Welcome to mah somethingy something of a fic! Random name I made here, eh? Yeah. Couldn’t get a better one. Anyways, here is mah fic!
The Blood Moon starts to fly....
Carcasses follow its trail....
It has to stop, it has to die...
Before the world breaks into an eternal wail....
Swipe the hybrid of sky and night...
The RainWings hidden out of sight....
The Ice Night, hidden in endless white.....
The Sand dragon, alive and ready to bite.....
Five dragons with five treasures.....
Will fight and take all measures.....
If they mean to stop the sorrow.....
And battle until the morrow....
They have to win, even if they’re poor.....
Or all the tribes will be at death’s door.....
BloodMoon sat on a cliff, overlooking the sea. His dark-red scales shone in the sunset. Any time now.He thought. A red dragon landed next to him. “Ah. There you are.” He said. “Late. My subjects were complaining.” The SkyWing told him. “Yes. As always.” BloodMoon acknowledged. “So, is the time ripe?” The SkyWing asked. “Any time now, Queen Carcass.” He answered. “Good. So how will we wreck this ‘prophecy’?” Carcass asked. “Easy as pie for the first one. I have passes both into the Sky kingdom, and the Night kingdom. Your Majesty watches the SkyWings, and I watch the NightWings. When we find that egg, we take it. And leave it to die somewhere in the Ice Kingdom.” BloodMoon answered. “The second one is a little bit harder. We have to wait until they’re hatched. I send in a few NightWing spies. Then we find the ‘treasures’ which I suspect are weapons, because of all the ‘fight’ in there. And they will be with their designated dragons. Then I can ask my secret spy RainWing assassin to go kill them for us. If she is friends with them, great. But if she likes them, well I just have a few NightWing backups. If the NightWings fail, I have my trusty twin DeathClaws to back us up. And he won’t fail.” Queen Carcass flicked her tail. “Sounds like a good plan so far, keep going.” She said. “The IceWing NightWing hybrid, well if it is in the NightWing tribe, easy for us. Swipe and kill. Probably drop it into a pool of water to drown. But if it is in the IceWing tribe... that may be tricky. But most IceWings dislike hybrids, especially NightWing IceWing ones. So we may find it on the border between the Sand Kingdom and Ice Kingdom, or in Possibility. If we can’t find it there, we will have to wait until our rise to power. After we have conquered most of Phyrria, we will attack the Ice Kingdom. Surely they will send all the hybrids up front. So we kill it there, fair and square.” Carcass tapped her tail. “What about the SandWing?” She asked. “That one is easy as well. I keep a watch of NightWings in Possibility. And I have couple SandWings working for me. Swipe it. Dead. It can’t possibly be anywhere else, because it’s not a hybrid, and nobody knows about this brain-dead prophecy which was accidentally muttered by my friend, ShadowTalons. After I told him what had happened, he apologized and said he was a strong prophet. He said he kept it a secret, and swore me to secrecy but to only tell it to trustworthy dragons. And you are a trustworthy dragon, so might as well tell it to you.” Carcass nodded. “And if your plans fail?” She asked. “It won’t.” BloodMoon Replied. “There are only very slim chances, and if those slim chances work, we’ll just have to use Plan B.”