from behind her.

" THERE"! Roared Queen Wasp. HiveWing soldiers came in all directions. Thankfully they didn't notice the nest.

Cricket's last thought trailed off when a spear stabbed her in the heart. Dead, dead, dead.

( After Cricket died, a SilkWing named Adonis found the eggs in the woods and unoffically adopted them and took care of them. )

Chapter 1[]

( Honeybee's POV )

" Mother", Honeybee snapped for the last time. " I don't want to go there and you know it".

" It's perfectly fine if you don't ", Adonis answered with a sigh. " Besides, from what I heard, Silkworm hall is great. And your sister is going to be there, too". Adonis nodded at Monarch.

Honeybee growled furiously, but she knew her mother was right. She wanted to be with her sister. But she defintely didn't want to spend a whole year at a school which was just meant to scare students into obedience.

She thought that her tribe deserved to be free, but that ended up in her being trapped in Misbehaver's Way two times already.

One ; for attacking the HiveWing guards ( And injuring them quite severely ) on the way out of the library when she was four.

And two ; for sneaking around the hive late at night to steal some yams from a nearby shop.

" Fine", Honeybee grumbled at last.

" Well, good", Adonis shot back. " Let's go have something to eat, and then we'll get you prepared for school".

_________( After breakfast )__________

Adonis had taken them outside. Which was even worse than inside.

Honeybee hated everyone looking at her, and even worse, staring at her sister. Everyone treated Monarch like she was a princess, probably because she was so much sweeter than Honeybee.

But I was born this way and it's not my fault that I am, she thought bitterly.

As they flew by, Honeybee imagined killing all off the HiveWings and replacing them with SilkWings .

If that happened, everything would be great. They would do their own private things and go to shops and make more friends and wouldn't end up in prison, like what had happened to her when she was four.

But Honeybee had to admit that the school looked better than she expected. It was made out of bricks and treestufff, snd was even covered with webs.

Webs, Honeybee realized. That was another reason why Honeybee hated HiveWings so much ; because they basically used and enslaved SilkWings just for their silk.

And this school was not going to be great if it contained any things made by silk.

Chapter 2[]

( Monarch's POV )

After Adonis dropped them off, Honeybee and Monarch walked side by side to Classroom 2A , which was their class.

After at least ten minutes of exploring, they walked to the classroom labelled 2A.

The door creaked open, and everyone stared at them.

The teacher had scales the color of tangerines, with black triangle patterns zigzagging along her spine and out to the edges of her wings.

"Soooo", the teacher hissed. " You are late. Monarch and Honeybee, go sit on those two seats over there". She nodded to the last two seats . There was a haughty-looking , large blue SilkWing beside them as they sat down. He gave them a smirk but listened as the teacher talked.

Monarch shuddered, but Honeybee glared at the teacher.

" You don't belong here", the SilkWing sitting next to them said with a smirk. " These two seats are already taken".

The two seats had bags on them, and Monarch could clearly see those were his bags. He'd put them there to kick them out.

But as Monarch watched, Honeybee just glared at him and shoved the bags down. Monarch sat on the second seat , the farthest from the teacher.

But, the other dragonet threw the bags on their heads and laughed. And soon, the whole class laughed. Even the teacher laughed. Everyone laughed except for Honeybee and another student.

And then.. everything faded to darkness.

____________( When Monarch wakes up again )______________

"Wake up"! Called a unfamilliar voice.

Monarch woke up to find herself on the ground, with her sister, the one who'd knocked her out , and the dragonet who didn't laugh like the rest of the class.

The dragonet who'd knocked her out was wearing an evil grin, and the one who didn't laugh was a warm orange-yellow color.

" I'm Pieridae", the dragonet said. " What's your name? That's Birdwing, don't ever listen to a word he says". She giggled to herself when Birdwing shot her a glare.

Monarch found that kind of funny and reassuring and sad at the same time.

" I'm Monarch", she said. " And that's my sister-"

" Honeybee", Honeybee interrupted. Monarch nodded.

Pieridae and Honeybee helped Monarch get up. Monarch hated the sneering face of Birdwing.

" Honeybee", the teacher said sternly. " You are going to go to the principal's office".

Uh-oh, Monarch thought unhappily. But what did she ever do?

Chapter 3[]
