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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Ash is a LeafWing-NightWing hybrid, currently inhabited on the DeathWing-SkyWing-TempestWing border.

This Character is Created by Teo, Ash existed around Five years after The Dangerous Gift ends, If anything here is incorrect it is because I created this character before The Dangerous Gift was released.

Creator Teoparda
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Attribute Introverted-ness
Element Ash
Color Smokey Blue-Grey
Animal Snake (Just a Snake)
Song It's Alright By Jack Stauber
Age 15 (DY)
Gender Demigirl
Orientation Aromantic Asexual
Occupation Artist
Tribe LeafWings, NightWings
Residence The Tiny Corner in the DeathWing-SkyWing-TempestWing Territory Borders
Relatives Faith (Mother, Deceased)

Bark (Father, Alive, Whereabouts Unknown)

Allies Anyone she has a mutual positive relationship with
Enemies The paranoid DeathWings who try to scare her away, fearing one tiny hybrid will be the downfall of their entire tribe
Likes Silence, Creating Art
Dislikes Loud noises and large clusters of dragons, realism
Powers None, not sharing any abilities of either of her parents tribes
Weapons She cannot breathe fire, read minds, predict the future, or has any type of Leafspeak
Love Interests None, she finds love quite revolting actually
Quote "Yes"

Ash is a deep dark green the color of a rain forest right after sunset with almost all the moons full. A more visible lighter green the color of pine tree leaves. Her eyes are grey with the lightest tinge of a light blue lake. Ash's wing membranes, webbing along her spine, and leaf tail tip are the same shade of green as her underbelly. She is quite bony, not seeming very attractive to most. She has bad posture and a dark grey forked tongue. She also shares the beak of a NightWing, it being pure jet black.

Ash looks like she lacks emotions. Ash has complicated emotions, not showing them very vividly. She got quite annoyed when her mother read her mind and revealed her emotions to her father very casually, yet again not showing her emotions except a death stare that chills you to the bone.

Ash has no natural abilities. She is clumsy due to her bony-non-athletic build and tired-ness due to staying up all night to finish an art piece.

Ash hatched in Possibility, daughter of Bark and Faith. Faith was a Mind-reader who absolutely loved her partner and saw right through him whenever he was being bitter and a bit mean to everyone, they always made up straight away when they fought which wasn't often. Ash was a hermit, staying inside and painting multicolored shapes on an off-white canvas. She had a few friends who she wasn't exactly close with, but she related to them enough for them to count as friends. But she has so little regard for other dragons she didn't even tell them that she was moving away, quite far away.

Ash's family decided to move away to a small remote patch of land when Ash was around ten dragon years. They lived peacefully for a few years before Faith died of unknown reasons. Ash and Bark grew apart, even eventually kicking out her own father to live by herslef in the blissful silence that was now her life

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