Hummingbird | male | SilkWing | questioning | Coding by TS
"You really, really think I'll fail. And I don't blame you. "
Hummingbird. A lithe Silkwing whom doesn't seems to ever get a chrysalis, silk, or wings. Hummingbird is a mostly green SilkWing who has a blue underbelly, snout and arms, he also has some brown and wears a necklace with a feather on it. Some suspect he has distant HiveWing blood due to the fact that his feet are black, and his silk isn't coming. He's a pure blooded silk, through and through. Hummingbird is normally covered in dirt & dust due to the fact that he tries to fly when in the savannah and falls on the ground.
Hummingbird will normally be seen wearing socks, that are normally bright colors, to hide the black scales that make him stand out. He can also be seen wearing a silk bowtie when out in public.
" So what if I die in the process? Not like anybody would be despondent, or anything close. "
Hummingbird is more confident, and can be annoying. Well, he IS annoying to all of the HiveWings. He's the type that would think they did a big achievement only to learn someone else beat it the next day and now thinks that the person cheated. To others who don't think he's annoying, Hummingbird is somewhat nice to them.
" I'm done trying. "
Picture yourself outside in the savannah... The Cicada Hive is barely in view and you see an egg. A silvery white egg, covered in dirt. Its cracked and inside is an green SilkWing. You take it out and effectively name it Hummingbird. You bring it to your cell, and then, you die. That's what happened, A SilkWing finds the egg, names him, and then dies, in an attack by LeafWings.
Bird grew up as a loner, stealing for food and working for HiveWings for some extra money. At 4 he started saving up to go to school. then he attended school and learnt some. At the age of 6, when all the other SilkWings started to go into a chrysalis, he didn't have any signs of going into it. Not a single itchy wrist. No achy wingbuds. Nothing. The other students didn't think she should get the honor of being named after such a fast flying bird. On his seventh hatching day, he was sick of the others, and he made a plan.
Plans never work the second they are started, and that was true for Bird.
His plan was to make wings out of silk, out of leaves, out of anything light enough. He stole silk, crafting it into a wing shape and took socks, tying the wings around them and on his legs, yet still having the wings over his buds. Then he tested it, his plan was, when he moved his wings a certain way, the wings would flap, so, he climbed up a smaller building, and set off, gliding for only a few seconds. Then crash! Broken silk-wings, and a hurt silkwing. A few weeks ater he thought, that there must be Hivewing Amputees, who have had wings removed and hollow metal ones made. He just needed to figure out where they wings came from, if they existed. After weeks of searching, he found some, but they didn't fit well. So he tried his best to make them fit. He did succeed, but he couldn't get them to stay on, and making them tighter may cut of his blood flow. So, he used his socks, and tried them, just right, to where he could only, glide for a short amount of time.
Present time[]
Bird, the somewhat normal Silkwing with metal wings for gliding. A normal student, with a normal life ahead of him.