(This is going to get a massive revamp someday, maybe.)
- 2000 years after canon
- Pyrrhia is now called Pryah.
- The map is awful, sorry. Hopefully, an improved version will be made at some point.
- This was supposed to be a crossover between WoF and A Canticle For Leibowitz, but the only elements of the latter that are really present are the facts that it is set after an apocalyptic war and there is an order of monks who protect ancient knowledge.
- Which I guess are the most important things.
- So, fair warning, this is going to have a lot of religion in it. Dragon religion.
- Lets go! If you like, comment!
The Fire Torrent[]
Formerly the Northern and Southern Ice Queendoms, Frost has the dubious distinction of being the least diverse nation in Pryah. This is thanks to the climate, which prevents most non-IceWings from living there, a fact which suits the nation's rulers just fine, since it saves them the trouble of keeping these dragons out by force. Frost is lead by a group known as The Council of Matriarchs. The Matriarchs often send archeological expeditions to the corners of their land, or even into the wastes.
Located in the islands of the Bay of A Thousand Scales, Spiral is a theocracy. The state religion revolves around belief in a goddess of the sea. This goddess is reincarnated as a mortal SeaWing. Tsunami was said to be among these incarnations.
Boreas is a large kingdom, but a poor one. Most inhabitants live in miserable conditions, oppressed by the warrior aristocracy. These clans claim to be the greatest warriors in the world. In reality, they are highly outmatched by Diamond's superior numbers, training, and equipment. They have a fierce hatred of science, and share the Scorchlander custom of burning those who practice it. The population is primarily SkyWings, with a large IceWing minority and a small number of MudWings. The kingdom shares many cultural similarities with Scorch, as well as with classical IceWing culture (or so they claim). Boreas is currently ruled by King Crag, of the Striking Tail Clan. He is a SkyWing, with some IceWing ancestry.
Set near the Jade Mountain that gives the area its name, Jade is a monarchical nation focusing mostly on the export of minerals mined beneath the southern Claws of the Clouds.
The Order of St. Moonwatcher[]
The Order believes that the universe was created by a nameless, omnipotent force. They do not worship this power in any formal way, though they believe that seeking to understand its creation is a kind of veneration.They do pray to a large number of saints, foremost among which is St. Moonwatcher.
The Order is descended from the pre-apocalyptic Church of The Dragonets of Destiny. When the church existed, they were actually seen as something of a heretical faction.