Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki


DISCLAIMER::: These fights are supposed to be entertaining and fun-to-read, not realistic and gory and just fighting. It's wrestling, not fighting.

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Hello everybody, and welcome to ATWE! This is All-Tribe Wrestling Entertainment, for any tribe, and any battle!

How this works:

A person can ask to put a character in, and I will put them on the roster. Once on the roster, they can fight anyone else on the roster.







Princess Dawnbreeze




Your dragon must be:

5 or Older, Able to battle and not injured.

General Manager:


Please contact MaxwelFISH (The Manager) to put a OC in or schedule a battle.


ATWE100k Champion: Wallflower

ATWE10k Tag Team Champion: Tag team division still in development

ATWE10k Champion: Lostmemory

Pyrrhia Championship: Definition

Number One Contender: Monarch

Dank Champion: President Nixon.

Contract Winner: Lostmemory (USED)


Cricket vs. Definition[]

Tan: Hello everyone, Welcome to ATWE Live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have the Animus, CRICKET! We also have Definition, too.

Tan: Very Enthusiastic.

Burrower: I'm rooting for Cricket.

The battle commences, but it's off to a bad start. Cricket is immediately slammed to the side, and knocked the air out of her. She tries getting back up, but Definition is to fast. She strikes her again and again and again, not allowing Cricket to move.

Burrower: OHS NOES

Tan: This is what you get...

Cricket finally gets to her feet, and punches Definition in the face. She then maneuvers her tail to smack Definition. Definition is slammed into the barricade, looking hurt. Cricket tries to take one more swipe, but it goes all wrong. Definition slips away, and uses the RainWing inside her. She spits venom, but Cricket just moves.


Cricket turned into a IceWing, frostbreaths Definition and breaks the ice. She broke the foot off of Definition.




Cricket dropped to the ground, screaming in pain. The venom connected. Definition put her foot on Cricket.. The referee Codebreaker ran over, counted one, two, three.




Meta vs. Hurricanescythe[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have the monstrous HURRICANESCYTHE!!!

Tan: Right next to him is, the young one, the speedy, the disabled, META!!!!

The battle starts, and Meta is insanely overpowered. Hurricanescythe is way to big for Meta, and can litterally man-handle him. After a few minutes of being thrown around, Meta shoots up. Before he can get too high, his leg is tugged down by Hurricanescythe. Meta struggles out and runs for his life....

Tan: This is brutal!

Burrower: I think somethings broken!

Hurricanescythe quickly catches up, but gets Green flames to the face. He starts clawing at his face, as if trying to get the burn off. He manages to spark, which misses Meta just barely. Meta goes for the tackle, but does absolutely nothing. He was to huge, and Meta couldn't even push him over. He sparked again and electrocuted Meta a bit. He winced, but didn't scream because "SCREAMING'S FOR GIRLS".

Tan: The will and determination of Meta!

Burrower: I can't believe it!

Hurricanescythe then goes to finish the job. He stomps on Meta again and again. Meta slowly rolls away, but it's too late. Hurricanescythe sat on him, crushing him alive.

Tan: The winner is Hurricanescythe! I can't believe this, I thought he was going to win!

Burrower: Meta is just to small and young!


A message with Tan:

I am going to make dragon abilities not allowed, only strength.


Princess Trillium & Princess Rosella vs. Definition and Hurricanescythe[]

Tan: Hello everyone, Welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today in our tag team match, we have Team Royalty!!!!

Tan: Right next to them are the last 2 Winners, Team Smash!!!!

Burrower: But the new rule you made is only strength, Riiiiiiiiiiiight?

Tan: True point, RING DA BELL!!

(ding ding ding ding)

The match starts, and it goes pretty wrong pretty fast. The first ones in are Rosella and Hurricanescythe, which is bad. Hurricanescythe lifts up Rosella and throws her to the side. She hits the barricade hard, Incredibly hard. Hurricanescythe grabs Rosella again, but is quickly outsmarted. Rosella uses that to her advantage, and manages to punch his arm over and over again. Rosella wants to tag Trillium in, but she knows that will be the end. Unless.... She takes a quick look at the referee, and declines the idea.

Trillium: Knock em out!

That did it. The distraction was long enough for Hurricanescythe to charge at Rosella, and slam her against the barricade again. "Ahhh" She winced.

Tan: Scythe outdoes her by One thousand!

Burrower: Don't get your hopes up..

Hurricanescythe looked to finish this up. He lifted Rosella off the ground and over his head. He slammed her to the ground, but it turned out, it didn't actually impact. She managed to maneuver herself to a position right before that her tail would be the only one getting hit. It worked pretty good, and the match wasn't finished. Rosella then leaped to her feet and slammed her tail against his face. He moved a little bit and fell back. Rosella tagged Trillium in, and guess what happened.



Tan: Somebody get her out of here!

Trillium then used her choker flower.. Hurricanescythe collapsed to the ground, and that meant Definition was in. "Really? You couldn't even be quiet about it?" Rosella yelled from ringside. The medics were there and escorted Hurricanescythe. Definition tackled Trillium and punches her over and over, and then lifts her about her head. Definition swings Trillium into Rosella, knocking them both down. Definition gets Trillium up, and slams her against the floor. She puts her foot on Trillium, but there is no referee to count. "Get up!" Definition shouts at the referee. Rosella comes from behind and kicks Definition in the spine. The shock paralyzes Definition for a few seconds, and that's just enough. Rainer the referee arrived just in time, and Trillium put her foot on. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!!"


Burrower: Rosella outsmarted Definition! The only one able to pin was Trillium, the legal dragon, and the shock was just long enough!

Tan: Well, there you go folks. I'm still outraged by this, they should.... I don't know!


Boar vs. Wallflower[]

Tan: Hello everyone, Welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have Boar vs. Wallflower!

Tan: No names..?

Burrower: Lets go.

Boar immediately tackles Wallflower, and uses his sheer strength to pick him up. He then does a Seismic slam into the barricade, which it broke. Boar took the fight into the audience, and he was the only one who thought this was a good idea. He started up the stairs, holding onto the metal railings. That was a mistake. Wallflower jumped onto Boars back almost making them both tumble down the stairs. Boar manages to keep his balance, until Wallflower starts clonking him on the head. Over and over. He falls with Wallflower on his back, both falling back into the arena.

Tan: That was a mistake, on Wallflowers part!

Burrower: Well, you never know..

Boar jumps back up, while Wallflower is still on the ground. Boar gets Wallflower on his feet, but Wallflower quickly reverses. Wallflower manages to hit him with his tail, but that didn't work so well... Boar grabbed his tail and swung him around a bit, slamming him into the barricade, into his face, onto the ground, good stuff like that. Then this happened.

"I quit.."


Burrower: That's the end of this match! Boar wins!

Tan: You have to admit after a beating like that, you should quit!


"Oh come on, I pinned him!" Trillium said, trying to convince Rosella that she should be in the next match. "I'm the one who knocked them out! Plus, you cheated!!" Rosella countered. "Well, he booked the match and one of us are going to do it. Your gonna make a fool of yourself, plus, Definition will be at your throat at every moment." Trillium said after a few minutes. "Uuugh. Fine." Rosella said, Not at all annoyed. (sarcasm)


Boar vs. Definition vs Trillium[]

Tan: Hello everyone, Welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have The ruthless Boar, The cheater Trillium, and we've got Definition too...


(ding ding ding ding)

They all collide and fall down for a second. For some reason Trilliums a wimp and didn't get up. Boar gets up at about the same time as Definition, and they start pushing each other over. Boars finally had enough and steps on Trilliums tail. "OW!" She yells. Definition laughs a bit, and was caught off-guard. Boar punched Definition in the face, about 9 times. Then he kept stepping on Trilliums tail. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS" Trillium shouted. Boar lifts Trillium over his shoulders and threw her at Definition. Being the sneaky one she is, she quickly moved out of the way, Trillium smashing through the barricade.

Burrower: Trillium is getting her butt handed to her!

Tan: That's what she gets for cheating!

Definition is caught in a chokehold, which quickly turned into a chokeslam, which quickly turned into an ow. Boar looked to end this early, so he put his foot on. "ONE, TWO, TH-" Definition kicked out just in time, and tripped Boar. He struggled to his feet, until he was hit in the back of the head with a glass bottle. He was knocked out, and guess who did it. Trillium threw the bottle at Definition and hit her in the head. Definition made an OOPH sound and fell down. Trillium got Definition on her feet and threw her at the barricade. BUT SHE'S WEAK SO NOTHING HAPPENED.


Burrower: I'm certainly impressed...

Definition got to her feet again, but Trillium aimed the Glass bottle again. The referee rushed over and hit the bottle out of her hand. The referee and her argued until Definition came from behind and (THWOMP) Definition hit them both in the head, but noticed her mistake.

Tan: She can't pin if the Ref is out!!

Burrower: Get Rainer out here!

Rainer the referee rushed in, and "ONE, TWO, THR-"




"ONE, TWO, THREE!!!!!"


Burrower: THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!



Tan: Because I said so, we are doing a special Elimination match.

Burrower: Today we have a 10 man Elimination match, our first ever, to be exact!

Tan: Our first one coming in is.... Let's see...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


Burrower: Well the key is to be 10th, so you wont take a beating..

Tan: True. The next contender is....

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Tan: Our second contender is Meta!!!

(ding dong dang deng)

Meta does a complete "I'm outta here" and runs. He bounces of the barricade and Boar runs completely into his hand. Meta bounces off the barricade again and elbow drops the heck outta Boar. Boar winces, and does it again and again. On the fourth Elbow drop, Boar manages to move out of the way. He springs up and slaps Meta in the face. Boar then lifts up Meta and throws him at the barricade. Meta jumps up a bit, but then realizes he was just hurt. "Ow" He said with no emotion what-so-ever.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


Burrower: CRICKET!!!!

Cricket ran up to he arena and hops in. Cricket tackles Boar with full force and punch-punch-punch-punch-punch (Continue Punches)


After a few minutes of Cricket and Boar going back and forward, Meta gets up and knocks them both down. Cricket leaps back to her feat but gets a facefull of TAIL. She is slammed into the barricade, almost breaking it, and Meta started to celebrate. Until he saw Boar getting back up. A few kicks to the head, and Boar fell back down again."WOOT WOOT NOOT NOOT" Meta yelled and started dancing. The audience started cheering their butts off until Cricket leaped back up and punchy to the facey. Meta fell back onto the barricade and was almost hit again BUT THEN THE COUNTDOWN STARTED.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Tan: Princess Rosella!

Burrower: Definition will come in late, and that'll be a bloodbath..

Rosella grabs Cricket and throws her off Meta. "Uh... I want to say thanks, but-" Meta was interrupted by a right-hand in his stomach from Rosella. Boar finally got up and threw Rosella to the side. Literally threw. Boar grabbed Meta by the neck and he lifted him up. Meta clawed at his hand, but nothing really happened. He was thrown at Cricket who was about to tackle Boar again, but utterly failed. Meta and Cricket went at it and fought their butts off while Rosella was being thrown through the barricade, the floor, his face, good stuff like that. Cricket managed to push Meta away for a split-second, but he came right back like a boomerang. Meta tackled Cricket and held her down. He managed to get about three punches before...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. 1

Tan: Here comes the monster, Hurricanescythe!


Hurricanescythe quickly separates the battle between Rosella and Boar. Hurricanescythe then picked up Rosella and chucked her across the arena. He then cracked his knuckles and looked at Boar. With a quick swing of the tail, Boar got Hurricanescythe off guard, and tackled him. Hurricanescythe didn't go down though, he just kinda swayed. Hurricanescythe picked Boar off and Head-butted him in the head. Boar dizzily fell down onto the barricade. Cricket and Meta were still at each others throats until they noticed Hurricanescythe right beside them. He grabbed them both and swung them at Rosella. Everyone was either out-cold or dizzy and unable to fight. Hurricanescythe walked over to Boar until he heard:

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Tan: Here they come!

Burrower: Welcome Wallflower, let's gooooo!

Tan: "The Loser that Quit"

Burrower: Harsh.

Wallflower kicks Hurricanescythe in the face, giving him a 2 second distraction. Wallflower then rushes over to Boar, Cricket, Meta and Rosella. He shakes them to get at least one up, but that was a bit of a mistake. Hurricanescythe grabs Wallflower by the tail and throws him through the barricade. Hurricanescythe starts taunting all the bodies and looks to end it. He put his foot on Rosella, and the referee ran over. "ONE, TWO, THR-" Rosella kicked out. Foot on Cricket. "ONE, TWO, THR-" Kicked out. Foot on Boar. "ONE, TWO-" Not even close. Foot on Meta. "ONE, TWO, THR-" Kicked out. Foot on Wallflower. Then stomps on him into an oblivion. Then foot. "ONE, TWO, THR-" Kicked out. Has an anger fit and literally tries to kill Boar. Foot. "ONE, TWO, THRE-" Kicked out. "Oh my go-"

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


Burrower: Our seventh contender!

Definition spin kicks Hurricanescythe and pushes him against the barricade. Definition then got everyone back on their feet. That was also a mistake. An all-out brawl started, Cricket at Meta, Rosella at Wallflower, Boar at Hurricanescythe and Definition just kind of there. This was an advantage though, because he can sit back and not get exhausted. The brawl went on, Definition just watching in joy. Rosella finally gets her brain back and notices Definition. She jumps out of the way from Wallflower and wacks Definition's head against the barricade. Wallflower also noticed and teamed up with Rosella to beat the living heck out of Definition.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Tan: Ahhhh No...


Everyone just spikes their attention at Trillium. "You a punk" Hurricanescythe said right before absolutely lunging at Trillium. Everyone went back to fighting, and Boar turned his attention to Wallflower. Hurricanescythe gave Trillium the beat-down of her life, but Trillium brought out he YOU-GONNA-DIE-YOU-LIL-PUNK-BECUZ-I-GONNA-QUIT!!! And that's exactly what happened. She brought her choker flower out and almost poisoned Hurricanescythe for the second time. Luckily Boar didn't give a crap and kicked Trillium in the back of the head. Then something no one expected happened. Boar put his foot on Wallflower, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!"




Burrower: That reminds me...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


Burrower: Our 9th contender, Codebreaker!

Tan: I thought he was a referee only!!!!

Burrower: Well either way get Rainer out here!

Rainer the referee runs out while Codebreaker slams into Boar. Cricket jumps into Codebreaker, knocking him off guard. Meta, Hurricanescythe and Trillium join the bunch. The only other battle is Definition at Rosella, which Definition has made a comeback. He takes a word from Boars book and Seismic Slams Rosella into the ground. Definition puts the foot on... "ONE, TWO, THR-" Rosella is to resistant to be taken out now. Back at the other battle, everyone is getting beat to the ground. Codebreaker actually managed to throw Hurricanescythe into the barricade. Meta unloads on Hurricanescythe when he got the chance, Boar and Cricket take on Codebreaker, and Trillium visits the other match. Definition takes both of them by the neck and delivers another devastating Seismic Slam. He puts the foot on Trillium and "ONE, TWO, TH-" Right as she kicked out..

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Tan: Our final contender....

Burrower: QUARTZ!!!

Tan: Here she comes, making her debut!!

Burrower: This is surely a bad way to do it!

Quartz gets to Codebreakers aid, and takes Cricket to suplex city. Boar sees whats happening and tries to get Quartz done with the German Suplexes. But then he epicly failed and Quartz did a double Suplex to both of them. Cricket is just flailing all over the ground while Boar is getting back to his feet. In the other match, Rosella sees what Quartz's strategy is. She signals at Trillium, and they both get her arms around their heads. They do a devastating Suplex through the barricade. Just as Trillium drags Definition back into the arena, Rosella yells "WATCH OUT!!!" Trillium looks over and is knocked outside of the barricade by Meta. But apparently he didn't aim or even want to fight them. In fact, He was thrown across the arena by Hurricanescythe. Trillium's face was thrown against the railings of the stairs, (Which were in fact Metal). Meta got back up, but saw Rosella. His face said Uh-Oh, but his fist said IMMA LUNATIC! He actually dived down the stairs and hit Rosella, full impact.

Tan: He dived at Rosella! She's down!

Burrower: Pretty sure he is too...

Tan: I can't believe that Codebreakers still in!

Hurricanescythe is here. He came out of nowhere, picked both Meta and Rosella up, and threw them at Quartz. Since that, Cricket left Suplex-City. Boar and Codebreaker were on par with each other, both trying to overpower the other. Hurricanescythe went over to the place that Cricket, Quartz, Meta and Rosella were at. Definition jumped on Hurricanescythe's back, hopeful for a distraction. Definition just started punching his head over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Finally, he fell, but then the scene was saw by all of them. All nine of them, Hurricanescythe, Quartz, Definition, Meta, Rosella, Trillium, Codebreaker, Cricket, and Boar. All in a huge circle, just kind of looking at each other. "Uh..."

Tan: What's gonna happen? Are they going to fight... Or..?

Burrower: Well someone needs to take them out.

Tan: Wait... IT HAPPENED!!

Burrower: OH MY GOD, DO YOU SEE THIS???!??!?!?!

Boar unloads on about everyone, and knocks out Trillium. Meta joins him, and takes out everyone they can. Somehow, they manage to take out everyone BUT Hurricanescythe. Hurricanescythe went in for a giant punch, but nobodies home. Boar and Meta lift up Hurricanescythe together, "Three... Two.."




One after another, everyone was eliminated but Quartz, Cricket, Meta, and Boar. Cricket and Meta charged at each other, and Boar and Quartz did the same. Boar used his strength to send Quartz through the barricade. He looked over to see Meta and Cricket both down. Foot on Cricket. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!". Foot on Meta. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!" and he turned around to almost get a giant face-full of spikes. Luckily, he moved right before Quartz had the chance and got her up above his head..


Burrower: THAT'S IT!!! THEY'RE DONE!!!








MaxwelFISH: Oh dear gosh finally I finished it XD.


Wildfire vs. Monarch[]

Tan: Hello everyone, Welcome to ATWE live.

Burrower: That's right, today we have two dragons making their debut!

Tan: Wildfire and Monarch!

Burrower: You have to remember Monarch's hate for SkyWings..

Tan: And Wildfire's short temper!

The match starts with Monarch pushing Wildfire down and unloading. He gets a few good hits before Wildfire manages to push him off. Wildfire quickly leaps to her feet and slams into Monarch again and again. Monarch finally dodges the onslaught, but it quickly hurt. Wildfires tail slammed into Monarch and he hit the barricade, making him dizzy. He gets back up to get a German Suplex from Wildfire. Monarch was made more dizzy from that, slowly stumbling around. Wildfire bent down, sprung back up and bounced off the barricade.





Tan: They just reversed The Wildfire into a Bomber!

Monarch reversed The Wildfire and turned it into a Bomber. They both fell on the ground, with damage and hurt all over them. Monarch managed to get back up, until he looked to the side. It turns out the entire time Monarch was down, Wildfire was waiting for the right opportunity. She delivered The Wildfire and it was devastating. It hit square at Monarchs snout with a crack. Wildfire picked Monarch up and tried it another time. Monarch accidentally fell down and actually dodged the attack. Monarch crawled away until he was stomped on a few times. She put the foot on and "ONE, TWO, THR-" Monarch jumped up. "Welcome to comeback central." He said as he did what he needed.




Tan: What's this... She bounced off the barricade and-







Princess Trillium and Definition vs. Boar and Quartz[]

Tan: Hello everyone, Welcome to ATWE live.

Burrower: That's right, Today we have the teams of dragons who hate each other.

Tan: Trillium and Definition,

Burrower: And Boar and Quartz!

(Ding donigity dang doong dang)

The battle starts out, with Definition in first and Boar in first. Definition sizes Boar up right before she gets a face-full of punches. He unloaded on Definition, which still was dizzy. Boar lifts Definition up on his shoulders, and throws her onto the ground. Boar then starts stomping and kicking Definition, while she's struggling to stay in the match. Boar got her up on her feet, and looks at Definitions weird figure. "LET'S GOOOO!!" Boar screamed at Definition, taunting her to get back up. One she finally got her balance back, Boar ran and kicked her in the gut.

Tan: Boar is the dominate force right here...

Burrower: Remember, Definition can tag out at any time!

Boar saw his chance. He hit The Wild Unloader, and slammed Definition into the barricade. He got in about 8 punches before he noticed that he charged Definition into their own side, but Trillium was refusing to tag in. He continued to take 3 more punches before throwing Definition into his side of the barricade. "Let me in!" Quartz yelled from the side, but Boar got too cocky. "Come on, you're gonna be taken out!" Quartz shouted again, and Boar almost gave in. But he said "A few more hits.." and Quartz nodded and sighed. "Actually..." He tagged Quartz in and held Definition up. Quartz kicked once, twice, and then noticed Boar's goal. Boar threw Definition at Quartz and...


Burrower: THE TEAMWORK!!


Burrower: OH! THE CHOKER FLOWER ON... WHAT??!?!?






"I can't wait to win tonight..." Boar said to himself before he went against Quartz. "Is that so?" Quartz said happily from behind. "Hey, I can't let that happen. Sorry". "Oh I think you can, because I'm truly the better dragon here!" Boar countered. "Well, if you think your so good... I'll get MaxwelFISH to book a match not just between you and me, But you, me and Cricket!" Quartz said, mildly annoyed. "A 3-way? I'll still wi-"

"No. A Handicapped match, You vs. Me and Cricket. See you there!" Quartz interrupted, laughing at Boar's face.


Boar vs. Quartz and Cricket[]

Tan: Hello everyone, Welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have Boar's bad luck!

Tan: He has to take on Quartz and Cricket! But luckily, It's a tag-team match.

Burrower: Let's go!!!!

(bong dinigity dong ding)

Cricket is the first one in, and charges Boar head on. Oops. Once Cricket was close enough, sure enough, she was lifted over Boars head, and the Seismic Slam Connects. Cricket starts flailing on the ground, holding her back. Boar starts taunting her, and Quartz seems annoyed and worried. "Come on! Please get up!" Quartz shouted from her side of the barricade, while Meta said "Yeah! Nice job, man!" Boar was taunted out, and got bored. He picked up Cricket and stood her up on her feet. He slapped her a few times, mockingly, until Quartz had enough and jumped on Boar's back.

Tan: Looks like Quartz has had enough!

Burrower: She can only be in for 10 seconds, because Cricket is technically the only legal-dragon!

Boar just lifted Quartz off his back and threw her at the barricade. He put his foot on Cricket, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!"


Burrower: IN A ONE ON TWO!!



Meta sighed, and sent a paper to Boar saying "'Don't get cocky."


"Wow! What an complete and utterly idiot! I can't believe they gave him the championship. I'll tell you one and only one thing. I am getting that championship, no matter what. So come on, I'm challenging you for the NF Championship. Or are you to scared to give away your championship? Well either way... I'm coming for you." -Wildfire


Tan: Announcement!! We are here, at Speedline!!! We will hold Boars championship on the line! We will also have another special match! We will hold a new title out for this event, called the World Championship! So get pumped for this amazing event!!!! This is the road to WingMania, so get ready!!!


Speedline: Meta vs. Monarch[]

Tan: Hello everyone, Welcome to ATW-

Burrower: Looks like Meta can't contain his excitement! The match is on already!!!

Meta threw Monarch at the barricade, which knocked him down. Meta started stomping on Monarch for a few seconds. Monarch tried getting back up, but Meta kicked him in the stomach. Meta got Monarch on his feet, and Monarch took the opportunity. He straight up tackled Meta and starting punching him a lot. Meta decided to just let him punch. After a few minutes of Meta being punched, Monarch was out of juice. He gasped a bit to cool down, and got that chance. Meta got back up, grabbing his face from the pain. He shook it off, and lunged at Monarch.

Burrower: WAIT?!?! DO YOU SEE THIS?!?!?


Wildfire grabbed the foot of Meta, and threw him out of the way. Wildfire picked Monarch up and slammed her head against the barricade. Wildfire then lifted up Monarch and dropped her on the ground. Wildfire put him on his feet. She bounced off the barricade and delivered The Wildfire. It hit, sending Monarch towards the ground. Wildfire put her foot on, looking to end it, but Meta came from behind and knocked her off. Meta used his tail to slam Wildfire against the barricade. Monarch tried to jump on his back, but Meta intercepted and threw him onto Wildfire. He put both of his feet on them, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!!"





Speedline: Cricket vs. Wallflower (Chairs Match)[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have Cricket against Wallflower in a Chair Match!!!

Tan: They will be using chairs, obviously.

The match starts out and they stare each other down. They start circling the arena, still looking at each other. Cricket sprung towards Wallflower, but he quickly dodged, running her into the barricade. She recovered fast, but she got a big kick to the face and she slammed back into the barricade. She got up again, only to get another kick. She decided to be smart this time, so she started rolling and got herself up. Wallflower tried charging again, but Cricket lifted him up and threw him into the barricade. Cricket got him on his feet and she walked a few feet away. She then charged into him, sending him flying outside the barricade. Cricket smiled, and she lay on the barricade. Wallflower was on the ground, until he saw a chair a few feet away. He started crawling towards it, and Cricket didn't notice. He got the steel chair, and hopped to his feet. Cricket turned around, only to get a steel chair to the face. She flew down to the ground, clawing at her face. Wallflower hopped the barricade and slammed the chair down onto Cricket again, with a snap.

Tan: Oooooh, Thats gotta hurt!!!

Burrower: She's got a family!!! Stop it Wall!!!

Tan: That's not gonna make a difference, plus, Wallflower may be looking at his first win!!

Burrower: And Cricket another lose..

After a few more devastating hits, Cricket looked completely out. Wallflower put his foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THR-" Until Boar came out of nowhere and stopped the count, by pushing the referee. The referee looked at him, and started yelling to get out. Wallflower shoved the referee out of the way and hit Boar in the head with the chair. He fell down in agony, but managed to get back up. He grabbed the chair and threw it out of the arena. He then grabbed a chair and slammed Wallflowers arm as hard as he could. Wallflower managed not to scream, until he was picked up by Boar, and was thrown onto the steel chair. Boar saw Cricket getting back up, and he helped her. Cricket put the foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!"

Tan: The winner is Cricket!!

Burrower: That's not fair!!! Why is Boar even here?!!?!?!?

Tan: Well, all I say is poor Wallflower...


Speedline: Boar and Hurricanescythe (5-Dragon Survival Match)[]

Tan: Hello everyone, Welcome to ATWE live!!

Burrower: That's right, today we have the monsters, Boar and Hurricanescythe!!

Tan: And we also have 5 randomly selected dragons to take them on one-on-two!!!

Burrower: I think Boar has a pretty good chance!!!

The first dragon who came out was, surprise surprise, Quartz. She came rushing out and tried to tackle Hurricanescythe, only to be shut down and slammed against the barricade, breaking it. A big bit of th ebaricade collapsed, leaving everyone in aw. "CHAAAAAAAAAAAIRS" Boar shouted when he noticed there was a steel chair outside the barricade. The referee held him back, because they weren't allowed in this match. The referee yelled at him to stop, and he finally did. Quartz was basically unconscious, which was bad for Team Random, but good for Team Boar. Wildfire came out next, with a giant foot-to-face connection to Boar. She then turned around and smacked Hurricanescythe across the face with her tail. Her aggression was building up so she could take out Boar for the championship at Main Event. Boar recovered quickly, and so did Hurricanescythe. Apparently hitting Hurricanescythe was the wrong thing to do. Wildfire was picked up and Seismic Slammed to the ground, knocking her out completely from the force of Hurricanescythe. Wallflower runs in next, running into The Wild Unloader and is unloaded on from Boar. Boar lifts him up and throws him at Hurricanescythe, which he was then thrown against a barricade, which also broke. Monarch came out next, but Wildfire jumped up and started fighting her own teammate. Finally, Princess Rosella came out and started boxing with Boar. After a few punches, Boar managed to grab and pull up Rosella, which got a Giant Punch to the face, knocking her out completely. Hurricanescythe and Boar looked around, some of the barricade broken, Wildfire fighting Monarch, it was pretty definite who won.

Tan: Wow!! That was destruction!!

Burrower: We are not going to count that towards Team Randoms Win-Lose-Tie points.

Tan: But we are for Boar and Hurricanescythe!!


Speedline: Meta vs. Wildfire[]

Tan: Hello everyone, Welcome to ATWE live!!

Burrower: That's right, we have Meta against Wildfire!!!

Tan: We had Meta versus Monarch a few weeks ago, so I can't wait for this!!!

The match starts, and Wildfire and Meta kind of just flailing at each other. Wildfire pushes Meta down, but he springs back up like a punching-bag. Apparently that was true, and he got a few more punches to the face. He decided to go with it, and he saw that Wildfire was warming up for the "Big Match". He sat down, and got a beating of a life-time. He was kicked in the face, thrown against the barricade, punched in the stomach, and got The Wildfire in the arm. Wildfire was exhausted now, and Meta was regaining his strength. He got up before Wildfire did, and got her up. He bounced across the barricade and actually Delivered The Wildfire, to Wildfire.


Burrower: No, that's hilarious!!

Tan: He used Wildfire's own move!!!!

Meta picked up Wildfire, and picked her up. She weighed him over, almost crushing him. "Son of a Bi-" His snout was covered by Wildfire rolling over him. He managed to slip away, and got angry. He started stomping on Wildfire's head over and over, until he saw her head bleeding. "Oops.... Uh, Maybe I shouldn't of-" He was cut off by being shoved aside into the barricade by, you guessed it, Monarch. Monarch grabbed a chair, and slammed it onto Wildfire's head. "HA!!! REVENGE AND KARMA STRIKES AGAIN!!!" Monarch yelled at the top of his lungs. "I WIN!!!" "Stop interrupting my matches!!" Meta whined as he kicked Monarch in the place where the sun don't shine. He winced, and fell down. Meta put the foot on Wildfire, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!"

Burrower: Hah!! The winner is Meta!!

Tan: By the insanity of invasion!!

Burrower: Yeah, This rivalry is heated.


"Hey!! Did you hear about the Main Event match coming up?" Rosella said to Quartz, as they walked along a ATWE Dome hallway. "Yeah, no kidding. They have hyped it up so much, they should make it a combination of all matches!!" Quartz said excitedly, while they walked past Boar's dressing room. "Uh, He's so lucky to have the championship!!! Who are you cheerin-" She was cut off by Wildfire. "He's was so lucky to have the championship. Now, it's mine." Wildfire snapped. "Not if I have anything to do about it." Cricket said from behind. Maybe I'll get Max to add someone in, or maybe two..." She mused, with an evil smile. "What? No!! This was my chance!!!" Wildfire yelled, and pushed Cricket. Cricket looked at her if as she was insane, and punched Wildfire in the jaw. She winced, put her talons to her jaw, and then tackled Cricket. Once they both got up they started constantly throwing punches. Quartz and Rosella jumped in and separated the fight, but they were to resistant and kept fighting. "So, what do we do...?" Rosella asked Quartz as they watched the fight. "Maybe... Just ask Max to add the few that Cricket wanted?" Quartz responded. "Sounds good."


Speedline: Princess Rosella vs. Pachyderm[]

Tan: Hello everyone, Welcome to ATWE live!!

Burrower: That's right, today we have a competitor making their debut!!

Tan: Pachyderm, versus Rosella!!!

The match starts, with Pachyderm lifting Rosella a few feet off the ground and slammed her down on her side. He lifted her up again, and dropped her on her back. He lifted Rosella to her feet, and he ran against the barricade. He bounced off and looked for a backleg-dropkick, but Rosella quickly moved out of the way. Pachyderm got up fast, but got a backleg-dropkick to the face from Rosella. Pachyderm got up again, and got yet another backleg-dropkick to the face, and he was flung into the barricade. He lay back against it, trying to regroup, and then ONE MORE BACKLEG-DROPKICK.

Tan: Why is Rosella so in love with dropkicks?

Burrower: Well, it's working against the new one!!!

Pachyderm was holding his face, from the pain, but he decided to brush it off and he charged into Rosella. He slammed right into her stomach, and knocked her into the ground. She winced, tried to get back up, and got a punch to the face. He put his foot on, looking to end the least exciting match ever, UNTIL....

Tan: Let's just get to Main Event, everyone is tooooooo hyped

Burrower: Yeah, Codebreaker isn't even doing the count!!

Tan: Well, let's make this exciting.

Burrower: No chairs, just give them a-

It started raining tables, and then table remains, and then chairs. "OH MY GO-" Everyone, even the referee, got engulfed in chairs and tables. The referee made it out, and crawled out of the arena. After a few minutes, Pachyderm finally made it out of the mess, and crawled out too.

Tan: So, who won here..?

Burrower: Uh, I guess Pachyderm?

Tan: Well, he made it out... Now we're gonna have to clean this up...


"Ah..." Definition said as she walked along the hallway. "Can't wait for Main Event. They put me in it, and I ish not believe!!!" She walked for a bit. Definition opened the door to her dressing room, but was tapped on the shoulder. "Oh hey Wildfi-OW!!!" She shouted, as she was thrown into a garbage can. She tried to get back up, but was met with a steel chair to the leg. Definition crawled as far as she could, before having the trashcan thrown onto her leg.

"See you at Main Event.." Wildfire said evilly.

A few minutes later, Meta saw what happened. "Def, you okay?" Before he could get an answer, he was hit in the back of the head by Wildfire. He got back up and started brawling with her. Codebreaker, Rainer and Candles came out and confronted them, bringing them apart from fighting. Wildfire broke into anger and flung Rainer into the wall. She also lifted Candles up and threw her into Rainer. Codebreaker called for Dawnbreeze to come in, and she did. Codebreaker got Meta to calm down, but not Wildfire. Dawnbreeze tried her best, but got kicked in the stomach and slammed her against the bent trashcan.

"HAAALP" Definition yelled, and four other wrestlers came in. Finally, they took her out, and they left.

"Well that happened." Meta said as he walked away from the chairs and bent trashcan.



MaxwelFISH: There is some blood in this, just a disclaimer!!

Tan: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeello everyone! Welcome to the ATWE Maaaaain Event!!!!

Burrower: Thaaaaaaaaat's right, We have Boar versus Wildfire versus Meta versus Definition!!!!!!

Tan: A no disqualifaction match and a No Mercy Championship match, I can't wait for things to kick off!

The match starts, and they colide, knocking down Definition. Unfortunately, she landed on her leg. She winced with pain, while Boar and Wildfire started beating eachother as much as they could. Meta looked over at Definition, holding her leg, and felt a stab of guilt for having to fight her. But, reluctantly, he lifted Definition up onto her feet. He kicked her in the leg, where she got hurt, and she almost shouted a curse word. Meta stomped on her leg twice, and saw the look of pain on Definition's face. Meta felt more guilt, but it was No Mercy. He picked her up onto her feet, and looked her in the eyes. "Poke." He said as he thrusted his talons into her eyes. Definition screamed in agony, and put her claws over her eyes and sat down. Meta kicked her across face, and she face-planted.

Tan: Meta really streches the definition of "No Mercy"!

Burrower: I didn't think he was this brutal!!

Tan: Well, you've got to go to high messures for a championship!!

Back over at Boar's fight, he wasn't really getting the upper-hand. His head was being smashed against the barricade, over and over by Wildfire. He was thrown onto the floor, which he recovered quickly. He took his fist and ran it into the direction of Wildfire. Wildfire just slipped out of the way, sending Boar spiraling into the barricade. He tried to get up, but he fell down again. Wildfire decided to hop the barricade, and she walked over to where Tan and Burrower were. She grabbed a fold-up table and took it out to the arena. Boar was already back up, and tackled her, full force. She was rammed into the barricade, and sure enough, broke it. A part of the barricade unfolded, and Wildfire looked insanely dizzy. Boar lifted up the fold-up table, and extended the legs so it stood up. Boar stood Wildfire on her feet, and lay her against the barricade. He started flexing and taunting, until he noticed Meta coming by.

Tan: Here comes Meta, stirring up some conflict!

Burrower: I don't know if Meta is brave or an idiot!!

Tan: We'll find out!!

Boar held up his foot, and Meta accedantily ran into it. He gasped for a second, knocking the air out of him, and Meta got his game back on. "Poke." Meta thrusted his talons into Boar's eyes and he shouted, holding his face. Meta had a smug face, and grabbed Boar's arms. He took them off of his eyes, and... "Poke." He poked Boar in the eyes AGAIN. This time, Boar screamed in agony, and collapsed. Meta turned around, making sure no one was behind him, and when he turned back, he got punched in the face from Definition.

Tan: That was anti-climactic!!

Burrower: No kidding...

Meta fell onto the floor, as if he was knocked out, and didn't open his eyes. Definition saw everyone laying down, just out, and she was the only one up. She did a bit of taunting, and then hopped the barricade. She found a steel chair, but delined the offer. She slithered around a bit more, and found a long, wood stick. She picked it up, and jumped back in the arena. She was suprised at how Wildfire and Boar were fighting already. Meta was getting back to his feet, and that's where she saw her chance. Definition started rapidly hitting Meta with the stick, each time making a springing sound, and Meta was flopping to the floor, being beat to the bone. After about forty hits, the stick broke and Meta was down. She took the broken stick, and saw that thre were some wooden peices sticking out of each stick. They looked sharp... Definition had an evil idea, unthinkably evil. She took the snapped in half wood, and stabbed it into Meta. He shouted with pain, and trickles of blood came down from his stomach. He was gasping and holding his stomach, and passed out.



Tan: I can't unsee that!

Definition put her foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THR-" The count was interupted by Boar clonking Definition in the head with a chair. She turned around, felt dizzy, and fell down. Wildfire was slowly recovering, but Boar didn't let her. Boar picked her up, and he climbed on top of the barricade. It wasn't very wide, not give Boar much place to stand, but he still was and had her over is shoulder. He stood on his hind-legs, and remember that table he set up earlier? He's about  to smash her through. He was about to throw her into the table. "Okay... One, two, thr-" Boar was cut off by being pushed off the barricade by Definition. Wildfire and Boar both fell and they both fell through the table. The table was in half now, with Boar and Wildfire just laying there. Definition felt a jolt of joy, and got back into the arena. Everyone was literally passed out, even Boar. Definition put her foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THR-"




It was the wrong decision to attack Definition right now. She turned around, slowly reached for a half of the wooden stick, and started beating the crap out of her. Trillium fell do the ground, getting smacked in the face and back by a wooden stick, until it got wore out. Two of the referees came out and escorted Trillium out. Definition turned around, and everyone was still down. She hopped the barricade, looking for another weapon, and she found a ladder. She brought it back into the arena, when suddenly Trillium jumped onto her back. She fell backwards, and Trillium started puncing her while still holding on. Now four of the referees were yelling at Trillium to get off, and tugging at her. Boar finally opened his eyes, and rolled off of the debree of the table. He got up, but felt a sharp pain in his back. It was just a weird pain, from the impact of the table. He regrouped himself, and saw the mess of referees and Trillium and Definition. He put his foot on Meta, but nobody noticed. He did the right thing. He ran up, jumped over a referee and grabbed Trillium. He lifted her up, threw her over the barricade, He looked back, and Definition was already climbing the ladder. Boar had no idea her intentions, but they didn't look good. Wildfire was up, too, now. She came from the other side of the ladder, and pushed Definition off. She was caught by Boar, only to be thrown over the barricade too. Boar jumped onto the ladder, and Wildfire was face to face with him, standing on the third to last step. They stared. Wildfire slapped Boar across the face, and Boar returned the favor. They fell, because Definition pushed the ladder down. They both landed on their feet, and they glared at Definition. She had a vicious look, and held a chair in her talons. Wildfire sprung towards her, but she ran into the chair. Wildfire went to regroup near the barricade, as Boar came at Definition the same way. He grabbed onto the chair, and stole it from her claws. He then raised it, was about to hit Definition, when something came from behind...

Tan: WHAT?!?!?!



Meta looked at Definition with rage, blood all over the ladder and his stomach. He clutched the chair Boar was holding, and slowly advanced towards Definition. She walked backwards until she hit the barricade, and that littler noise of her hitting the barricade, made Meta snap. He zoomed over to Definition, hit her over and over with the chair, in the leg where she got injured, in the head and on her back. He didn't stop until Wildfire tapped on his shoulder. He agilely turned around and hit her with the chair a few hundred times, turned back around, and started hitting Definition again. Meta's pure anger made him even more Insane, and looked around. Everyone was down, and he put his foot on Wildfire. "ONE, TWO, THRE-" Wildfire kicked out using her pure instinct. Meta used the one thing he had left. He jumped over the barricade. He grabbed three tables. He went over and stacked them on top of eachother. He stood the ladder right next to it. He climbed up the ladder, lifting up Wildfire, and threw her through the three tables. He jumped down, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!!!"






"AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!" Boar screamed as he threw a trashcan across the room. He slammed out of his dressing room, and stormed out of the hallway. He walked into the Entry place in the ATWE Dome. He saw Meta talking peacefully with Tan and Definition. Boar stomped over, and grabbed Meta. "Wait, what the-" Meta was cut off by being thrown off his chair and into the registration counter. He winced, and got up to look at Boar. He got a punch to the face, sending him over the counter. Tan tried to stop Boar, but Boar picked him up and almost threw him onto the table they were at, but Definition caught him. She put him down and kicked Boar in the stomach. Nothing really happened, it just angered Boar. He grabbed a chair, folded it up, and crashed it onto Definition's head. She fell down on the table, and slid onto the ground. He turned back to Meta, who was trying to get up, and Boar actually helped him up. Until he ran him into the counter and unleashed the Wild Unloader. He hit Meta 12 times before 3 of the referees came out to confront. They shouted orders at Boar, which angered him so much, that he grabbed Candles and threw her across the room into a table. Of course, it wasn't a "Match table", so it didn't break. Codebreaker was punched into a chair, and Rainer was thrown over the counter. Nobody could stop him, and he started unloading away at Meta again. Soon enough, Dawnbreeze came out with Quartz and Wildfire. Boar looked over with rage in his eyes, he lifted a steel chair, and stared at them. Dawnbreeze was signalling no and shouting stop, and so were Wildfire and Quartz. Boar hit Wildfire and Quartz in the stomach, and they both collapsed. Dawnbreeze looked at Boar with fear, and was slammed in the head, making her pass out. After maybe thirty minutes, almost everyone was out cold. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Boar screamed again, and started pushing tables over and throwing paper and mugs off counters and tables. Temper tantrum, much?


End of the Line: Trillium vs. Definition (Steel cage match)[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to ATWE End of the Line!

Burrower: That's right, today we have a steel cage match with the insane rivalry of Def and Trillium!

Tan: A steel cage will be lowered onto the arena, 20 foot by 20 foot, 10 feet high!

Burrower: Weapons are allowed, so let's go!

The cage lowered, both Definition and Trillium inside. They glared at each other, more than that. They charged, and started exchanging hits. Over. And over. Trillium usually kicked, and Definition usually punched. They wore each other out for a second, and started back at it. They kept at it until they were bruised and tired. They just sat down in the middle of the cage for a minute, and immediately got back up. Some staring. Trillium charged, grabbed Definition's head, and tossed her into the cage. The cage shook with a clanging sound, and Definition almost fell off her feet. Trillium put her foot on Definition's face, and pushed forward, slamming her into the steel cage again. She yelped, and Trillium did it once more. Definition had a bruise on her head, and it was big. Steel hurts, and she learned that. Trillium put her foot on, but her opponent got the advantage. She pushed Trillium away, and she slipped behind her. Definition pushed Trillium into the cage, and her face ran straight into it. Definition started shoving Trillium's face into the cage, the metal pushing into her face.

Burrower: Wow, steel must hurt a lot!!

Tan: No wonder they looked worried into this match!

Definition started spinning around, holding on to Trillium's ear and head. After they both got dizzy, she flung Trillium into the cage wall. Who knew it would break. Some of the cage broke off, and she climbed out. Trillium was laying on the floor, and was lifted up by Definition. She then threw her down, and sure enough, started climbing the cage. Definition was at the top now, and looking for Trillium. Nowhere to be found. "She was right there... Wa-" She was pushed off by Trillium, who came from behind. Definition learned a few tricks from Main Event, and landed on her feet. She looked up with a face full of disgust at Trillium, while she was laughing her butt off. Trillium probably shouldn't of been like that, because Definition shook the cage, and sure enough, Trillium fell off. But she wasn't as graceful as Definition. She fell onto the ground, and looked completely unconscious. "Idiot." Definition said as she dragged Trillium back into the cage. She put her foot on Trillium.. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!"

Tan: The winner is Definition!

Burrower: After the gracefulness of Trillium..

Tan: And I thought she was a princess!


Boar and Definition vs. Hurricanescythe and Dementia[]

MaxwelFISH: Because it would be impossible to do anything, I am taking away Dementia's forgetting system. Sorry.

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have Hurricanescythe and Dementia!

Tan: Versus Boar and Definition!! Let's go!

Dementia and Definition are in first. Definition stalks her opponent, but Dementia isn't that type. Dementia runs Definition into the barricade, flinging her over. Dementia looks at Boar, who was glaring back. Boar stepped over his side of the barricade, and punched her in the face. Codebreaker shouted for Boar to get out, but he also slapped him. Codebreaker just glared at Boar, took off his referee shirt, and started unloading on Boar. Dementia stared at the brawl, and Definition came from behind. She knocked Dementia down, but she got back up. They looked at each other, Dementia noticing she needs a new strategy, when Trillium came from behind. She knocked Dementia out with her choker, and ran Definition into the barricade. Definition slips out of Trillium's grip using her agility, and runs into Hurricanescythe. She took a step back, and Hurricanescythe walked past her. He grabbed Trillium by the throat, and threw her at the barricade. That part of the barricade broke off and almost fell on a dragon in the audience.

Tan: Oh wow, doesn't look like Scythe is very happy!

Burrower: Nooope...

Tan: He's turning around.... OH!!! GIANT FIST TO DEFINITION!!!!

Definition looked like she was passed out, and Dementia had a happy face. Unfortunately, Codebreaker, the referee, was still fighting Boar. Luckily, another referee came out. Dementia finally got back up, and put her foot on Definition. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!" And with that, they easily won the match. Up until Boar came out with raaaaaage all over his face. He's lost again. Hurricanescythe noticed what this meant, and he fled. Tan and Burrower ran from their announce stand, and Codebreaker ran for his life. So did the other referee. The only ones left were Trillium (Knocked out), Boar (Enraged), and Dementia (Confused). She looked around, wondering why everyone fled, and was grabbed by the neck by Boar. She started choking, pulling at Boar's arm, and then she was thrown onto Trillium. They both seemed unconscious, and Boar left, looking for a new dragon to beat to a pulp.


An Accident happened...[]

Tan: Hey.. Something happened, something bad. We are not showing this match, but I can explain it.. So, it was a match between Meta and Hurricanescythe was booked. Half-way through, Hurricanescythe was going to bring out his finisher. Once he Giant-Punched Meta, a crack was heard. I heard at least 9 people throw up, and Meta collapsed onto the floor. Blood spilled onto the floor, and a lot of referees and medics ran over to Meta's side. Burrower and I ran out to aid, and Quartz ran out to stop the show.

Burrower: So yeah... Meta's results came back with... Well, a broken jaw. He can't wrestle now, and here are some polls we have..



Meta: I may be injured... But I've still got my battle spirit. So, if you want to show your gratitude for me, can I get a Woo-freaking-hoo?


Meta bounced up, and shouted Woo-freaking-hoo with the fans doing it with him, soon enough the entire stadium is going WOO-FREAKING-HOO!!

Meta: That's awesome. Now once I get this injury good enough, I'm coming back on this show. In this arena. In this life. And I will take out every living soul I can. So one more time everyone, WOO FREAKING HOO!! WOO FREAKING HOO!!


Meta left the arena like that, but waved goodbye to the audience.


Lostmemory vs. Princess Rosella[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have the mastermind, Rosella!

Tan: And a dragon making their debut, Lostmemory!

Rosella scales her new enemy up, seeing what may or may not happen. Lostmemory does the same, and after a few minutes, Rosella kicked Lostmemory in the jaw, and she retaliated by slapping Rosella. Rosella turned back, and started clearing the sand. She started digging, until she cleared all of the sand. She uncovered smooth concrete, but was distracted by the treasure she found. Lostmemory picked up Rosella from behind, and threw her onto the barricade. She was laying there, until she stood up on the barricade. Lostmemory saw what she planned, and rammed into the barricade. Rosella almost slipped, but she kept her balance. Lostmemory did it again, and this time Rosella fell and hit her chin on the ground. Fortunately, she didn't hit the revealed concrete. Lostmemory felt like she had to, though. Lostmemory picked Rosella up, climbed onto the barricade, and jumped off, holding Rosella. Once she was past the concrete part mid-air, she let go of Rosella. To her luck, Rosella's face slammed into the concrete.

Tan: That's gotta hurt!!

Burrower: Well, I don't think Rosella had that planned for the concrete..

Tan: In fact, probably the exact opposite!

Lostmemory started circling her opponent, and when Rosella finally got up, she got a foot to the face. Rosella fell down, and started rolling to a barricade far away from Lostmemory. Lostmemory wanted to see what she was planning, so she sat back on the barricade. Rosella pulled herself up, and fell out of the barricade. She went into the audience, and found a steel chair. She remembered this was a normal match, so weapons weren't allowed. Suddenly, The chair was gone and Rosella felt her feet not touching the ground, and then felt a sudden pain in her back. Codebreaker called off the match, and everyone knew why.

Tan: Well then.

Burrower: She just used a steel chair, leading to a disqualification!!

Tan: And the winner is Rosella!


Trillium and Rosella vs. Wallflower (Test of Durability)[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have a test of durability!

Tan: Trillium and Rosella will have all kinds of weapons to beat Wallflower!

Burrower: We have a damage meter, and it all continues until Wallflower says the words. "I quit."

Tan: Let's see how much punishment he can take!

Trillium grabs a wooden stick first, while Rosella not anything. They decide to use just fist and legs first. Wallflower is laying against the barricade, ready for the beating he's going to get. Rosella just slapped him across the face, leaving a big red mark on his snout. He almost laughed, but was kicked in the stomach. He still stood, kind of seeing how long he could stay standing. Trillium and Rosella looked at each other in an evil way, and started unloading on Wallflower. Throwing punches and kicks, making Wallflower wince. After they got bored of bruising and smacking Wallflower with their fist, so why not to the next level. Trillium and Rosella both grabbed a wooden stick, and posed like they were ready to hit a baseball. Trillium swung first, and it made a loud WAPISH sound. Rosella followed, and WAPISH. Then they make him stop laying on the barricade by throwing hm onto the ground. Trillium and Rosella started whacking his back with the wooden stick over and over again. Trillium lifted Wallflower's body, made him stand up, and locked hm in that position. Rosella started slowly, but hardly, hitting him in the stomach. Wallflower didn't look like he liked this.. There was bruises and red marks all over his body, but he persevered. Trillium hooked onto Wallflower's back, and ran him into the barricade. Rosella and Trillium seemed to have the same idea at the same time.

Tan: Currently, Wallflower damage count is...


Tan: 69 damage done! The perseverance for a normal not wrestling dragon is about 55, so let's see how long he can continue!

They tore off the padding on the barricade, revealing steel poles holding the barricade together. Trillium was still locked in on Wallflower's back, and slammed him into the metal and steel, making the barricade collapse on top of Wallflower. Rosella was on the top of another part of the barricade, and yelled "Trillium, can you put a steel chair onto Wallflower's face?" Trillium nodded, and put it there. Rosella jumped off, doing a flip, onto the steel chair. The metal crushed Wallflower's face against the ground, and that's when he got a tiny bit angry. He got up, but got a head rushed and fell back. Trillium took out a table, a ladder, and another steel chair. She hit Wallflower in the back of the head with it, and then she set up the ladder. After it was up, she put the table in front of it, and put the steel chair under it. Rosella climbed up with Wallflower, and push him off the ladder, through the table, and his head hit the steel chair. The tiniest sound was heard. "I quit."

Tan: And Wallflower has quit!

Burrower: The damage meter is..

Tan: 157 damage done! That is 102 damage over the normal damage for quitting!

Burrower: I honestly thought it would be less..


Push up-Contest: Hurricanescythe vs. Boar and Burrower vs. Pachyderm![]

Codebreaker: And, you may start, NOW!!

Codebreaker: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,

Tan: They just keep going...

Burrower: Dang!!

Codebreaker: 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,

Tan: Boar looks tired..

Burrower: On the other hand..

Codebreaker: 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93,

Boar collapses onto the ground, arms super tired from push-ups. He was so tired, he fell asleep from the soreness of his arms.

Codebreaker: The winner is Hurricanescythe! And the next contest is Pachyderm vs. Burrower!

Tan: YOU?!??!

Burrower: Yep!

Codebreaker: You may start, NOW!!

Codebreaker: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 6-

Burrower and Pachyderm both fell at the same time, arms sore and tired.

Codebreaker: There you have it folks! A tie!

Tan: Wow, that's longer than I thought you would last...



Tan: Hello everyone, today we have 6 dragons...

Burrower: We are here on ATWE live, with a giant steel cage!!

Tan: WingMania is only a hop, skip, and a jump away!

Burrower: And starting today, every match will decide who is going to WingMania. The dragon who wins this, will hopefully get a chance against Meta for the World Championship.

Tan: Two dragons start and every so often, a new dragon is released into the chamber. After all four other dragons are in, they brawl, eliminating each other one by one. One out of Six dragons, will get a championship match at WingMania. And all of this, is happening in a giant steel cage!

Burrower: Your first two contenders... Monarch and Hurricanescythe!

Tan: Your other contenders, Wildfire, Wallflower, Boar and Definition!

Burrower: Some of the Number one contenders!! Too bad Meta is missing..

The bell rung, and Monarch just ran into Hurricanescythe. Monarch almost fell back on the metal, which would of hurt, but he caught himself. Monarch stood up, and got punched in the face. That made him dizzy, getting hit from Hurricanescythe. Hurricanescythe lifted him above his head, and threw him at the pure steel floor. Monarch winced at the pain, but luckily, his back only hit the ground instead of his head. Hurricanescythe stomped on his chin, once, twice, and then another time. He lifted Monarch up again, and dropped him. Monarch landed flat on his face with a clash of steel against him. Hurricanescythe had an idea, a painful one, and starts sitting on Monarch. He started shouting in pain, while Hurricanescythe was smiling at the fact that Monarch could tap out, and be eliminated already. Monarch uses a rush of adreniline, and tries to push himself and Hurricanescythe on his back up. He makes it an inch off the ground, before slamming against the steel again. He did it again, and lifted an inch and a half off the ground. Finally, he gave up, but didn't give in. It felt like his back would explode into one million pieces, because Hurricanescythe was happily sitting on him, while Monarch was literally screaming.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!!

A wheel spins, and it chooses Wallflower.

Tan: Wallflower is here!!

Burrower: His test of durability has to improve him a bit, so he's came in with power behind his belt!

Wallfower charged in and kicked Hurricanescythe across the face, and he shot up. They stared at eachother. Wallflower put his talons on Hurricanescythe, and pushed as hard as he could. Hurricanescythe flew into the steel chains on the wall, and he fell down. Wallflower actually tried to help Monarch up, buut his back hurt to much to do anything ever. So Wallflower stared at Hurricanescythe getting back up, his face right above the ground. Wallflower puts his foot on Hurricanescythe's head, and jumped up, which put all of his weight on the head. Hurricanescythe's head slammed into the metal ground, and he started flopping on the floor like a fish. Wallflower seems like it's the time, so he starts taunting and showing off. Hurricanescythe shot up, with a face on his face.. A facey face.. A facey face that was... Facey.. Wallflower just dropkicked him into the steel chains on the wall again, but him himself fell on his arm. "Ooowww" Wallflower said, somewhat sarcastically. Monarch was laying against the chains now, his back so sore, he could barely move. Wallflower had the idea to throw him on the ground and pin him, but did it to Hurricanescythe instead. "ONE, TWO, TH-" Hurricanescythe jumped up with such a force, it threw Wallflower a few feet in the air. He managed to catch his balance, and not land hard on the metal.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!!

A wheel spins, and it chooses Wildfire.

Tan: Here comes Wildfire, with the energy in her!

Burrower: She's agressive, strong and agile. The perfect mix for a wrestler!

Wildfire jumps out of her cell, and grabs Wallflower by the neck. She flung him into Monarch, but Monarch moved out of the way just in time. But his body became stiff, and it hurt. A lot. Either way, Wallflower is thrown into the chain walls, and he felt horribly bad. He fell on his face, which also hurt a lot. Wildfire looked aggressive, and once Hurricanescythe got up, he did too. Hurricanescythe ran into Wildfire, and she ran into the metal, the back of her head hitting it. She screeched a little when Hurricanescythe turned her on her back, and sat on her back. "AAAAAAAH" She screamed as her back was being crushed by Hurricanescythe. Monarch saw the pain that Wildfire was in, and he was there before, so he tried to crawl over, but his body became waaay to stiff. "MMMMMMMMM" Wildfire said as she struggled a lot, A LOT to get out of Hurricanescythe's hold. Wallflower jumped over, punched him in the face, and he fell off of her back. "Okay, Monarch, Wildfire, we need to team up against Hurricanescythe to get anywhere." Wallflower said aggressively, as he looked at Hurricanescythe trying to get back up. Monarch slowly climbed over, and they all stood up, all in a team against the real threat. Until...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!!

A wheel spins, and it chooses Definition.

Tan: Here comes Definition, with the need for destruction!

Burrower: Let's see if she's going with the team thing going on..

Definition didn't know they were teaming, so she tackled Monarch and whacked Wallflower and Wildfire in the face. They both fell down, and Monarch didn't even try. All of them were down except for Definition and Hurricanescythe. She tried to run into him, but he hoisted her above his head. Then he held on as hard as he could, and ran into the walls a few times. Then, finally, he dropped Definition on her face, and almost sat on her back, until Wallflower, Wildfire, and Monarch all helped lifted Hurricanescythe up. They put him on Monarch's shoulders, and the Bomber was in place. But Wildfire and Monarch were holding on to Hurricanescythe, and all three of them dropped him on the steel floor. Wildfire held her hand over his mouth, and Monarch held his legs down. Wallflower put his foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"



Tan: Well, that's helpful for everyone else.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!!

Boar comes out of a cell.

Tan: The biggest dragon eliminated, a new big dragon in.

Burrower: Well, it works.

So now everyone was staring at each other, Boar, Monarch, Wildfire, Wallflower, Definition. Boar, being the freshest in the arena, everyone started attacking him. Boar flung Monarch off, but he came back like a boomerang. Once he was on the ground, they all started stomping on him. Boar tried to get back up, but they lifted him up and slammed him down back on the metal. Boar looked like he was out cold, so Monarch and Wildfire started brawling and Wallflower and Definition started brawling. Soon enough, Boar got back up, his back sore from hitting the steel so hard, and he reluctantly got back up. Boar sat on the ground watching everyone fight, and then wanted to get involved. He put apart Wallflower and Definition, and he kicked them both. Boar lifted Wallflower up, and Seismic Slammed. Boar lifted Definition too, but she escaped the slam. Boar put his foot on Wallflower, and "ONE-" He was immediately broken up by Wildfire and Monarch, both knowing they would need Wallflower to win this. They lifted him up, but Definition took hold of Monarch's head and hit it against the wall. Then she took hold of Wildfire, and put her head between a square chain. She literally started choking, and Definition started stomping on her back. After a few painful minutes, she helped Wildfire out of the chains. Wildfire gasped for air, and fell to the ground.

Tan: Definition wants them to feel pain!!

Burrower: I think she can only play dirty to actually win.

And that seemed to get her attention. Even thought walking out of the chamber is illegal, she opened the door, walked out, and grabbed Burrower by the ear. She threw him into the metal cage, and slammed the door shut. Rainer, Candles, and Codebreaker were pushing Definition back, but she just shrugged and walked past Burrower. He was stuck here too, whether he liked it or not, and he was also going to get hurt. Wallflower delivered a back-leg-dropkick to Definition, almost making her fall down on the steel floor, but she caught herself. Until Burrower came from behind, grabbed Definition by the head, and drove her into the chain wall. Wallflower also tried to give a back-leg-dropkick to Burrower, but he moved out of the way. Boar finally got up, lifted up Wallflower again, went for the Seismic Slam, but was disrupted by Monarch. Wallflower and Monarch shot a grin at each other. Wildfire darted over from behind, hit Boar in the back of the head, knocking him onto the floor. Wallflower, Monarch and Wildfire all put their hands up in celebration. Burrower was banging on the cell to get out, but Definition grabbed him and rammed him into the door, accidentally making it open. As the referees held Definition back, Burrower climbed out, being greeted by Tan.

Tan: So, how was it in there?


Tan: These dragons have taken a lot more steel then you have, so be grateful you got out.

When Definition turned around, she was welcomed by the trio of Monarch, Wildfire and Wallflower. Wildfire and Wallflower threw her onto Monarch's shoulders, and he delivered a Bomber to her. Monarch went for the pin, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"



Definition stormed out of the cage, and tackled Burrower into the wall. She walked out, and it was over. She was out, and there was nothing she could do. Now the only ones left were the team and the Boar. And as we all know, the Boar is in trouble. Monarch tried to attack, but Wildfire held him back. Monarch asked her why, and she told him and Wallflower her plan. They listened, and they agreed except for Monarch. He said something else should happen. So they started arguing, and when they start arguing, dragons get mad. Wildfire took about 9 steps away, and then actually delivered The Wildfire to Monarch's face. He fell down, looking unconscious, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!" Monarch was eliminated by Wildfire, who he thought was teaming with him. Boar came from behind, lifted Wildfire above his head, and Seismic Slammed. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!" Wildfire was eliminated.

Tan: We have a one on one now... Boar vs. Wallflower..

Burrower: Let's do this!!

Boar ran into Wallflower, sending him flying into the chains. Wallflower was hurt a lot, but his durability test was saving him. Boar picked Wallflower up, no one to save him, and slammed him down on the ground. The Seismic Slam was delivered, and that was it. "ONE, TWO, THR-" Until it wasn't. At the last second, Wallflower sprung up, slapped Boar, lifted him above his shoulders, and dropped him on the steel eight times, and then finally elbow dropped him in the stomach. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"





Quartz vs. Cricket: ROAD TO WINGMANIA (No holds barred)[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to the Roooooad to WingMania!

Burrower: That's right, today we have Quartz vs; Cricket!!

Tan: This will decide who's going to WingMania, so everything is on the line!

Cricket immediately jumped out of the arena, and grabbed the railings to the stairs. She pulled as hard as she could, but it didn't happen. Looks like she couldn't tear it off, so she trudged somewhere else. Quartz was also off doing her own thing, so there was no fighting so far. Until Quartz found a steel pipe, and Cricket a Wooden stick. They started clashing, almost like a sword fight, both clanging the metal pipe and wooden stick together to block and hit each other. Finally, Quartz lost grip, and Cricket smacked the stick across Quartz's face. She didn't look hurt, so Cricket took another swing. Quartz dodged and hopped onto the barricade, Cricket charging after, and she jumped from it and landed on Cricket. They were both laying down for maybe 30 seconds, until Cricket got the strength to get up. She immediately felt her shoulder, feeling a pain there. Quartz had landed on her shoulder once she jumped off the barricade, which is about 5 feet above the average dragon. Quartz took a step up, and tackled Cricket with all of her force. She started unloading a barrage of punches and kicks onto her. Cricket flung her off, and went to regroup by the barricade, only to get lifted up and slammed onto her neck into the ground. She got back up, and was thrown onto her neck again.

Tan: Quartz working on all of the body she can!!

Burrower: It will make it harder for Cricket to move, so it makes sense!

Tan: Well, let's see how long she can keep it up.

Quartz jumped out of the barricades, grabbed a ladder, and threw it in. She set it up, climbed to the very top, and was ready to jump onto Cricket. "ARE YOU READY, FOR THE CAVE SPLASH?!?!" Nobody actually knew what that was, so they just cheered. She jumped off the ladder, doing to flips before landing on Cricket's stomach, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!!" Cricket was pinned.





Definition vs. Pachyderm: ROAD TO WINGMANIA (By way of K.O., No Mercy)[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to the ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAD to WingMania!

Burrower: That's right, today we have Pachyderm vs. Definition!!

Tan: They will win by way of K.O., so this might get a little aggressive! Weapons are allowed, and encouraged!

Definition jumped onto the barricade, and jumped onto Pachyderm's shoulders. She already delivered Definition of Pain right off the bat, slamming Pachyderm into the barricade. He fell down onto his face, and she picked him back up. She immediately lifted him up, but Pachyderm reversed it. Pachyderm then tried to run her into the barricade, but Definition moved just in time, so he ran himself into the barricade. His head was hurting, but he managed to get back up. Pachyderm charged again, but Definition dodged and he ran himself into the barricade once again. Pachyderm was dizzy now, struggling to get back to his feet, and then Definition ran Pachyderm into the barricade once again. She saw it was loose, so he started pushing the barricade until it was almost falling back. Definition picked Pachyderm up one more time, and almost launched him into the barricade, until he grabbed her arm, and flipped her onto her back. He picked her up, and ran her into the barricade, throwing her through it.

Tan: Pachyderm looking to gain momentum!

Burrower: Backfire Mcgee got Backfired by the barricade.

Tan: And now there's a rivalry between you and Definition...

Pachyderm ran out of the place where the barricade had broke, and looked for the perfect weapon. He saw the perfect thing to make Definition's back sting, so he chose the Kendo Stick. He smacked Definition in the back, and she winced a bit. He hit again, and again, and again, until the stick snapped in half. He threw it out, and just got another one. So once he wore out that one, he threw that one out, and the perfect thing to shock Definition so much that she passes out, a steel chair... He grabbed about 15 steel chairs and threw them all into the ring. He took one, and took a swing. Luckily, Definition rolled out of the way just in time, to find herself laying on a chair. She picked it up, until she fell back down from getting hit in the face by a chair-shot. Definition persevered, and got back up again. The second chair-shot missed, and Definition returned the favor to Pachyderm. Then she hit him about 3 more times, until he fell on the floor. Pachyderm looked completely out, so Codebreaker said "ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FI-" Before he could get to five, Pachyderm got the last breath to get back up, until his face was bashed in by the chair. Codebreaker checked, and Pachyderm was knocked out.

Tan: And the winner is Definition!!

Burrower: Ugh..

Tan: And I can't wait to see her at WingMania!!


Place Brawl: Boar vs. Hurricanescythe: ROAD TO WINGMANIA[]

Tan: Hello everyone, we are here at a NightWing school!!

Burrower: That's right, on the Road to WingMania we have Boar and Hurricanescythe!!

Tan: This will be a brawl inside of the school, the wrestlers using whatever they can to get the advantage!!

Burrower: WE ARE APPROVED (probably) TO DO THIS!!

They start out in the entrance way, and immediately started punching. After a few minutes of fighting, Boar starts using the wall. He grabs Hurricanescythe by the head, and pushes him against the wall. He did it again, and Hurricanescythe reversed the third, and threw Boar into the wall. Hurricanescythe then just left the hallway, and walked into a classroom with about fifteen desk. He saw the teacher's chair was rolling, so he hoisted it above his head. Boar stormed through the day, only to get a chair thrown at him, sending him back into the hallway. Boar came back again, and caught the second chair that he threw. He threw it back at Hurricanescythe, and sent him into a window. It almost broke, but the glass was cracking a lot. Boar grabbed Hurricanescythe's head again, and slammed it into the window. It was almost broken, so he tried one more time, but luckily, Hurricanescythe got out of Boar's grip.

Tan: They are just using whatever they can!!

Burrower: That window is gonna break soon!

Boar saw what was going to happen, so he rushed out of the room and up the stairs. He found a locker room upstairs, with a bunch of metal lockers. He grabbed the door on one, and pulled it off. Hurricanescythe came from behind, but Boar hit him in the head with the metal locker door. He did it again, and threw the locker door down. Boar walked towards an office, ripped the door off, and walked in. He cleared the table off, and saw that the table could break with enough force... He started dragging Hurricanescythe across the floor, and got him onto the table. He got on top of a shelf, and jumped from it onto Hurricanescythe. He moved just before, so Boar would smash himself through the table. And it worked, because the table collapsed beneath Boar, hurting him a lot. Hurricanescythe put his foot on Boar, and "ONE, TWO, -" He got his shoulder up, breaking the count. He sprung up, and rushed out the room. He ran into a window because he wasn't looking where we was going. The window cracked a bunch, then Boar's demented mind got an idea. When Hurricanescythe came over, Boar grabbed him, and threw him out the 2nd floor's window. Hurricanescythe hung on to the window bottom, and boosted himself back up. Boar was angry, so he delivered the Wild Unloader on him. After 30 punches, he threw Hurricanescythe onto the ground. "ONE, TWO, THR-"

Tan: Scythe just kicking out!!

Burrower: That stirred up some anger for Boar..

"THAT WAS THREE!! THAT WAS THREE!!" Boar was shouting at the referee, Codebreaker. Codebreaker just shrugged, and said "He made it out at two and a half." Boar pushed the referee, and then turned around. He got a painful, big fist to the face. "ONE, TWO, THR-" He made it out again, and crawled away. He made it down the stairs, or at least that's what Hurricanescythe thought. He started down the stairs, and he was tripped by Boar. He landed face first on the ground at the end of the stairs, and Boar put his foot on. "ONE, TWO,, THREE!!"



Tan: Does Boar even have a brain?


Wildfire vs. Monarch: ROAD TO WINGMANIA (TLC)[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to the Rooooooooooooad to WingMania!!

Burrower: That's right, today we have two rivals facing off.

Tan: To get to WingMania!!

Monarch runs over to Wildfire and gives her a big slap, he was really angry from her pinning him at Attack Chamber. Monarch lifts her up onto his shoulders, looking for a Bomber, but Wildfire jumps off. Monarch is enraged now, and rams Wildfire into the barricade. Wildfire sees this is an aggressive match, so she raises some rage from inside. They both start unloading on each other, and Monarch is thrown onto the ground. Wildfire hops onto the barricade, and get ready to jump onto Monarch. "Three.. Two.. One.." She jumps off, but lands on Monarchs shoulders. Monarch delivered the Bomber to Wildfire, landing her on her neck instead of back. Monarch seemed happy, so he jumped the barricade. "Tables... Ladders.... Chairs... I'll choose.." Monarch said as he wondered what weapon he should use. Ultimately, he chose a chair. When he got back into the arena, Wildfire was up, but she didn't notice him. She was trying to recover from landing on her neck, and then she turned around. Monarch swung the chair, and..




Monarch just fell to the ground, the chair following him. Wildfire saw the steel chair was bent from the dropkicks impact, so she was going to choose something else. She wasn't going to let Monarch out of her sight, though, so she lay him against the barricade. After Wildfire fond a steel chair, she threw it in the arena. Monarch was running, now, to get out of the arena to get a chair. Wildfire swung the chair at Monarch, but he dodged, and the chair drove into the barricade, making a loud bang. Wildfire swung again, and Monarch tried to use the move that Wildfire used so expertly to block the chair. The dropkick completely missed, and the chair was drove into Monarch's back. The sound was louder then it should of been, because Monarch immediately got back up. He wanted to go to WingMania really bad. He bounced Wildfire onto his shoulders, and looked to end it with a Butterfly Bomber. He got to the finally one, he threw her up, once she landed on his shoulder again, he dropped her on her neck so hard that it looked like it would snap. Monarch put his foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THR-"

Tan: NO WAY!!!


Tan: WHAT?!?!?!

And with that, she capitalized. She wrapped her arm around Monarch's neck, and squeezed. Monarch was fading, running out of air. He could tap out, or he could try to break out of it. He grabbed her arms, tried his best to lift them off of his neck, and then he passed out. The referee, Codebreaker, ended the match.

Tan: Going to WingMania, Wildfire!!!

Burrower: Her neck might be injured, but she persevered!!

Tan: All the way to the point where Monarch passed out!!


Bonfire vs. Sherlock: ROAD TO WINGMANIA[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to the Roooooooooooooooad to WingMania!!

Burrower: That's right, today we have two dragons making their debut!!

Tan: Bonfire, and Sherlock!!

The match starts out, and Sherlock is staring down his opponent. Bonfire didn't really get what he was doing, but there was one thing she knew. ATTACK. She immediately charged into Sherlock, slamming him into the ground, and taking a lot of fist to Sherlock's face. Sherlock tried to throw her off, but she stayed on. This gave him somewhat time to scan her, but Bonfire gave him a nice elbow. He could tell one thing, that she was aggressive. He slithered out of her grip, and jumped onto the barricade. Bonfire punched the barricade, making him fall. He landed on his feet and swiped Bonfire legs from under her. She fell back on her head, which hurt a bunch. Sherlock got on top of the barricade, looked at Bonfire trying to get back up, and waited. After she was completely back up, Sherlock jumped off, and delivered a back-leg-dropkick off of the barricade, slamming into Bonfire's jaw. He put his foot on her. "ONE, TWO, -"

Tan: Kicking out!!

Burrower: We have never seen that before!!

Tan: A back-leg-dropkick off the barricade, wow!!

Bonfire tried to get back up, and Sherlock allowed it. After she got up, Sherlock jumped off for another back-leg-dropkick off the barricade. Bonfire caught him, and tried to hold him up, but Sherlock hit her in the head, making her release him. Bonfire was exhausted, so she fell back on the barricade. Sherlock saw this as a possibility, and he charged at Bonfire. She jumped up, and he almost ran into the barricade, but he skidded to a stop. "How does he do it.." Bonfire mumbled. "Well, I've fought assassins before." Sherlock responded, and looked a little smug. Well he is fighting one. Bonfire thought, and grabbed him by the neck. He used his forearm and locked in the Barbaric Chokehold. Sherlock struggled, and held the arm around his neck. He was kicking his leg, and pulling Bonfire's arm. He knew this was it if he couldn't escape in 30 seconds. This gave him time to see her weaknesses. With the littlest air he had left in him, he shouted "YOUR ARE USELESS!!" Bonfire loosened the hold a bit, but it angered her, so she started squeezing harder on his neck. Finally, Sherlock grabbed Bonfire's arm, and powered out of the hold. He fell down, gasping for air, and knew he wouldn't have time for this. He bolted up, but got kicked in the face. "ONE, TWO, THR-"



Then Tan and Burrower ate their words. Bonfire delivered The Bonfire, and destroyed Sherlock. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"





Trillium vs. Sherlock vs. Dementia: ROAD TO WINGMANIA (No Disqualification)[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to the Roooooooooooooooad to WingMania!!

Burrower: That's right, today we have a Triple Threat match between Dementia, Sherlock and Trillium!!

Tan: Well, I hope you are happy Trillium, it's a no DQ.

Sherlock just hopped over the barricade, and hid. That was smart, because once they hurt each other, he can sweep in the win. Trillium lifted the leg of Dementia, and flung it down. The force of it flying down made Dementia fly into the ground. Her snout was slammed into the ground, which hurt a bit, but she got back up. Trillium tried to do it again, but Dementia grabbed her by the head. She started running towards the arena entrance, dragging Trillium behind her. Dementia threw her through the arena doors, and out to the hallway they went. Dementia flung Trillium into a door, making it crash open in M.G.'s office. M.G., not expecting this, got frightened and threw a metal pipe across the room. It hit Dementia square in the head, knocking her clean out. M.G. saw what he did, and just slowly walked away. Trillium managed to drag Dementia to the point to where she was in the ring again, and almost put her foot on, until she was hit in the face by the same pipe. Turns out that Sherlock was following them. That also knocked her clean out. Sherlock put his foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"

Tan: Picking up the quick win, Sherlock!!

Burrower: And, going to WingMania!!

Tan: The metal pipe is what did it, and the best part was, Trillium didn't win!!!

Burrower: You and Trillium..


Princess Rosella vs. Lostmemory: ROAD TO WINGMANIA (No DQ)[]

Tan: Hello everyone I've got to talk fast because I have a flight in an hour

Burrower: That's right, today we have Lostmemory and Rosella!! This is not the first time they have encountered in the ring!

Tan: Okay you may start the match now

Rosella hopped over to Lostmemory, and jumped over her. Rosella then jumped onto the barricade and looked at her. Rosella stomped on it a bit, so it was loose. Lostmemory knew to punch the barricade to get her off, so she did. Unfortunately, that made it break, sending Lostmemory through the barricade and Rosella flying to the ground. The sitting grounds outside of the arena is mostly smooth concrete, so Rosella's head was smashed towards it and Lostmemory somersaulted into it. After a minute or two, Rosella got herself back to her feet. Lostmemory remembered where the chair was from last time, so she moved herself to it. She found the steel chair, and dragged it along with her own body back to Rosella. Lostmemory didn't think, because she didn't have time to think, so she just hit Rosella in the face with the chair. She did it three more times until Rosella collapsed. Lostmemory put her foot on Rosella, "ONE, TWO, -" She just shrugged, raised the chair again, and...




Lostmemory turned around to get another whack to the face, and she dropped the chair. Rosella then came from behind with the chair that Lostmemory had, and hit her in the back. Soon enough, Rosella and Trillium were just pounding on Lostmemory, and a lot of referees were trying to confront. After a few minutes of beating Lostmemory, they stood her up. Trillium grabbed a wooden stick, got ready to swing, even though the referees were begging for her to leave. She swung, really hard and fast, but Lostmemory ducked, and the stick slammed into Rosella's face. Rosella was dazed and didn't realize what happened. Lostmemory then caught Trillium off-guard and put her in the Around Stomach Submission. She started squeezing as hard as she could, and didn't let go. Trillium passed out after a few minutes, and Lostmemory grabbed the stick she used to hit Rosella with. She took a swing at Rosella, but it was caught. Rosella used the last of what she had, and lifted Lostmemory, looking for a Seismic Slam, and it connected. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!"






Tan: Hello everyone, This is WiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingMaaaaaaaaaania!!!

Burrower: That's right, to start out this amazing event, Wildfire versus Monarch in a No Disqualifcation match for the Number One Contendership!

Tan: This is the rivalry of aaaaaaaaaaall rivalries!

Burrower: This is a score match, too. How it is done is whoever gets to three falls first wins. How you get a fall is pinning the opponent and getting to three, or making the opponent pass/tap out.

Tan: Oh, I can't wait!!

Wildfire jumped up and onto Monarch. Monarch caught her mid-air, and tossed her into the air. Wildfire landed on her feet, but got a right-talon into the face. Monarch threw another fist, but Wildfire caught it. She used her strength to fling him in the air, and put her foot foward. Monarch landed on it, and flopped onto the ground. He got back up, and they were basically having a stare down. Monarch grabbed the head of Wildfire, and flung her against the barricade. She almost countered, but the way she did, she ended up hitting her head on it. She fell fowards, but did a somersault and got to her feet. They both didn't even seem fazed, it seemed as they were just warming up. Monarch started getting fast, hit Wildfire at least five times in a second, but it did virtually no damage, it just confused her. Finally, after about thirteen punches and kicks really fast, Monarch flipped up Wildfire onto his shoulder, and it was all so fast, the only thing Wildfire noticed was falling onto her back. Monarch had delivered the Bomber, and it was barely noticed by Wildfire. Until she felt pain. Wildfire knew she had no time to waste, so she hopped up, even though her back was pounding with pain. Wildfire kicked Monarch in the face, grabbed him, and flung him into the barricade. The barricade looked loose, so Wildfire picked up Monarch again, and tried to throw him in again. Monarch wouldn't budge. Wildfire just pushed him onto the ground and put her foot on. "ONE, TWO, THR-"


Burrower: NO FALLS YET!!

Tan: Monarch looks in a weak state, but that Bomber still has to be taking effect!

They were both laying on the ground, already exhausted. Wildfire put her foot on again, "ONE TWO, TH-" Still the same. They both lay on the ground, not moving. The referee checked them both, and decided to just sit down and wait. Wildfire, after a bit, stood up. She saw that Monarch was trying to get back up, so she grabbed him and threw him against the barricade. She forgot it was going to break, and when it did, she somersaulted into a fan's seat. They jumped up, scared, and then actually laughed. Wildfire tried not to laugh, but she did a little. She looked down, saw Monarch laying there, and she put her foot on. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"

Burrower: Wildfire has one fall!!

Tan: She almost ran into a fan..

Burrower: Besides the point...

Codebreaker, the referee, dragged Monarch back to the arena. After maybe ten minutes, Monarch was back up, but he was kind of weak. Wildfire already had a steal chair, and swung it at Monarch's face. Luckily, Monarch fell backwards before it hit him. Monarch jumped back up, and gripped the chair Wildfire was holding. She tried to do the thing she did when she dropkicked the chair, but Monarch just walked away. He walked through the barricade, walked up the stairs in the audience, grabbed the door, and pulled it open. Wildfire grabbed his foot before he could walk out, and pulled him down the stairs. Monarch kicked her off, and jumped over at least nine fans. He landed, and saw a bag of... Thumbtacks.. Monarch ran over the arena, almost dumped them out, before Wildfire threw his face into the barricade. Wildfire ran to the opposite side, and almost delivered The WIldfire, but Monarch caught it, nailed her in the stomach, and gave her the Butterfly Bomber. After that, he put his foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"

Burrower: Monarch at one fall!!!

Tan: Whoever gets this next fall, wins the whole thing!!

Burrower: I'm rooting for....

Definition: Me.

Burrower almost screamed, it surprised him so much, he spun around, and Definition punched him in the face. She threw him onto the floor, and started stomping on him. Tan tried to break it up, but he decided to just go back to commentating. Wildfire and Monarch both got distracted by this, looked over at each other, and just fell down from tiredness. After a few minutes, Wildfire and Monarch snapped up, and Wildfire put her in the Barbaric Chokehold. It was 39 seconds, and Monarch powered out of the hold. He turned around, picked up Wildfire, and delivered the Bomber. Then, he bounced off the barricade and delivered The Wildfire to Wildfire. Finally, he jumped ontop of the barricade, and the Boing hit. He put his foot on.. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!"





WINGMANIA: DEFINITION VS. BOAR (No Mercy, Pyrrhia Championship)[]

Tan: We are at WiiiiiingMaaaaaaaaaania!!

Burrower: We have Dictionary McSuck it!

Tan: Definition, he means, will be competing against Boar for the World Championship, No Mercy!!

Boar looked like he really wanted the World Championship, so he charged into Definition. Definition held her fist out, and Boar almost ran into it, before he grabbed it, and tried to make her punch herself. Definition just said no, and took Boar's hand off of her arm. She slapped Boar once, and then again. She took a shot at his stomach, and then when he bent over from the hit, she took an uppercut, slamming him right in the jaw. He almost fell backwards, and did when Definition pushed him over. Definition hopped over the barricade and grabbed a steel chair.  She whacked Boar straight in the face, but he kept his position. He jumped up, and punched Definition in the face, lifted her above his head, and threw her at the barricade. Boar then took his turn getting a weapon, but decided against it and used the same steal chair Definition used. He raised it above his head, and crashed it down on Definiton's head. She flopped in pain, and tried to get back up, before the chair slammed down on her back. Boar put his foot on, and "ONE, T-" A quick kick-out. Boar looked a little surprised, at the same time, not. Boar lifted her up, went for a Seismic Slam, but, Definition reversed and gave Boar another uppercut. Definition almost fell backwards, but she didn't. Boar was mad that he didn't hit that Seismic Slam. He threw a giant right-hand torwards Definition, and she caught it. Boar threw his left-hand, she also caught that. Boar started punching as fast as he could, but Definition just kept catching them. Boar exploded, grabbed Definition by the neck, lifted her three feet in the air, and hurled her at the barricade, making it basically explode, sending the padding and metal rods flying everywhere.

Tan: WOAH!



Boar decided that wasn't it. He lifted up Definition, threw her at another part of the barricade, making it explode again. Boar saw an opening. Definition was more or less unconscious, and he took a steel rod from the ground. He slammed Definition in the forehead with it, and put his foot on. "ONE, TWO, TH-" Definition hopped up. She tried to punch Boar, until he grabbed her fist, picked her up, and Seismic Slammed her. "ONE, TWO, THR-" Still got out. Boar started raging, and ran over to a steel chair. But.. He rejected it. He walked into the announcing stand. Tan looked horrified, and Burrower look like he didn't care. Boar cleared off their table, grabbed Tan's microphone, and walked back to the arena. Boar then hit Definition in the head with the microphone, over and over again. Boar then stuffed the microphone down Definition's mouth. She started choking, but she rolled away from Boar. Definition tried her best to get back up, before getting kicked in the stomach. Boar put his foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THR-" Definition still managed to get out. Boar screamed, grabbed the referee by the head, and threw him across the arena. Then he started beating them up. After Boar got all his anger out, he turned to Definition. He saw Definition face to face, and she slammed him in the face with the microphone. He almost fell backwards, but decided to punch Definition in the face, and fall backward. They were both down for a minute, and the referee decided to just start counting. "ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NI-" Boar managed to beat the count, and dragged Definition torwards the ladders, he trapped her head in a section of a ladder, and walked away. She started struggling, then noticed she couldn't get out of the ladder. Her head was stuck. So she stood up, looking like an idiot with a ladder around her head, and walked into the arena. "Well, I look like an idiot again, okay?" Definition said to Boar with anger in her speech, and noticed a possibility. She spun around, making the ladder spin around, hitting Boar in the face like eighteen times, and Boar seemed to fall. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"


Burrower: HOW!?!?! I THOUGHT BOAR HAD..





Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to WINGMANIAa!!!

Burrower: For the World Championship, we have Quartz, Rosella, Bonfire and Sherlock!!

Tan: Let's go!!

The bell rung, and Bonfire jumped at Sherlock. He simpily moved out of the way, but Bonfire landed on her feet, snapped around and whacked Sherlock in the face with her tail. Quartz and Rosella were brawling, throwing kicks and punches and elbows and forearms, and Bonfire and Sherlock just stared. While Sherlock wasn't looking, she wrapped her arms around the stomach of him. Bonfire then lifted him up, while her arms were still locked around his stomach. Sherlock just forearmed her in the face, making her drop him. They looked eye to eye, and this gave Sherlock time. Suddenly, it all happened on an instant. Sherlock found himself on the broken barricade, then he basically passed out. Quartz and Rosella looked over to see what happened, and they saw Bonfire charging at them, delivering a backleg-dropkick, hitting both of them. They both fell back, but only Quartz landed on her head. Rosella got back up, and Bonfire threw a punch. Rosella dodged, and Bonfire ended up hurting her hand, because she ended up punching the barricade. Quartz grabbed one of Bonfire's feet, and pulled it, making her face-plant. Quartz and Rosella got up, and looked at each other. They seemed to be discussing an alliance. Sherlock was finally up, and ran Quartz into the barricade. Now Rosella and Sherlock were face-to-face. The two smartest in the arena, staring at each other. Rosella struck a right-hand onto Sherlock, and Sherlock did the same, until they were both taking turns exchanging punches. Bonfire rolled up, and so did Quartz. They saw each other, and started brawling. After a few minutes of both of those happening, Bonfire just gave up and pushed Quartz away. Sherlock and Rosella were still exchanging hits, and Bonfire decided to watch the show. Quartz grabbed Bonfire frorm behind, but Bonfire just pointed at Sherlock and Rosella. She stood back too. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Quartz fell down onto the ground. Bonfire looked over, and got a face-full of fist. Rosella and Sherlock hit them both with a chair.




Rosella looked satisfied, and so to Sherlock. They were talking to each other, until something happened.. Boar came out of nowhere, grabbed Rosella and launching her at Sherlock. Boar was stomping on Sherlock's and Rosella's bodies, while they were struggling to get back up. Bonfire was back up, but Boar grabbed her by the nec and threw er across the arena, making her slam into the barricade. Quartz stopped herself from running into him, but Boar ran into her for her. She crashed to the ground, hitting the back of her head on the ground. Meta ran in, grabbing Boar and pulling at him, but he got thrown across the arena too. Now Definition was out there, trying to seperate Boar from the fight he wasn't supposed to be in. Trillium somersaulted out of nowhere and started brawling with Definition. Meta was back up, and now he was fighting Boar. Rosella and Bonfire were fighting and Quartz and Sherlock were fighting. All around was constant fighting, from dragons not even supposed to be in the match and from dragons who were. The crowdd started chanting "NI-ICE DANCE-ING!!" and clapping to it. This made Boar go mental, and eh ran to the audience. All the wrestlers just stopped and ran to stop him. After a few minutes, they got him to stop, and then the crowd started chanting "YOU NEED A LIFE!!" And also clapping to that. Meta, Definition, and Trillium had to knock Boar out and drag him out of the arena. Everyone who was legal in the match was exhausted.

Tan: NO WAY!!

Burrower: OUT OF THE SKY!!


And with that, Dementia decided that the easiest to take down would be Quartz. She dragged Quartz's body over to Bonfire, but Quartz's foot on her, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!"


Burrower: DEMENTIA JUST.... WHAT!?!?

Tan: THEY ARE ALL... Okay. So Dementia just.. She grabbed a pen, made Quartz sign it for a championship match, and left. WELL OKAY THEN.

Burrower: Nevertheless, THIS WAS AWESOME!!!



Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to WingManiaaaaaaaa!

Burrower: That's right, today we have a ladder match for the Championship Contract!

Tan: You win by setting up a ladder, climbing up and unlocking the contract, sending you to win! The contract let's you have a title match one time for any championship for free!! So, you are basically forcing one person to give you a title match.

Burrower: Without further redo, Codebreaker, START THE MATCH!!

Cricket and Pachyderm went up to each other and started going all out, hitting each other again and again. Dementia unloaded on Lostmemory and Trillium, and Hurricanescythe grabbed all three of them. He threw Trillium, Lostmemory and Dementia all at the same time into the barricade, all three of their weights combining and making it crash down. Cricket and Pachyderm looked over, and knew they would need some kind of team to take him out. Before they could process it, a fist the size of a cantaloupe slammed into Cricket's face, sending her four feet backwards. Pachyderm grabbed the next cannon ball fist thrown at him, but when Hurricanescythe punched again, he moved and his hand slammed into the barricade, making a hole in the padding and exposing the metal poles holding the barricade together. He turned around, and Dementia started unloading elbows onto him. Every elbow stunned him for about a second, then he would get back on his game. Unfortunately for Dementia, Hurricanescythe started to block all the hits. He grabbed Dementia by the head, but she struggled so much she got out of hit and started elbowing him again. Trillium was up now, but Lostmemory grabbed her arm from behind, threw her against the ground, and pinned her down there. Pachyderm ran up to the two, explained that they needed to team, and all three of them got up. Cricket walked over to the three, making it four. Now all of them were watch Dementia and Hurricanescythe fight. All four of them jumped onto Hurricanescythe, noticed what a bad idea that was, and were thrown off. He looked angry now, and started stomping on each one of them. After he was done, instead of going over the barricade, he grabbed it, flung it off, and grabbed two ladders. He put one down next to the place where you can get the contract, and started climbing. He got all the way up, started to unhook the contract, until he remembered the ladder was two way, which led him face to face with Dementia. Others were starting to surround Hurricanescythe, until the worst thing that happened in Dementia's carreer so far. Quartz burst in, shouted "SHE IS SELFISH AND MADE ME SIGN THE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH AGAINST MY OWN WILL!!" And all of them turned to Dementia.

Tan: This can't be good..

Burrower: OHS NOES

Tan: They are just throwing everything they've got at Dementia!!

Which was true. They pushed Dementia off the ladder, and started hitting her with the ladder. They were mad, and decided all teaming was over. They all started fighting each other, and Lostmemory and Hurricanescythe were stomping and kicking and pushing Dementia all over the place. Pachyderm had managed to throw Cricket and Trillium out of the way, but he accidentally threw Trillium into the referee, knocking him out. Now, Pachyderm didn't know that, so he just kept hitting Cricket. Until from behind, the choker flower was used, and out went Pachyderm and Cricket. Trillium slowly walked towards the other fight, Dementia, Lostmemory and Hurricanescythe. She used the choker on Hurricanescythe, knocking him out, but Dementia and Lostmemory got there in time not to be taken out. They worked together to lift Trillium off the ground, but Trillium used her RainWing agility and slickness to slide out of their grip. Trillium hopped over the barricade, grabbing yet another ladder (Even though there were already three in there) and threw it in. It fell around Dementia's neck, and when she tried to get it off, it didn't budge, so soon enough she was wreslting with her own ladder-collar to get it off. Lostmemory grabbed one of the ladders, set it up, and started climbing up. She reached for the contract, and almost unhooked it, until Trillium came and threw her off. Then... Trillium unhooked it.


Burrower: No.

Tan: What do you mean?

The referee was out-cold.

Tan: Ooooooh.........

Lostmemory capatilized on this, and pushed the ladder over, sending Trillium flying threw the air, hitting her jaw on the barricade. The contract was between the two. Suddenly, a new referee, (Rainer) ran out, and saw the problem. She was trying to figure out who unhooked it first, but oth of them were saying they were. And then, Definition came out. "I was a witness, because I was watching from the crowd, and the winner is Lostmemory." The referee rung the bell, and now the actually winner was Lostmemory.

Tan: WHAT!??!




Definition was obviously feeling contentment, getting the World Championship and making Trillium lose in the same night. This was great. For all of 30 minutes. Definition was in her dressing room, working out, preparing, when she heard a familiar shout. It's just Trillium. She thought. Then, she though Uh oh.. It's just Trillium.. Before she could spring up, a trashcan was flung towards her. She just managed to dodge, but then she was up in the air, then down on the ground. Papers flew everywhere, and when Definition processed what happened, she saw her office table was broken. Trillium grabbed her by the neck, lifted her up above again, and threw her through the door to her dressing room, going out to he hallway. Definition was helpless, and was slammed in the head with a steel chair Trillium found. It knocked her out cold. Trillium threw Definition into a room, locked it, and broke the door handle off. She also covered all the windows looking inside.

"Take that.." She mumbled, and walked away.



Tan: Welcome everyone, to WingMania.

Burrower: The match of all matches...

Tan: Meta versus Wallflower.. An Irondragon match, whoever can outlast the other wins.. Win via Pinfall or Submission.


Meta and Wallflower seemed to be incredibly happy they were in the Main Event of WingMania. Meta immediately jumped onto Wallflower's back, and Wallflower struggled to get him off. After a minute, Wallflower ran himself into the barricade, making Meta fall off. Now, Meta is in love with baseball bats, so he hopped over the barricade already. Wallflower was following him, and once Meta got his baseball bat, he was hit in the back of the head with a steel chair. Meta whipped around, not noticing the pain he was in, and hit Wallflower in the gut with the baseball bat. Now, Meta was more aware what happened, so he rubbed his head a bit, and took another swing with is baseball bat. Wallflower ducked, lifted Meta up on his shoulders and launched him over the barricade, landing back in the arena. Wallflower jumped over, but not before grabbing a Kendo Stick, two ladders and a Wooden stick. Once Meta saw the wooden stick, he remembered those bad memories, and took a swing with his baseball bat. It missed again. But there was one thing Meta forgot. His jaw was still in his cast. It wasn't completely healed. He took note of this when Wallflower did an uppercut to him, which hurt a lot. He tried to shake it off, but he couldn't. Wallflower capatilized on this, and delivered another deadly uppercut, sending Meta to the ground. Wallflower got Meta onto his feet, picked up the wooden stick, and started swinging insanely. It hit Meta straight in the gut, ears, side of the head, and front legs. Meta slowly crawled towards his bat, but Wallflower had other plans. Wallflower picked Meta up, grabbed his jaw, and pushed him into the barricade, with a horrible crack. Meta looked unconscious, so Wallflower put his foot on. "ONE, TWO, -" Meta got out at two. He was still laying on the ground with his eyes closed. Wallflower made him stand up, (it took multiple attempts) and went for a Dark Skies From Here. When Wallflower got a little closer to Meta, he just noticed that Meta had his bat. It was too late. Meta was swinging so fast, you could barely see it, and hitting Wallflower again and again and again with it. Meta stood Wallflower up, lifted him above his head, and screamed "WOO FREAKING HOO!!" and gave Meta the WOO-HOO, his finisher. He put his foot on Wallflower, and "ONE, TWO, THRE-" Meta was shocked. No one ever kicks out of that. He took a step back, flabberghasted. Then he remembered how much everything hurt and lay against the barricade.



Tan: Meta, trying to regroup his thoughts!

They were both laying down for a reasonable amount of time. The fans, more then 100,000 dragons in that dome, were chanting "WOO-FREAKING-HOO!!! WOO-FREAKING-HOO!!" Trying to cheer Meta on enough to get up. But both of them were just laying there. Codebreaker, the referee, checked on them both, and saw that nothng was wrong. After a few more minutes, Wallflower rose from his position on the ground.  He stumbled for a second, fell back down, and then got back up. Meta saw this, regrouped all of his strength to get back up, and he did. Now both of them were looking at each other, dazed, confused, and hurt. Meta held his hand out, as if he was going to shake his hand, and Wallflower put his hand out. They shook hands, until Wallflower noticed he wasn't shaking a hand anymore. He was shaking a baseball bat. He was quick, this time, and grabbed a ladder that was on the ground. He held it up to defend himself from the baseball bat, and it worked. He pushed the ladder against Meta until he was up against he barricade, squeezing the life out of him using the ladder. He threw it down, hopped the barricade, grabbed a chair, and came back. The chair was hit out of his hand with Meta's baseball bat, and Wallflower threw Meta's baseball bat across the arena. Wallflower punched Meta in the face with his right talon, and Meta hit him with his forearm. Meta slid under Wallflower, grabbed the chair he was holding, and raised it above his head. Wallflower turned, and right as Meta brought the chair down, he delivered Dark Skies From Here to the chair, sending it right into Meta's face. Wallflower saw that Meta passed out, so he put his foot on. "ONE, TWO, THRE-" What sent chills down Wallflower's spine, was his head being grabbed from behind. When he turned around, Boar had a chair, and slammed it down. Wallflower just moved, and it hit the forehead of Meta. After the referees got Boar out, Wallflower looked over to see Meta jumped at him. He tripped Meta, making him fall on his head, and Wallflower took to the barricade. He was on top of the barricade, ready to jump, and he did. He was mid-way with the 360 Boing when Meta rolled out of the way, making Wallflower land on his stomach hard. Meta tried to capatilize, but when he got up, he fell again. This time, he sprung back up, picked Wallflower up and connected with the WOO-HOO, once again. He tried putting his foot on, but he just tripped. This time, when he fell on his head, he was knocked out unconscious. Wallflower was knocked out too. Codebreaker checked on both of them, and when he got to Meta, he shouted "OFF, OFF!!" And the bell rung.





"We are just getting this news now." A Reporter said as Meta was being escorted on a stretcher. "Meta is suffering severe concussions and a deformed jaw. We hope the best of luck to you, Meta."


Blitz vs. Warstarter vs. Lizzie vs. Tearna []

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to ATWE live!!

Burrower: That's right, today we have the four new talents of the company!

Tan: Warstarter, Blitz, Lizzie and Tearna!!

Warstarter grabbed Blitz by the head, and flipped her onto her neck. Lizzie and Tearna were trying there best to not be hit, but Tearna was kind of failing at that. Lizzie jumped onto the barricade, and with a quick motion, she spun-kick off of it, slamming her heel into the jaw of Tearna, making her crash down on the ground. Where Warstarter and Blitz were at, Blitz wasn't exactly getting the upper-hand. She tried deflecting one of his hits, but when she put her arms up, Warstarter grabbed both of them and flung her a few yards across the arena. Blitz saw a point where he was not strong at. Agility. She wondered if she could pull off something.. She slid under Warstarter, hopped off the barricade to land on Warstarter, until he caught her, and launched her 5 feet in the air. Warstarter caught her, on his shoulders, and delivered the Bomber. He put his foot on Blitz, and "ONE, TWO, TH-" Tearna landed an elbow drop on the back of Warstarter's neck, breaking up the count. He turned around, and Tearna jabbed him in the face with her fist. He was stunned for a second, just enough for Lizzie to spin-kick off of the barricade, hitting Warstarter in the jaw, sending him down to the floor.

Tan: That maneuver is deadly!!

Burrower: Lizzie's foot just bouncing off of Warstarter's face!!

Tan: How long will it take to get up?

Lizzie tried to put her foot on, but Tearna grabbed him from behind and slammed him into the barricade. Lizzie tried to regroup, but Tearna slammed him into the barricade again, until to where the point where he was too dizzy to see that Tearna was on the top of the barricade. Tearna saw that Lizzie turned around, so he elbow-dropped onto the back of his neck. Tearna put his foot on Lizzie, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"

Tan: The winner is Tearna!!

Burrower: Let's look back on this! The first devastating move was the spin kick to the jaw of Tearna from Lizzie! The next was Warstarter flinging her in the air, and catching her into a Bomber!!

Tan: The cover was broken up by a elbow to the back of Warstarter's neck! Lizzie came outta nowhere with another spin-kick, and went for the cover. Unfortunately, she was caught by a back-of the neck elbow, and it ended it all!


Hurricanescythe was lifting weights, when Warstarter jumped into his dressing room. He grabbed Hurricanescythe by the back of the head, and threw him through the window, slamming him outside into the hallway. Hurricanescythe got back up, and Warstarter grabbed him by the forehead and flung him into the wall. Warstarter grabbed a trashcan, and smashed it through the head of Hurricanescythe. Codebreaker, Rainer, and Candles ran in to stop the fight, but Warstarter didn't listen. He grabbed the head of Hurricanescythe one more time, and threw him to the ground. Tan ran in, looked at what happened, and shouted for Warstarter to get out. After everyone cleared, and Tan was helping Hurricanescythe up. Suddenly, Warstarter ran in and drop-kicked the back of Hurricanescythe's head. Tan looked over, and punched Warstarter in face and shouted "JUST STOP!!" Finally, Warstarter walked away. Tan was done, so he didn't even bother to help Hurricanescythe up. Wallflower was walking through the hallway, saw Hurricanescythe, and helped him up. Hurricanescythe was mad, though. He grabbed Wallflower by both of the ears, and slammed him against the wall. "I will kill you.." He mumbled to himself, aiming that at Warstarter.


Blitz vs. Quartz (Chairs)[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to ATWE Live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have the dragon with guts, Quartz!

Tan: And the rookie, Blitz!!

Blitz and Quartz ran right into each other, and sent fists towards the other like crazy. Blitz ducked under, and Quartz fell over her, landing on her back. Blitz took one stomp at her, and then saw a chair actually inside the arena. She grabbed it, turned around, made sure Quartz wasn't up, and saw she wasn't there anymore. When she turned back to see where she was, and was dropkicked in the face, sending Blitz backwards a bit. Quartz lifted the chair she dropped, and slammed it down. Blitz quickly dodged, but the next two hits connected with her spine. This was the first Blitz had ever been hit by a chair, and she could say it hurted. Like a lot. Blitz fell down in agony, rolling around on the arena floor. Quartz put her foot on, and "ONE, TW-" She kicked out quickly, even though it hurts. Quartz grabbed her head, and made her stand up. She went for the Quartz Mine, but Blitz managed to slip under her. Then, Blitz Sky Striked her, sending her right into the barricade. Now Blitz put her foot on Quartz, and "ONE, T-" Another kick out. Quartz slowly got herself back up, and with that, Blitz delivered a Spinning Heel Kick, slamming Quartz into the floor. Blitz put her foot on again, "ONE, TWO, THR-" Quartz just got out of it.

Tan: The beautiful athleticism of Blitz!!

Burrower: And the great stamina of Quartz!

Tan: Directly countering each othe- Wait a minute, who are they?!?!

A Team of maroon colored dragons, maybe 4 or 5 and then a leader, walked in. They were holding a flag that said "Maroon Cultist" and planted it in the arena. Quartz, still dazed, was sitting down, looking at them all while Blitz was laying against the barricade. The leader pointed at Blitz, and all four of the minions walked towards Blitz. They started stomping away at her, throwing her around and punching her. They held her up, and the Leader ran up to Blitz and dropkicked her face. They did the same to Quartz, and left. Now both dragons were down. "One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!" They had both been counted out, being on the ground too long.


Burrower: AND IT IS A TIE!!



Definition vs. Cricket[]

Tan: Welcome everyone, to ATWE Live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have the first ever match of ATWE ever!

Tan: Recreated! It's been 3 months since the first time they have met in the arena and the first time ATWE ever had a match!

Definition threw herself over Cricket, landing on her feet, and did it once more. Cricket was confused, so she just sweeped the legs of Definition. She almost fell down, but her legs kept up. Cricket threw a quick fist at Definition, just to stun her, and Cricket seized her head. She made Definition somersault into a sitting position, and kicked her in the back of the head. Definition didn't cry out, she just slipped back to her feet and gave a quick chop to Cricket's arm. Cricket winced, and cradled her arm for a second, then shook it off. Definition then gave a chop to the neck, and Cricket fell down on the ground and wriggled a bit. Once she got back up, Definition took a shot at one more chop, but Cricket dodged it. Cricket kicked Definition in the stomach, got her in the Barbaric Chokehold. The referee was asking if Definition gave up about 20 seconds into the hold, but Definition said to him back no. After 40 seconds, Definition was starting to fade. The referee asked again, and she said "This is how you do it." With a quick movement, Definition elbowed Cricket in the face, making her break the hold, and delivered The Definition of Pain right into the barricade.

Tan: Beautiful break by Definition!

Burrower: I thought Cricket had it...

Tan: Definition always fights back!

Definition put her foot on, "ONE, TWO TH-" Cricket got out of it. Definition got on top of a barricade, and got a Boing right onto Cricket. Definition got Cricket up, and back-leg-dropkicked her in the face. Definition put her foot on again, "ONE, TWO, THR-" Still kicking out. A little frustration was burning in Definition, and was all stopped when an enormous Seismic Slam destroyed her from Cricket. Cricket put her foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THR-" Definition got out. Cricket got Definition up, went for a Bomber, and...






"And there is only one word to describe you, and I'm gonna spell it out!!! S T E W P I D, STEEEEEEEWPID!" He shouted with him.


BADABOOM vs. Burning Bright[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to ATWE Live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have a taaaaaaag team match!

Tan: I tried to say 'No, Meta, you are not healed!' but he's insane so that's the best I could do..

Meta and Bonfire were in first, so Meta just went all out. He kicked and punched her until she backed up into the barricade, and he grabbed her by the head and threw her to the ground. He took to the top of the barricade already, and Boinged off of it. He landed straight on Bonfire, and put his foot on already. "O-" Not even a one count. He got on the other barricade, and gave time to Bonfire. She ran over to her partner, Wildfire, and tagged her in. Wildfire charged at Meta, and he just jumped off the barricade, and over Wildfire. She accidentally ran into the barricade. Meta laughed at that, and she turned around, not to happy about that. They both started unloading on each other, punching and forearming and kicking and elbowing.Meta finally fell down after all of the hits from Wildfire, but she was a bit dazed from all the hits Meta gave too. Once Wildfire regrouped, she grabbed Meta's arm, put it on the ground, and stood on it. Meta literally screamed, and Hurricanescythe had had enough. He jumped in, launched Wildfire off of Meta, and got back over the barricade. Meta slowly crawled, and tagged Hurricanescythe in.

Tan: The teamwork of Meta and Scythe!!

Burrower: Yeah, and now Wildfire is in trouble!

Tan: You know, when Hurricanescythe steps in a ring, fear is sent through the hearts of every wrestler and every fan..

Hurricanescythe lifted Wildfire before she could get to Bonfire, and slammed her to the ground. Then he Seismic Slammed her through a barricade. Hurricanescythe just let her crawl to Bonfire, and once she tagged Bonfire in, Bonfire charged at Hurricanescythe. He just put his foot up, and Bonfire ran straight into it. It caught her with a wince, and when Meta jumped off the barricade, with the boost of Hurricanescythe, doing a 360 Boing right onto Bonfire. Hurricanescythe put his foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!" Badaboom has won.





Dementia vs. Quartz (No DQ)[]

Tan: Hello everyone, welcome to ATWE Live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have Dementia versus Quartz for the World Championship!

Tan: This isn't even supposed to happen.. Dementia is a cheater!

Dementia slammed her fist into the side of Quartz's face, almost throwing her down. Dementia then threw her foot into the stomach of Quartz, and she fell down. Dementia climbed onto the barricade, ready to Boing onto Quartz, but she immediately hopped up. Dementia just jumped off the barricade, knowing that Quartz was still fresh enough to dodge any big moves. Dementia grabbed Quartz, and pushed her face against the barricade, and pushed as hard as she could. Finally, Quartz slipped out of it, only to get another fist slammed into their snout. She fell down, while Dementia stood tall, unfazed. Dementia hopped over the barricade and grabbed a table. She set it up inside the arena, and lifted Quartz up. Luckily, she jumped out of Dementia's grip, and pushed Dementia into the table, her gut slamming into the side of it. Quartz took a second to regroup, and once she did, she also hopped the barricade. She looked at her options ,and selected the steel chair. Once she was back in the arena, she unfolded the chair, and sat in it. She was mocking Dementia, and obviously, that was a really bad idea. Dementia hopped over the barricade, and threw one steel chair at Quartz, then another, and another, and then pulled the chair from under Quartz, making her fall. She used the chair she pulled to hit Quartz right on the spine. She hit again, making Quartz flop around like a fish. Finally, after a few more chair shots, the steel chair was bent enough so it didn't work.

Tan: Dementia has been in control almost this entire match!

Burrower: Looks like Dementia is getting crafty!

Tan: This can't be good!

Dementia had set up a table, and lay Quartz on it. Then she set up a steel chair on top of Quartz, to make sure she felt the effect and she noticed the statement Dementia was trying to make. Then she climbed up the ladder that she got out, and looked down. She knew it would be impossible for Quartz to move after all the things on her. She was ready to Boing off of it, and go for a pin, until, she saw it. Lostmemory had pushed Dementia off the ladder, landing on Quartz, hurting them both. Lostmemory then gave the contract to the referee, and he cashed it in. Lostmemory was now apart of the match, and slammed a steel chair onto Dementia, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"





Sherlock vs. Hurricanescythe (10 minute survival)[]

Tan: Hello everyone! Welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have a 10 minute survival match!

Tan: Sherlock must survive Hurricanescythe for 10 minutes without tapping or getting pinned for 3 seconds!

The first thing Sherlock did was back up a pinch or two, knowing he was going to need to dodge Hurricanescythe for as long as possible. When Hurricanescythe took the first punch at Sherlock, but he quickly ducked under. He took another hit and another dodge. Hurricanescythe decided to kick this time, and it landed straight into the gut of Sherlock. He winced, and got his game back on. But after a few more kicks without dodging, Sherlock fell. The timer counted at 9:00 minutes. Hurricanescythe grabbed Sherlock by the head, and slammed him into the barricade. Sherlock took a step back, and Hurricanescythe took a chop right to the forehead of Sherlock. When he tried this again, Sherlock side-stepped and Spinning Heel Kicked Hurricanescythe right in the side of the head. It dazed Hurricanescythe, and Sherlock capitalized with two kicks to the gut of him. The timer counted at 7:30 minutes. Hurricanescythe snapped back out of it, and slapped Sherlock across the face. He put his foot on the downed Sherlock, and "ONE, TWO, THR-"

Tan: It takes a lot of power to kick out of Hurricanescythe!

Burrower: Especially when you've only been able to connect two or three moves!

Tan: With the counter at seven minutes, I'm not sure if Sherlock can stay in this long!

Sherlock tried to get himself up on the barricade, but Hurricanescythe simply picked him up and Seismic Slammed him, making him crash on his back. Sherlock was now just slowly crawling, not being able to see much. The first time ever that Hurricanescythe went to the top of the barricade was now. He was on it, he looked over, and the timer counted 6:30. He jumped off, looking to land on Sherlock, but he moved. Hurricanescythe crashed on his stomach, and winced softly. Sherlock saw his opportunity, but as he rushed over he tripped on his face. The counter on 6:00 minutes, and both were down. Until, Sherlock finally got up and started stomping on Hurricanescythe. Sherlock took to the top of the barricade and was ready to Boing off, until he felt a sharp pain on his back. Meta had hit him with a baseball bat. And the referee never saw it. He fell off, and Hurricanescythe pinned the downed Sherlock at 5:30. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"

Tan: WHAT?




ber vs. crocket vs. meeta vs. rosll vs. dedfinit (nu diskqualifcashun)[]

tan: ello welcum to 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 rekt swag live

burrower: yah

tan: we hav a 5 dergon elim mash

ber jumped onto crocket. crocket ded. ber hap. meeta hit rosll with a bsbell baet. rosll ded. meeta hap. dedfinit kicks ber. ber mad. ber kill dedfinit. ber hap. meeta hit ber. ber mad. ber kill meeta. ber hap. suddenly president nixon revives crocket and hits ber. ber ded. ber mad. ber hit nixon. nixon kill ber. nixon hap. crocket put toe muscle on ber. refr count. "uno dos tres" crocket win. meeta mad. dedfinit mad. they hit crocket. crocket ded. nixon kill them all. nixon put toe muscle on. "uno dos tres" nixon win.

tan: omg i donz belieb that pursident nixon has win

burrower: yah

tan: he is the new dank champion


Boar vs. Meta vs. Monarch (Elimination)[]

Tan: Welcome everyone to ATWE Live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have a triple theat match, Meta, Monarch and Boar!

Tan: BUT Meta will have assistance from Infinity, his best friend! She may not interfeer with the match, she is really only there for moral support.

The match started, and Monarch went for a quick Suplex on Boar. He had no need to fight Meta, he just wanted to prove to Boar that he was better. He actually landed the Suplex, and Boar was dazed for a second. He got back up, rubbed his spine, and punched Monarch in the gut with a lot of force. Once he saw Monarch kneeled over, he kicked Monarch straight in the forehead, which made his head go straight back up. While Boar was attacking Monarch, Meta and Infinity seemed to be whispering.. Boar didn't care. He was too bust bashing the face of Monarch in. Boar went for a Suplex this time, and connected hard with the ground. Monarch flung himself onto the barricade to recuperate, but Boar didn't let him. Boar flung him over the barricade, and since this wasn't a No Disqualification Match, the referee started the count to ten. "ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE" was all the referee got to before Monarch got back in the arena. Boar grabbed him by the forehead, lifted him up above his head, and Seismic Slammed him. Monarch seemed to the point where he couldn't continue, so Boar turned his attention to Meta. The referee went to check on Monarch, and while he did, Infinity shouted at him "BOAR IS DOING ILLEGAL THINGS" The referee snapped his head t o the side and went over to Boar. When he looked at Infinity, Meta gave a Spinning Heel Kick to the side of Boar's head. That seemed to stun him, and the referee just kind of backed off. Meta took a few shots to Boar's ribcage, and then he signalled something to Infinity. She distracted the referee, and while she did that, Meta took his two talons and gave a rake to the eyes of Boar. He screamed and fell down, putting his talons over his eyes. Meta put his foot on right at the time the referee looked back. "ONE, TW-" He got out of it at two.

Tan: Meta and Infinity seemed to have made some kind of plan to play dirty!

Burrower: Infinity distracted the referee from checking on Monarch, meaning he is still in the match but in a bad state!

Tan: Honestly, I think if they pinned him right now it would be over!

Meta seemed happy, and gave Infinity the quality 👌 sign. There was one problem. Boar would be mad. So he would have to keep him down. Unfortunately, Meta's an idiot, and before he knew it, Boar gave him a Bomber straight into the ground, making him flail around. Boar put his foot on this time, and "ONE, TWO, T-" Still got out. Boar looked over at Monarch, who was somewhat getting to his feet. Boar stomped over, and when he tried to kick Monarch, he moved out of the way and Spinning Heel Kicked Boar on the other side of the head. That seemed to stun his more, and then out of nowhere, Meta hit the WOO-HOO on Monarch, put his foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!" Monarch was eliminated. Boar got back up, and Meta tried to jump onto Boar, but he reversed it, into a Seismic Slam. When he put his foot on, he noticed that nobody was there to count. Infinity had distracted the referee again. Boar stomped over to Infinity, pushed her, and grabbed a steel chair. First he hit Codebreaker, the referee, to make sure he couldn't stop him. He swung the chair around, but Infinity left through the doorway and was out of the dome in no time. When he looked back, Monarch jumped off the barricade onto him and started barrelling fists. Then, Monarch started kicking Meta a bunch, yelling things like "I WANTED TO GO ONE ON ONE WITH BOAR!" After a few brutal shots with Boar's chair, Monarch left. Boar slowly crawled to Meta, put the heel of his foot on him, and with the referee back up, "ONE, TWO, THREE!!"





Hurricanescythe vs. Trillium[]

Tan: Welcome everyone, welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have a match between Hurricanescythe and Trillium!

Tan: Hurricanescythe has the size advantage, by maybe..... 40x?

Trillium looked to be staying away from Hurricanescythe, trying to keep her distance, but Hurricanescythe was having none of it to the next level. He tried to just punch her as hard as he could, but she kept dodging. Which got him mad, so he finally got Trillium by the neck, and slammed her head into the barricade fifteen times.Trillium got air back into her system, before Hurricanescythe kicked her in the gut, making her fall onto the ground again. He just started stomping away like it was nobody's business until finally he gave her a moment to breath. He seemed satisfied, all up until Trillium started reaching for something. He knew what this was. He stomped on her hand and didn't tak his foot up. Trillium was trying punch and kick him to release, but every hit was met with backlash from his fists. He finally released her and she held her talons in pain, trying to crawl away as fast as he could. Hurricanescythe grabbed her by the shoulders, lifted her up, and went for a Seismic Slam. Trillium easily jumped out of it, and rapidly started throwing shots, to stun him. It worked for a second or two, and she ran up to the barricade to regroup. When Hurricanescythe came back up to her, he punched and Trillium dodged. She kept dodging, but she was really tired. And then Trillium accidentally slipped up, allowed Hurricanescythe to sock her in the face, and she almost passed out. She was holding up her talons to her snout, seeing that her nose was bleeding a bit, so she tried to wipe away the tiny bits of blood, when he came from behind and picked her up, and Seismic Slammed her.

Tan: Hurricanescythe has been in control of this match forever!

Burrower: He know's Trillium's strategy, and Trillium can't do anything about it!

Tan: Trillium is probably going to be snapped in half after this... Wait, who's that?!??!

Trillium was out, but Hurricanescythe continued the beating, until a mystery dragon with a cloth covering all of their body came from behind and hit him in the neck. And when he turned around, the mystery dragon cheap-shotted him with a chair to the gut, until finally Hurricanescythe fell to the ground. The mystery dragon continued beating him down. He leaned Hurricanescythe against the barricade, and finally, the mystery dragon finished him off with a Spinning Heel Kick to the back of Hurricanescythe's head. And then he left through the crowd. What seemed for hours, Trillium finally managed to crawl over and get her heel on Hurricanescythe. "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!"


Burrower: WHO WAS THAT?



Bonfire vs. Lostmemory vs. Wildfire vs. Tearna (Tables Only)[]

Tan: Hello everybody, welcome to ATWE live!

Burrower: That's right, today we have a fourway competition, in a tables only match! Only tables are allowed, obviously.

Tan: Tearna, Wildfire, Bonfire, and Lostmemory are here, but I think it's a little unfair with the alliance of Bonfire and Wildfire...

Tearna wasted no time, Going right after Bonfire and Wildfire at the same time. The two members of Burning Bright finally fought him off, when Lostmemory jumped onto the, unloading shot after shot. When Tearna got back up, he pulled Lostmemory off, and told her to go for Bonfire's leg. She started kicking Bonfire's leg, while Wildfire had her competition with Tearna. After smashing Wildfire's head into the ground several times, Tearna introduced the first table into the match. After laying Wildfire on it, and climbing on top of the barricade, ready to jump, Lostmemory seemed to be having trouble with Bonfire. Tearna thought for a second, and then jumped without looking. Wildfire had moved, so he just sent himself flying through a table. Wildfire put her foot on Tearna, "ONE, T-" Not even a two-count. Wildfire was surprised, that was a really hard hit. By Lostmemory, Bonfire was tearing up the world champ. She was beating her until she just fell down and gave up. Bonfire went to check on Wildfire, but Wildfire shoved her away. When Wildfire turned back, Tearna hit a Spinning Heel Kick, and made Wildfire fall back. Bonfire went to attack, but Tearna just moved and Bonfire flew into the barricade.

Tan: Tearna is not letting in!

Burrower: How did he get out at a one-count?

Tan: I don't know, but she isn't letting anyone get the best of him!

Tearna looked back at Lostmemory, and decided, he's destroyed two out of three, and that's not enough. He started kicking the living heck out of her, and set her up for a Tears of Defeat. He got onto the barricade and of course, it connected to the back of her head. Tearna slammed Lostmemory into the floor, and then gave two more Tears of Defeat to the two other contenders. Finally, he thought that was enough, and gave one more kick to Lostmemory. He put his foot on, and "ONE, TWO, THREE!"

Tan: Tearna just took over in that last part!

Burrower: That match was long over when the Spinning Heel Kick connected!


Boar vs. Cricket[]

Tan: Welcome back everybody to ATWE Live!

Burrower: That's right, our next match, an old one, Boar vs. Cricket!

Tan: Without further redo, lets get this match started!

Boar and Cricket stare down a bit, until, suddenly, the lights go out. After what felt like hours of dead silence,

"ITS US...





And with that, all of the new generation wrestlers, being guided by Sherlock, invaded. The group of Sherlock, Bonfire, Tearna, Lizzie, Warstarter, Blitz and Astralsight broke in with no mercy. Warstarter, Sherlock, Tearna and Bonfire took out Boar while Lizzie, Blitz and Astralsight took out Cricket. After everything was done, they walked into a huddle, and Sherlock commanded silence. "Welcome, to the new age." Announced Sherlock. "This old dragon crap is well, getting old. We've had enough. We want out voices to be heard. And if we have to take out every single wrestler besides us, then we will gladly do so." Then, Astralsight stepped in. "I haven't gotten a chance in the ATWE yet, because Tan knows when we come in, more new gens are coming in, and Tan will need to get rid of the olddies." Lizzie took a turn. "And that is exactly what we are trying to do. Getting rid of... Well, Sherlock, take it away." Sherlock named all of them.. "Cricket, Meta, Definition, Trillium, Rosella. Quartz, Hurricanescythe, Wallflower, Boar, Wildfire, Monarch, Pachyderm, Dementia, and Lostmemory." Warstarter decided what to say next. "We will fight you until we break you, and you can no longer continue in the wrestling industry. But we can."

And that's when Meta and Definition stepped into the arena. "You guys can definitely talk the talk." Meta said, and then Definition continued. "But we have twice as many soldiers as you do, it's 14 to 7." Meta took it from there. "We are definitely more experienced than some stupid rookies. We are winners."

And with that, Definition and Meta rushed Warstarter, trying to incapacitate at least one of the members. It failed horrendously. Warstarter flung Meta onto the ground, and he was stomped and punched and basically murdered. Definition was throwing as many blows and she could before Sherlock and Bonfire took her off Warstarter. Definition and Meta were being torn apart (not literally) until they were both out of it. The Invaders were unharmed

Tan: This.... This is bad...

Burrower: ...


The Invasion: The First Battle (Wallflower vs. Warstarter cancelled, Meta vs. Sherlock)[]

Tan: Hello everybody, welcome to ATWE Live!

Burrower: Today we have Wallflower versus...

As Warstarter made his way down to the arena, Wallflower jumped him, throwing multiple punches to the head. Warstarter flung him off, but not in time, as Trillium, Quartz and Cricket start batting at Warstarter. He got Trillium down, until from behind Monarch jumped onto him and put him into a sleeper hold. (Basically, a thing where you cut off air to the brain by putting one arm around their neck and one on the top of their head/snout) Tearna and Sherlock came out to intervene, And basically, a brawl was taking place. Codebreaker, Candles, Princess Dawnbreeze, and all the other referees tried to pull them apart, and finally, they did. Wallflower and Warstarter were in no condition to compete, so Tan sent Sherlock and Meta out. Sherlock was first there (since he was already out) and Meta came next. But first, Meta had a few things to say.

Tan: Meta, what're you doing now?

Burrower: Something idiotic.

"You know, it's not everyday dirtbags like you do things like this." Meta chuckled. "And it's not everyday that they pull things off, LIKE THIS! What I'm saying, is that w-" Sherlock jumped onto him, throwing hits and hits and hits. Meta rammed him into the barricade, trying to get him off, and since Sherlock, being the smarto he is, he learned the sleeper hold. He tried to lock it in on Meta, but he rammed him into the barricade once again. Now Meta was unloading punches and kicks in, shouting at Sherlock. Sherlock blocked some hits after a while, and made Meta trip. Sherlock jumped the barricade, and a fan handed him a weapon. He was a 2 by 4 piece of wood (what else would it be) and Sherlock slammed it into Meta's head. Rainer, the referee, called off the match, technically meaning Meta won by disqualification, but that didn't bother them to much. Sherlock continued the assault with the wood. Rainer tried to pull him away from Meta, and when she couldn't, she called in the rest of the referees. Still, The two were not separated and were hitting each other with forearms, elbows, throwing arena sand, basically whatever they could get their hands on. Codebreaker shouted something, and then all of the old gen wrestlers came out and tried to pull Meta and Sherlock away from each other. Finally, They pinned Meta against the barricade and Sherlock against the ground, with only the strongest.

Then things became problematic. The new gen came out, with weapons, and started bashing the old gens with them. Sherlock jumped up and started clubbing Meta with a steel chair Astralsight gave him. There was a bit of static-noise in the arena, and it was because Tan and Burrower and got out of the commentating table and tried to fight off everything. Basically, after a long 5 minutes of nothing but bruising, a fan got some SandWing soldiers to get out there and separate everybody. This, is what you call, war.

Results: Cricket and Trillium got knocked out by Warstarter. Bonfire was knocked out by Definition. Sherlock made Quartz pass out. But, in a sentence, nobody was benefited...

The Invasion: The Agreement[]

Tan was angry as he searched for Sherlock in the hallways. When he finally saw him, he let out everything he had to say.

 "Sherlock, what do you want? I know, for the old to go out, but I know that's not true. There is more to it. But before I'm nice to you, I've gotta tell you something. I've been thinking. What if we did a 7v7, and the next day, a 7v7 with the other seven of the 14 dragons to end the invasion.. Whoever wins that gets what they want." Tan suggested. "I can see you're angry," Sherlock said mockingly. "and honestly, I do-" He was cut off. "That's it, you know what? What I wonder every day is why I still pay you. Why I still have you in my company. Why I still let you compete. And honestly, I don't know. So what do you want to have? A championship shot? A certain match? What could it be? I've had to delay the event Tables Ladders and Chairs for this dang invasion. So what is it?"

 Sherlock was at a loss for words. He just stood there, staring at Tan. He finally spoke his opinion after minutes of silence. "Well, you know how the General Manager (M.G.) and you make all of the match decisions? In my opinion, this whole wrestling thing hasn't been working out for me. If My team wins those two matches, than I get to be a General Manager, BUT, only M.G. and I get to book the matches. Sound good?"

 "Sounds good." Tan responded.

File for Bankruptcy[]

"Oh boy." It was over. Everything he had worked for was over. After less viewers came, Tan found himself running dry of money. He cut the new guys. Less viewers. Soon he was cutting his best guys, and soon, he only had a view wrestlers left. ATWE, Wrestling in general, was out of business. It was over.

Maybe for wrestling, but not for Tan. He's always been a bit optimistic about business, and he had an idea. He had to do something new. In style. Something people want to watch and something that people want to do! He did some research, and he decided that he knew what they needed. With his last bits of money, he invested in revamping his stadiums and starting what he wanted to call "The New Big Thing."


Face: Good guy. Heel: Bad guy.

Face: Cricket: 1-6-0

Face: Meta: 3-4-0

Heel: Definition: 4-7-0

Heel: Princess Trillium: 2-5-0

Face: Princess Rosella: 2-3-0

Face: Quartz: 3-3-1

Heel: Hurricanescythe: 3-6-0

Face: Wallflower: 2-3-0 | 157

Heeeeeeeeeel: Boar: 8-4-0

Heel: Wildfire: 2-5-0

Face: Monarch: 1-5-0

Face: Pachyderm: 1-2-0

Heel: Dementia: 1-3-0

Face: Lostmemory: 2-2-0

Face: Sherlock: 1-2-0

Heel: Bonfire the SkyWing: 1-2-0

Heel: Tearna: 2-0-0

Heel: Lizzie: 0-1-0

Heel: Warstarter: 0-1-0

Face: Blitz: 0-1-1

Face: Wildfire the RainWing-SkyWing: 0-0-0


Tag Teams:

Badaboom: (Meta and Hurricanescythe) 1-0-0

Burning Bright: (Bonfire and Wildfire) 0-1-0

FISTSSSSSSS:(Boar and Hurricanescythe) 0-0-0

Royalty: (Trillium and Rosella) 0-0-0

Rivalries and Friends[]

Definition and Trillium are enemies

Wildfire and Monarch are enemies

Meta and Wallflower are enemies

Definition and Burrower are enemies

Wartstarter and Hurricanescythe are enemies

Bonfire and Sherlock are enemies

Meta and Sherlock are enemies
