Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

The golden hour
Through space and time we fall
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Beryl Painite Terrafirma
"Beryl used Fire Blast! It’s super effective! ”…”Whoops, sorry! Ava? Avarice?”

Past Space & Time
Beryl headshot
status active
age 6 DY (17 HY)
tribe skywing (skywing)

mudwing (mudwing)

gender Female
pronouns She/Her
orientation Demisexual Straight
alias(es) Ber, Burnyl
goal(s) -to learn the scavenger language (ongoing)

-to evacuate a fossil of an unknown species (ongoing)

residence Sanctuary (formerly)

Beyond Space & Time (Currently)

occupation Archeology Student (former)
relatives Shorebird (Mother), Maelstrom (Father), Mudstone (Brother), Swallow (Sister)
abilities see abilities
likes see personality
dislikes see personality
love interests None yet…
Content Warning
This page contains profanity, violence, mild gore, or other forms of content that you may find upsetting.

You land in the center of the bustling city of Sanctuary. It’s grown so much over there years, with streets packed with shops, avenues and roads with schools, hospitals, and other necessities. It even has a large scavenger center and a couple of universities. Taking in the sights and smells, a small voice suddenly sounds next to you.

“Hello, welcome to Sanctuary! Would you like a tour around this place?” The dragonet has maroon scales speckled with darker chocolate browns and a slightly chubby build. She adjusts her gold-rimmed glasses as she looks up at you with golden brown eyes. “Are you here for a trip to the Human Enclosure? Or to the Archeology University? There’s so much to see here right?”

You smile, touched by her enthusiasm, and asks her for directions to the Swift Wings Inn.


When you first look at Beryl, the first thing you’d notice will be her scales. They’re halfway between red, halfway between brown-a peculiar shade of maroon, speckled with the occasional chocolate and ruby. Her forearms are cream, slowly transitioning to red as it progresses up to her torso, and then blending in with the maroon of the rest of her scales. Her wings and back talons are tipped with smoky red. Beryl’s underbelly is a yellowish-cream, like banana ice-cream, and her horns are curved and the color of ivory. She has a slightly plump build, with an extra curve to her snout, upper arms, and stomach, and she’s rather stout for her age, standing a head shorter than her classmates. Her constant slouching doesn’t help with her height as well.

Beryl’s eyes are a warm chocolate brown, with flecks of gold in them. Her talons are covered in scabs from school projects and her own clumsiness. Beryl wears a brown leather messenger bag with gold buckles, containing her tools and a guide to the human language. It’s typically slung haphazardly over her left shoulder. She also wears gold-rimmed glasses to help with her short-sightedness, and a toffee-colored bandana with darker brown markings.

The inside of her ears are a pale salmon pink, and her nostrils are on the top of her snout like the MudWings. Her tongue is pale pink, matching the inside of her ears and also her talon pads. Maroon’s blood is a dark red, like a regular MudWing or a SkyWing.



  • Scavengers
  • Digging
  • Cave Diving
  • Candles
  • Uncovering Lore
  • Cats
  • Reading
  • Writing with ink
  • Mud

  • Chamomile Tea
  • Steampunk Aesthetics
  • Camping
  • Rocks & Geology
  • Fairy lights
  • Dinosaurs
  • Beanbags
  • Autumn
  • Coffee shop nooks

  • Spiders
  • Dry environments
  • Hot temperatures
  • Bright lights
  • Alchohol
  • Procrasination
  • Snakes
  • Being annoyed

  • Her short-sightedness
  • Headaches
  • Weight bias
  • Gambling
  • Liars
  • Incompetence
  • Being chucked at with balls
  • The Desert



Burnyl the Sky Dragon Pokémon

Ability: Flash Fire/Solid Rock (Hidden)

HP: 80 / Attack: 115 / Defense: 70 / Special Attack: 120 / Special Defense: 70 / Speed: 95

Total: 550

Tribal Abilities

SkyWing: Beryl can breathe fire, no matter the temperature. She also has minor cold resistance that the SkyWings adapted to survive the mountain peaks and the Alpines

MudWing:-Beryl can hold her breath for up to an hour and she has fireproof scales. Being in contact with mud soothes her injuries, but doesn’t heal them.

Other Abilities

  • identifying rocks & gems
  • identifying animal tracks
  • tracking & stealth
  • archeology
  • scavenger behavior & psychology
  • history of Pyrrhia & Pantala
  • cave diving
  • artifact identification


Heat Resistance: Beryl has a very low heat tolerance, and quickly gets uncomfortable in warmer climates like the Savannah or the Desert.

Strength: Beryl doesn’t have a particularly strong or muscular figure, and she’s actually quite weak. Despite brimming with energy all the time, she doesn’t really enjoy continuous physical activity.

Curiosity: The saying “Curiosity killed the cat.” Is quite true for Beryl. If she’s fascinated by some random thing, she’ll do anything to get an answer, even if it’s dangerous and you if you warn her.

Clumsiness: Beryl is quite clumsy, often tripping over her own talons and bumping into someone. Although harmless in day to day life, in dangerous situations, it might be fatal.


Beryl was hatched in 5013 AS, to the two members of the Talons of Peace: Shorebird and Maelstrom. She spent most of her childhood with her father absent, running a mission for Queen Ruby or helping with Sanctuary. She grew quite close to her mother though, a bond unnatural for MudWings, and her mother loved her back. What she remembers from her fragmented memory were blissful days playing with her brother Mudstone and her sister Sparrow, her mother teaching her how to fly, hunting expeditions, and frequent visits to the Human Enclosure.

She was especially fascinated with scavengers and archeology, and she poured over whatever books about the subjects she can get her talons on. She passed elementary school with flying colors, and soon she was accepted into her dream university-Sanctuary University, where she could learn about scavenger psychology, behavior, and archeology to her heart’s content. During summer break, she would run over to the human enclosure and just watch the scavengers who chose to live in there-there was where she met the founder of the enclosure-Winter, and often helped out with little tasks. She’d often notice new dragons (she’s good with faces) and just run over to them, offering to help, to give them a tour, etc.

Then came the time where the university actually opened after summer break. Yes, Beryl was rather chubby and short for her age, but Shorebird didn’t really worry, after her friend assured that it was baby fat she was going to shed when she grew older. Beryl didn’t mind as well-she was brimming with excitement, and looking forward to the first day.

Little did she knew that school was where her problems started.

At first it used to be non-offensive comments slipped into comments. Words like “chubby” and “short” were used frequently in her friend group but not with unfriendly purpose. Beryl didn’t mind, they treated her well anyways. Sure, they sometimes spoke in whispers when she turned away, they sometimes pulled her tail by running away from her when she approached, but they were still her friends.

Then came the gossip. That she was addicted to food and prey and that resulted in her build. That her egg was accidentally cracked by her parents because it was so heavy, resulting in her height. “she’s so fat!” “If she didn’t eat any more hippos, she’ll be able to knock the weight off.” “She must’ve broke her parent’s scale from sitting on it!” “She couldn’t even reach the banister on the stairs.” They’d say. People started to avoid her, and she often ran home crying.

Beryl would’ve made herself deliberately throw up after meals. Her appetite decreased and she often skipped lunch at school. Suicidal thoughts plagued her at night when she was in her bed. She told herself not to give into them. That life would grow better.

But it was too tempting. So she turned to her passions for distractions, pouring over her books, focusing and every fact and every figure at night, drowning out the suicidal thoughts like a tidal wave. Of course, this didn’t not fare well for her reputation,


(+) = A positive relationship

(+-) = A neutral-positive relationship

(—) = A neutral relationship

(-+) = A neutral-negative relationship

(-) = A negative relationship


Beryl loves her mother.

Maelstrom (—)


Mudstone (+-)


Sparrow (+)


  • text
Base by Bluemoounes
base by Bluemoounes