DISCLAIMER: This page may include..
- death
- violence and fighting
- kidnapping
- arson
- multiple other crimes
- mentions of
- blood, death, fighting, war
- and much more!!
Please stop reading if you don’t feel comfortable with these things!
This character is owned by Wolfy. Please don’t steal, edit, or use inspiration for your own ocs with Pyro as she is a dear sona of hers.
I also don’t seem to be getting the comment notification on this page! If you want to comment, please ping me!
(Icon on bottom right credits to TotallySomebody)
- Name: Pyro
- Creator: Wolfy
- Element: Fire
- Animal: Wolves
- Color: Red
- Playlist/Song: Text
- Age: ???
- Hatchday: Oct. 12
- Status: Alive
- Gender/Pronouns: Female / She/Her
- Orientation: Straight
- Occupation: Student, (part-time) magician, (part-time) criminal
- Tribe(s): Tribeless (commonly disguises as a Sand/Sky)
- Goal: Stop The Future, find out The House’s secrets
- Nicknames: Py (close friends/family)
- Residence: Jade Mount. Academy, The House, or nowhere
- Relatives: biological parents (deceased), Cyro (older sister), Nexus/“Father” (adoptive mother), Horizon (father figure)
Info coding by Cas
Congrats! You won a free ticket to a magician’s show! The illusionist’s name stays anonymous until the start of the show, but you’re definitely excited! You walk towards the large tent, other dragons crowd inside besides you. You have a decent seat, near the middle.
“Ladies and Gentledragons! Please put your hands together for one of the greatest magicians of Pyrrhia.. Pyro! The announcer announces, everyone in the crowd explodes into cheers and applauses. Pyro. That the magicians name. It doesn’t match any of the tribes naming systems.
The light darkens, the crowd goes silent.
A spark of flame flickers onto the stage. Another spark, more bigger. Then, out of nowhere, a giant blast of fire swirls into a form of a dragon. The crowd erupts again. The red dragon bows dramatically, spreading her wings and opening her bright eyes with a playful grin. She doesn’t look like any tribe, she was mostly red with gold accents. Her eyes a bright gold like her secondary’s and a fluffy sail trailing down her spine and unto her tail.
Pyro snaps her claws, lights blow everywhere. The main attraction, Pyro, vanishes once again in a puff of flames. A long stripe of fire runs across the stage, earning a gasp from the audience. The flame looks like it’s dancing, forming shapes and patterns to create something.. you never seen before, it’s fascinating. After the dancing fire ends, Pyro enters again. “My dear friend!” She calls out, raising a talon to them. “This is only the great start, I have so much more! So stay and enjoy the show!” She finishes with a smile. You realize that this is the first time you heard her voice, it’s clear and silvery.
“And today I need someone’s assistant,” Pyro shouts again, she interacts with her audience well. “who shall be the special someone today?” She questions, looking at the dragons who all raised their hand and started to roar.
“Haha! Now it wouldn’t be fair if I picked myself! So I will use my powers to pick a random audience!” You watch among many others as she waves her hand and snaps. A small sparks zips towards.. you? It’s fast, like you’re a magnet attracting that speck. Everyone’s eye is on you, including the magician. Something feels off..
“Everyone, welcome our star of the day!”
Pyro has a thin, tall build, being slightly taller average her age. Her wings are burned and has severely ripped skin, making it look painful. Her tail is long, with a large tuff settled on the end. Pyro’s horns are medium and curved upwards. She is no beautiful, perfect dragoness, she find herself “a decent looking dragon”.
Pyro is a red tribeless with gold markings. Her eyes are deep teal and they always seem gleam with determination, shining brightly at any dragon who she sets her eyes on. Her long, overly-fluffy sail is biologically a pale yellow, but she dyes it to be a red with gold fades.
Pyro’s sail is commonly mistaken as fire, blazing on her back with her natural pyro powers and colors, but it’s just a normal sail. Her secondary scales are a darker color, complicating nicely with her mains. Her golden marking line her main scales with a diamond-like shape connected onto it. Pyro is easily recognized as a SkyWing or SandWing, but she does not belong to any tribe.
She has a warm, innocent aura that surrounds her, but has a slight vanilla and fresh tree scent to her sail.
As a human, Pyro would be around 5,7.
- long, wavy, shoulder-length, dark brown hair bleached, and dyed usually a red or blue
- fair skin
- always has a bandage somewhere on her body, typically the hands
Pyro has plenty of disguises in her readying room, along with hats. Her most common one is her magician hat, a navy top hat with a shiny star ornament. She also has a couple of piecings, a pair of ring earrings and one dot earring on her left. Additionally, she ties her fur from her face when it starts to get annoying.
- nice
- patient
- chill / laid back
- hard to get annoyed / mad
- becomes one of her most disliked person if you do
- overthinker
- stressed out easily
- has bad anxiety
- laughs it out
- therapy friend
- slow to understand, hesitants a sec before responding to big news
- ambiverted
- extrovert on the stage
- introvert alone / with friends
- has a welcoming aura, like you want to get closer to her
- according to her audience
- helpful in most situations
- has a hard time socializing with new dragons surprisingly
- hates seeing dragons in pain or hurt
- empath
- has a lot of empathy and feels bad for small things
- warmth of the sun
- astronomy / stargazing
- botany / nature
- friends
- magic
- freedom
- books
- music
- sleeping
- collecting trinkets
- getting her fur in her face
- the freezing cold
- overly-annoying dragons
- dragons who ask her something again and again even if she said no
- dragons who just don’t see the obvious hint
- having to tie her fur
- getting laughed at
- being made fun of
- loud, irritating noises
- Spring
- having to wake up early
- blindingly bright things
- hatched a year later then Cryo, her sister
- before she was hatched Cyro witnessed her father die in the claws of the scientists
- their mother escaped with Pyro’s egg and Cyro
- she sent them down a river in a basket, separately
- their mother died while attempting to return to them
- the two baskets separated, but both was found by a SandWing who owned a adoption center, named Barrel
- he thought weird dragonets would get more attention so he took them in
- as a egg, Pyro got adopted by a family almost immediately
- though, she was returned as the family said that “it didn’t fit their tribes”
- but another dragon was adopting all the dragonets and eggs that was there the longest
- which Pyro’s egg is still among them
- Pyro’s egg was returned again, them saying “that she would die as soon as they hatch since she was “mutated” “
- Barrel, furious, abandoned the egg in the alleyway
- Pyro finally hatched, alone
- she stayed in the garbage-basket for two days and nights, eating the small food scraps that was thrown in with her
- but scraps wasn’t enough as it was slowly starting to storm too
- in the peak of the storming, Pyro got unknowingly sick and was slowly dying out of hunger and thirst
- at the edge of life, she was found by Nexus, who we know as Father
- promised a safe life, she was rescued by Father
- she grew up alongside with her siblings (other children of the House)
- Nexus saw potential in her and sent her on missions earlier then most children
- but still being in lower ranks, Pyro was usually never invited to the monthly banquets
- so she had more time to finish her missions
- until one day, Pyro suddenly got promoted to a much, much higher rank
- higher ranks means getting invited to banquets more
- knowing the end of the month was near, she struggled with the list of dragons she needed to execute
- Pyro had a magic show coming near, therefore she thought killing dragons during the show would be a good idea
- which succeeded
- after more murdering offenders that I’m too lazy to write about
- like she suspected, she was invited to the banquet
- when she arrived at the banquet, she was informed that she and a few other dragonets will be going to school
- Pyro was internally panicking, as that would be less time to finish her list of dragons
- yet excited since they had never actually been to school before
Pyro has a ability to manipulate fire in different ways. She uses the casual, fire-shifting power the most, as it is the easiest of all of her powers. She has also learned to make tiny fire cinders to do her work. These are some that she can do.
- Flame-Seering
Pyro can shift flames into pictured illusions, giving a powerful effects to her magic shows. She cannot do this with fires out of sight, needing great concentration.
- Blaze Weaving (useless)
She can perceive threads that connect a individual’s fates, while she can not alter their destiny and fates, she can gain awareness into the likely future paths that lie ahead for others. It is similar like the NightWing’s Visions, but she could see it through their eyes and their surroundings, and it is not as strong. Pyro doesn’t use this often and wishes not too, as she thinks it’s disruptive and wants to give them privacy.
- Seeking Flame (useless)
Short for “Heat-Seeking Flame”, is a small spark of fire that can connect to a source of heat, making it useful for navigation and finding things. Pyro has trouble chasing after the spark sometimes. But since there is few occasions that she’ll need this, she does not use this often.
Astrology and Botany Knowledge[]
Pyro is quite fond of the outside world, finding it quite fascinating, even if she is the literal definition of “destruction”. She wishes to keep a pet one day, though she is allergic to most animals. So she is sticking to plants. Pyro also can make out certain bird sounds near her home.
relationships of ny kind is open!!
- positive -
“Astral? Oh we’re very dear friends! I very much enjoy her presence.”
Pyro and Astral are close friends that met through Py’s magic shows. Wip
- (page) made March 2, 2024
- Wolfy’s (main) sona
- actually was created months ago, just never made a page
- loves strawberries and pink pineapples
- favorite colors are red, gold, and blue (in order of favorite, left to right)
- loves red poppy’s and lily’s
- favorite planet is Neptune
- doesn’t like candy sweets but loves chocolate
- especially dark chocolate
- she also really likes Hershey’s special dark chocolate
- and 81% dark chocolate
- especially dark chocolate
- she likes watching herself suffer lol
- she drank coffee ever since she was young
- loves coffee <3
- loves birds, especially corvids and exotics
- allergic to dog fur, cat fur, spring flowers, and has season allergies
- she knows Korean
- birthday is 10 / 12