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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Aphrodite • She/They • Sand/Night • Librarian

Aphrodite, in short, is a young adult hybrid, strange in color.
Creator ShipwreckedSwan
Artist Base by Spirit, colored by Shipwreck
Coder Destiny
Code Base Himmalerin
Attribute Reading
Element Light
Color Light pale pink
Animal Robbin
Song undecided
Age 12
Gender Demigirl
Orientation Pan
Occupation Librarian in training
Tribe Sand/Night
Goal Not decided
Residence Scorpion Den
Relatives Unnamed SandWings and NightWings
Allies Most sandwings, tbd
Enemies Tbd
Likes Clean, organized areas; books
Dislikes The opposite of clean
Powers None, actually: her tail barb is useless
Weapons none
Love Interests none for now
Quote “Thanks a lot!”


Aphrodite is definitely strange, and not the typical SandWing. Well, she is a hybrid, but most Sand/Night hybrids usually are brown/yellow and black, right?


This hybrid is pink, a pale grey pink that looks different from most.

Their head is more purple in shade, and same with her frill and wings. But their main scales are pink.

Aphrodite bears a scar on their front leg, covered with a dark pink cloth. She doesn’t necessarily want to hide the scar, though.

Her smile is small, but bright.


One heck of an extrovert, and definitely eager to help out. They don't hesitate to help a dragon in need.

Aphrodite also loves reading, which is probably the reason why she's a librarian in training. Aphrodite is also pretty good at organizing things, and can't stand dirty places.

She’s empathetic and kind, and very friendly to dragonets.


Like most SandWing hybrids, Aphrodite grew up in the Scorpion Den. By the age of three she was a skilled thief. But for some reason stopped thieving when she was six.

They didn't learn how to read until they were about seven, maybe sometime before then. When she did learn, however, she got hooked into reading legends and stories. Luckily this passion never stopped.

She worked at an orphanage for some time, before deciding to become a librarian. She currently works at a library next to the oasis in the Scorpion Den.


Scarab (Librarian): Aphrodite has a decently positive relationship with this SandWing. Scarab is nice to her, and trains her.

Name: Vestibulum quis turpis finibus, pellentesque eros id, rutrum nulla. Aenean et tortor cursus orci maximus eleifend. Suspendisse nec lectus metusSuspendisse luctus volutpat vulputate. Suspendisse potenti.

Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus libero dui, gravida ac faucibus quis, congue id eros. Praesent et efficitur enim, at placerat nulla. Aenean nec lobortis nisl. Proin nec sem magna.


- Aphrodite is a Gemini

- Her favorite book genre is fantasy

- They hate chocolate, for some reason

- When she was younger, she had faint stars under her wings. Those stars have since faded, for reasons unknown to most.

