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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

This OC belongs to me. Theft isn't allowed in any way, as I spent a lot of time on this page. Please do not edit, even if you're fixing grammar or adding categories, unless you're one of the mods.

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🍫 He/him | Puddle | Cis Male | MudWing | Healer Apprentice 🍫

Puddle is a deaf male MudWing who lives near the Diamond Spray River where his troop lives. Since his whole troop members trained as healers, he is also a healer who is his bigwings Egret's apprentice.

Creator Icestar
Artist Base by Fear
Coder Icestar
Code Base Himmalerin
Attribute Humorous, funny, cool
Element Humor
Color Chocolate brown
Animal A Chipmunk
Song type here
Age 6 DY
Gender Pixel Flag CisPixel Flag Male Cis Male
Pronouns He/him
Orientation Pixel Flag Gay Homosexual
Occupation Healer apprentice
Tribe MudWings
Goal None yet
Residence A den in Diamond Spray River
Relatives Landslide (mother), Woodruff (father), his troop (siblings), Bog Laurel (half-sibling)
Allies His troop, close friends, fellow healers, his mentor
Enemies IceWing and SeaWing soldiers
Likes Healing, joking about stuff, dancing, parties
Dislikes Fighting, losing his siblings, Blister, the whole war
Powers Tribal powers
Weapons Firepower
Love Interests None yet
Quote "La la la, everything's fine, and I shouldn't worry."


"Hi everybody, glad to see you guys alive!"

— Puddle

Puddle has thick warm-colored chocolate-brown scales that mostly cover his body. His upper scales and spines are dark brown, which goes darker as it goes up. His thick scales help him from being critically injured. Puddle has warm amber eyes that makes dragon trust him immediately, though they have narrow slits. His smooth, undamaged horns and claws are the same color as his spines, and his wings are beige with light brown patch-like gradients toward the edge of his wings. His rounded ears are pale pink. His blood is shown to be dark red.


"Seriously? No jokes allowed? Let us have some fun!"

— Puddle

Puddle is humorous, witty, confident, and generally funny. He likes to lighten up the mood when the tension between other drgons is high, and he sometimes uses dark humor. He trusts his bigwings Egret and the rest of his troop than any dragon, and Puddle is also interested in having a boyfriend someday, since one of his siblings is in a relationship. He likes dancing, especially if there's an EDM as background music, and huge parties. Being the youngest out of his troop, he could be making immature jokes sometimes.


"Why do we have to fight for a SandWing if we aren't even one of them?"

— Puddle

Puddle was born in the Diamond Spray River, where his parents were born. He was the youngest out of the dragonets in the clutch. He also was deaf in his hatching, so Puddle's troop had to learn international Pyrrhian sign language to communicate.

One day, Egret decided to become a healer, and the rest of the troop -- especially Puddle -- agreed. They decided to train together, but most of them found the works hard. Puddle wanted to help dragons who were the same as him and he concentrated fully, unlike his casual attitude, to learn more.

His troop lived in their bunkhouse for years, working as a troop of healers. When they had to, they went to battles to defend themselves, their neighbors, and their friends. Puddle lost a troop member in a particular vicious battle while Egret was busy defending him, and he was grief-stricken, thinking that he killed them.

Puddle got therapy by one of his siblings and got gradually better from his trauma. After the War of SandWing Succession, his troop still lived as healers, though they got more confident, due to the decreasing amount of casualties they've met.

Puddle met Bog Laurel one day near his troop's hut.


"I think that SandWing is cool."

— Puddle

Bog Laurel

Positive. He is especially close with his bigwings than other members of his troop.

Neutral. Puddle never met his biological mother, due to the MudWing tradition of breeding.


Neutral. Unlike Landslide, Puddle never got to meet him since he was already dead when Puddle was born.


"WHY ARE YOU SEAWINGS SWIMMING AWAY? I DID NOTHING! Well, except killing some of your kinds!"

— Puddle

  • Puddle is the first MudWing OC Icestar have ever made besides Landslide.
  • Puddle is pretty similar with Copperclaw, as both of them like jokes and puns.
  • However, Copperclaw is more into puns while Puddle enjoys dank jokes.



— Puddle
