I was looking at the Tribe Template and thought that there could be a more advanced, but generalized version for general communities.
However, when I went to create it, it said that it had been automatically blocked because it, "Might be too similar to another page."
It said, if it wasn't (Because it isn't really; It's a more advanced version for richer description), I could "Create a post on the Wiki Improvement Board." The link brought me to the "Wiki Suggestions" page.
Here's the sourcecode (I used the same theme as the tribe theme):
<includeonly><infobox layout="stacked" type="tribe" theme="banner" theme-source="tribe-theme">
<title source="community"><default>{{PAGENAME}}</default></title>
<image source="sigil"><default>SigilSolidBlank.svg</default></image>
<group layout="horizontal" name="ownership">
<data source="owner"><label>Owner(s)</label></data>
<data source="original-owner"><label>Original Owner(s)</label></data>
<data source="restrictions"><label>Restrictions</label></data>
<group name="information">
<data source="creation-date"><label>Creation Date</label></data>
<data source="description"><label>Description</label></data>
<data source="abilities"><label>Abilities</label></data>
<data source="location"><label>Location</label></data>
<data source="continent"><label>Continent</label></data>
<data source="past-locations"><label>Previous Locations</label></data>
<data source="founder"><label>Founder</label></data>
<data source="foundation-date"><label>Foundation Date</label></data>
<data source="destruction-date"><label>Destruction Date</label></data>
<data source="language"><label>Language</label></data>
<data source="leader"><label>{{{leader-type}}}</label></data>
<data source="leader-2"><label>{{{leader-type-2}}}</label></data>
<data source="past-leaders"><label>Past Leaders</label></data>
<data source="royal"><label>Power Familiars</label></data>
<data source="history"><label>History</label></data>
<data source="government"><label>Government</label></data>
<data source="subhierarchy"><label>Subhierarchy</label></data>
<data source="capitol"><label>Capitol</label></data>
<data source="paths"><label>Paths</label></data>
<data source="important-cities"><label>Important Cities</label></data>
<data source="important-locations"><label>Important Locations</label></data>
<data source="style"><label>Style</label></data>
<data source="evolution"><label>Evolution</label></data>
<data source="religion"><label>Religion</label></data>
<data source="recourses"><label>Resources</label></data>
<data source="behaviors"><label>Behaviors</label></data>
<data source="coverings"><label>Coverings</label></data>
<data source="important-figures"><label>Important Figures</label></data>
<data source="positions"><label>Positions</label></data>
<data source="currency"><label>Currency</label></data>
<data source="currency-hubs"><label>Currency Hubs</label></data>
<data source="alliances"><label>Alliances</label></data>
<data source="enemies"><label>Enemies</label></data>
<data source="conflicts"><label>Conflicts</label></data>
<data source="remembrance"><label>Remembrance</label></data>
<data source="canon"><label>Canon Status</label></data>
<data source="community-theme"><label>Community Theme</label></data>
<data source="note1"><label>Note 1</label></data>
<data source="note2"><label>Note 2</label></data>
<data source="note3"><label>Note 3</label></data>
Banner infobox for advanced community information and description.
== Usage ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="moin" line>
| community =
| sigil =
| owner =
| original-owner =
| permission =
| restrictions =
| creation-date =
| description =
| abilities =
| location =
| continent =
| past-locations =
| founder =
| foundation-date =
| destruction-date =
| language =
| leader-type =
| leader =
| leader-type-2 =
| leader-2 =
| past-leaders =
| royal =
| history =
| government =
| subhierarchy =
| geography =
| capitol =
| paths =
| important-cities =
| important-locations =
| style =
| evolution =
| religion =
| recourses =
| behaviors =
| coverings =
| important-figures =
| positions =
| currency =
| currency-hubs =
| alliances =
| enemies =
| conflicts =
| remembrance =
| canon =
| community-theme =
| note1 =
| note2 =
| note3 =
== Examples ==
=== Official Community ===
| community = Circle of Ice Dragons
| sigil = SigilSolidBlank.png
| owner = ''Canon Community''
| permission = None
| restrictions = None
| creation-date = 2012
| description = An elite group of the highest-ranked IceWings who serve as the royal advisory council. Members are chosen from the First Circle of adult IceWings and are known for their exceptional intelligence, loyalty, and dedication to IceWing traditions.
| abilities = Enhanced cold endurance, deadly frost breath, exceptional military and diplomatic training
| location = Ice Kingdom Palace
| continent = Pyrrhia
| past-locations = None
| founder = Ancient IceWing royalty
| foundation-date = Pre-Scorching Era
| destruction-date = Still active
| language = Dragon Standard with formal IceWing dialect
| leader-type = Queen's Council
| leader = Queen Snowfall
| leader-type-2 = Head Councilor
| leader-2 = Various high-ranking IceWings
| past-leaders = Queen Glacier, Queen Diamond
| royal = Members of the IceWing Royal Family
| history = The Circle has served as advisors to IceWing queens since ancient times, helping maintain the rigid social structure and traditions of the Ice Kingdom
| government = Aristocratic advisory council
| subhierarchy = First Circle IceWings, Military Commanders, Diplomatic Corps
| capitol = Ice Palace
| paths = Great Ice Cliff passage, Northern trade routes
| important-cities = Ice Kingdom capital
| important-locations = Queen's council chambers, First Circle gathering halls
| style = Formal, traditional, hierarchical
| evolution = From military council to diplomatic advisory body
| religion = Traditional IceWing customs
| recourses = Access to royal treasury, diplomatic connections
| behaviors = Strict adherence to protocol, formal mannerisms
| coverings = Ceremonial jewelry denoting rank
| important-figures = Notable First Circle members
| positions = Advisors, diplomats, military strategists
| currency = Standard Pyrrhian trade system
| currency-hubs = Ice Kingdom markets, diplomatic trading posts
| alliances = IceWing military, other noble houses
| enemies = Historic rivals of NightWings
| conflicts = Great War participation, border disputes
| remembrance = Highly respected institution
| canon = true
| community-theme = icewing
| note1 = Members must maintain First Circle ranking
| note2 = Serves as both political and military advisory body
| note3 = Maintains historical records of IceWing tribe
<syntaxhighlight lang="moin" line>
| community = Circle of Ice Dragons
| sigil = SigilSolidBlank.png
| owner = ''Canon Community''
| permission = None
| restrictions = None
| creation-date = 2012
| description = An elite group of the highest-ranked IceWings who serve as the royal advisory council. Members are chosen from the First Circle of adult IceWings and are known for their exceptional intelligence, loyalty, and dedication to IceWing traditions.
| abilities = Enhanced cold endurance, deadly frost breath, exceptional military and diplomatic training
| location = Ice Kingdom Palace
| continent = Pyrrhia
| past-locations = None
| founder = Ancient IceWing royalty
| foundation-date = Pre-Scorching Era
| destruction-date = Still active
| language = Dragon Standard with formal IceWing dialect
| leader-type = Queen's Council
| leader = Queen Snowfall
| leader-type-2 = Head Councilor
| leader-2 = Various high-ranking IceWings
| past-leaders = Queen Glacier, Queen Diamond
| royal = Members of the IceWing Royal Family
| history = The Circle has served as advisors to IceWing queens since ancient times, helping maintain the rigid social structure and traditions of the Ice Kingdom
| government = Aristocratic advisory council
| subhierarchy = First Circle IceWings, Military Commanders, Diplomatic Corps
| capitol = Ice Palace
| paths = Great Ice Cliff passage, Northern trade routes
| important-cities = Ice Kingdom capital
| important-locations = Queen's council chambers, First Circle gathering halls
| style = Formal, traditional, hierarchical
| evolution = From military council to diplomatic advisory body
| religion = Traditional IceWing customs
| recourses = Access to royal treasury, diplomatic connections
| behaviors = Strict adherence to protocol, formal mannerisms
| coverings = Ceremonial jewelry denoting rank
| important-figures = Notable First Circle members
| positions = Advisors, diplomats, military strategists
| currency = Standard Pyrrhian trade system
| currency-hubs = Ice Kingdom markets, diplomatic trading posts
| alliances = IceWing military, other noble houses
| enemies = Historic rivals of NightWings
| conflicts = Great War participation, border disputes
| remembrance = Highly respected institution
| canon = true
| community-theme = icewing
| note1 = Members must maintain First Circle ranking
| note2 = Serves as both political and military advisory body
| note3 = Maintains historical records of IceWing tribe
=== Unofficial Community ===
| community = Scholars of the Jade Mountain
| sigil = SigilSolidBlank.svg
| owner = FanCreator123
| permission = OC scholars require approval
| restrictions = Must Usually Be Animi ''(Plural For Animus)''
| creation-date = 2024
| description = A diverse group of dragons dedicated to preserving and sharing knowledge at Jade Mountain Academy. Members come from all tribes and focus on academic pursuits. They use Animus Magic to preserve certain artifacts, meaning most members must be Animi.
| abilities = Various tribal abilities, enhanced education and research skills
| location = Jade Mountain Academy
| continent = Pyrrhia
| past-locations = None
| founder = Starflight and Fatespeaker
| foundation-date = Post-War Era
| destruction-date = Active
| language = All Pyrrhian dialects
| leader-type = Head Scholar
| leader = Professor Windreader
| leader-type-2 = Library Master
| leader-2 = Scrollkeeper Dusk
| past-leaders = None
| royal = None
| history = Founded to expand Jade Mountain Academy's educational reach
| government = Academic Council
| subhierarchy = Senior Scholars, Researchers, Apprentices
| capitol = Great Library of Jade Mountain
| paths = Academic exchange routes
| important-cities = Jade Mountain
| important-locations = Library, Research Halls, Archive Caves
| style = Academic, collaborative
| evolution = Growing from small study group to formal institution
| religion = Multi-tribal acceptance
| recourses = Extensive scroll collection, academic materials
| behaviors = Scholarly, peaceful, knowledge-focused
| coverings = Scholar sashes and badges
| important-figures = Various tribal academics
| positions = Professors, Researchers, Librarians
| currency = Knowledge exchange, standard trade
| currency-hubs = Academy marketplace
| alliances = All tribal academic institutions
| enemies = None
| conflicts = Academic disputes only
| remembrance = Building reputation
| canon = false
| community-theme = scholar
| note1 = Open to all tribes
| note2 = Focus on peaceful academic pursuit
| note3 = Maintains largest scroll collection
<syntaxhighlight lang="moin" line>
| community = Scholars of the Jade Mountain
| sigil = SigilSolidBlank.svg
| owner = FanCreator123
| permission = OC scholars require approval
| restrictions = Must be animi ''(Plural For Animus)''
| creation-date = 2024
| description = A diverse group of dragons dedicated to preserving and sharing knowledge at Jade Mountain Academy. Members come from all tribes and focus on academic pursuits
| abilities = Various tribal abilities, enhanced education and research skills
| location = Jade Mountain Academy
| continent = Pyrrhia
| past-locations = None
| founder = Starflight and Fatespeaker
| foundation-date = Post-War Era
| destruction-date = Active
| language = All Pyrrhian dialects
| leader-type = Head Scholar
| leader = Professor Windreader
| leader-type-2 = Library Master
| leader-2 = Scrollkeeper Dusk
| past-leaders = None
| royal = None
| history = Founded to expand Jade Mountain Academy's educational reach
| government = Academic Council
| subhierarchy = Senior Scholars, Researchers, Apprentices
| capitol = Great Library of Jade Mountain
| paths = Academic exchange routes
| important-cities = Jade Mountain
| important-locations = Library, Research Halls, Archive Caves
| style = Academic, collaborative
| evolution = Growing from small study group to formal institution
| religion = Multi-tribal acceptance
| recourses = Extensive scroll collection, academic materials
| behaviors = Scholarly, peaceful, knowledge-focused
| coverings = Scholar sashes and badges
| important-figures = Various tribal academics
| positions = Professors, Researchers, Librarians
| currency = Knowledge exchange, standard trade
| currency-hubs = Academy marketplace
| alliances = All tribal academic institutions
| enemies = None
| conflicts = Academic disputes only
| remembrance = Building reputation
| canon = false
| community-theme = scholar
| note1 = Open to all tribes
| note2 = Focus on peaceful academic pursuit
| note3 = Maintains largest scroll collection
== TemplateData ==
"params": {
"canon": {
"label": "Community Canonicity",
"description": "Set to true if the tribe is from canon Wings of Fire, leave unset if a fanon community.",
"type": "boolean"
"sigil": {
"label": "Sigil",
"description": "The file name for the icon/image you would like to appear in the upper left.",
"type": "wiki-file-name",
"default": "SigilSolidBlank.svg"
"owner": {
"label": "Owner(s)",
"description": "If there is an identified name of the creator and current tribe owner(s), insert that here.",
"type": "string"
"permission": {
"label": "Permission",
"description": "This is where you put any rules or requirements the owner(s) have laid out for the use of this community. Whether or not permission is required. If permission is required for something note what it is in detail.",
"type": "string"
"description": {
"label": "Description",
"description": "An in-depth description of the community that does not infringe, or lightly infringes, on other fields. If they have certain and unanimous (or widely-used) attributes (appearance, fashion, etc.).",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"abilities": {
"label": "Abilities",
"description": "A description of communities abilities and powers, magical, natural, social (within society), or otherwise.",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"location": {
"label": "Location",
"description": "Where the community is located (like kingdoms or domains) or based out of. This can also include preferred habitat, environment, or other locations.",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"leader-type": {
"label": "Leader Title (s)",
"description": "Title of the current reigning leader(s). If there is a special system of government, insert the titles of all in power.",
"type": "string"
"leader": {
"label": "Leader(s)",
"description": "Name of the current reigning leader(s). If there is a special system of government, insert the names of all in power.",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"leader-type-2": {
"label": "Leader Title (s) (2)",
"description": "Title of the any secondary reigning leader(s). If there is a special system of government, insert the titles of all in power.",
"type": "string"
"leader-2": {
"label": "Leader (s) (2)",
"description": "Name of the secondary current reigning leader(s).",
"type": "string"
"alliances": {
"label": "Alliances",
"description": "Tribes with which this tribe has good relations or alliances with.",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"community": {
"label": "Community Name",
"description": "The name of the community you are trying to describe.",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"recourses": {
"label": "Resources",
"description": "A description of what resources (material, food, etc.) the community has access to.",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"enemies": {
"label": "Enemies",
"description": "The enemies that the community might have.",
"suggested": true,
"type": "string"
"conflicts": {
"label": "Conflicts",
"description": "Any ongoing or past conflicts that might have occurred between the topic community and another force.",
"suggested": true,
"type": "string"
"history": {
"label": "History",
"description": "The comprehensive history of this community.",
"suggested": true,
"type": "string"
"note1": {
"label": "Note",
"description": "Any note that covers special conditions not mentioned in any other field.",
"type": "string"
"note2": {
"label": "Note (2)",
"description": "Any note that covers special conditions not mentioned in any other field.",
"type": "string"
"note3": {
"label": "Note (3)",
"description": "Any note that covers special conditions not mentioned in any other field.",
"type": "string"
"government": {
"label": "Government",
"description": "Any government structure or hierarchy that might exist within your community. Be detailed.",
"suggested": true,
"type": "string"
"royal": {
"label": "Power Familiars",
"description": "Whoever might be in a family or connected in some way shape or form with the current (or any past, note if it is note current) Leader(s).",
"suggested": true,
"type": "string"
"founder": {
"label": "Founder(s)",
"description": "Whoever created this community (Within the fantastical world).",
"suggested": true,
"type": "string"
"creation-date": {
"label": "Date Of Creation",
"description": "When was this community founded/created (Within the real world)?",
"type": "date"
"destruction-date": {
"label": "Date Of Disbandment",
"description": "If they did, when did this community cease to exist or was destroyed, purged, or disbanded?",
"type": "string"
"remembrance": {
"label": "Remembrance",
"description": "Is this community still remembered? If there are special conditions, state them here. If it is a simple \"Yes\" or \"No,\" please write it so it makes sense (e.g., \"They are still remembered\", \"No, they are no longer remembered\")",
"type": "string"
"foundation-date": {
"label": "Foundation Date",
"description": "When was this community founded/created (Within the fantastical world)?",
"suggested": true,
"type": "string"
"style": {
"label": "Architecture, Structures, And Style",
"description": "What style does the community usually use (Architecture, Technology, Mannerisms, etc.)?",
"suggested": true,
"type": "string"
" behaviors": {
"label": "Behaviors",
"description": "Does this community act differently than other communities or entities? If so, how so?",
"suggested": true,
"type": "string"
"past-leaders": {
"label": "Previous Leaders",
"description": "Are there any unmentioned leaders? If so, add them here.",
"type": "string"
"coverings": {
"label": "Cover And Armourings",
"description": "Does your community have special coverings, clothes, or armour? If so, add them here.",
"type": "string"
"evolution": {
"label": "Evolution",
"description": "Insert any evolution or development here (whether major or minor, its up to you).",
"type": "string"
"language": {
"label": "Language And Accents",
"description": "If your community has a special, official, or widely-used language, add it here. Also note if they have accents that are different than others.",
"suggested": true,
"type": "string"
"past-locations": {
"label": "Previous Locations",
"description": "Has your community been located/based out of a different location in the past? If so, where?",
"type": "string"
"religion": {
"label": "Religion",
"description": "If your community has a special, official, or widely-practiced religion, add it here (Be detailed).",
"type": "string"
"capitol": {
"label": "Capitol",
"description": "What, and where, is your community primarily governed or based out of (What is your capitol)? If there is none, deselect this option.",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"important-cities": {
"label": "Important Civilized Areas (Cities)",
"description": "If they have them, what are some important cities and other organized, civilized, or colonized areas to your community? If they have them, what are some important cities and other organized, civilized, or colonized areas your community owns?",
"type": "string"
"important-locations": {
"label": "Important Locations",
"description": "If they have them, what are some important locations to your community? If they have them, what are some important locations your community owns?",
"type": "string"
"positions": {
"label": "Jobs And Positions",
"description": "If you have them, what are special, official, or widely-practiced jobs or positions?",
"type": "string"
"community-theme": {
"label": "Community Theme",
"description": "Adds a class to the infobox with the name of the community for easier targeting with CSS.",
"type": "string"
"subhierarchy": {
"label": "Subhierarchy",
"description": "What other positions exist below the government, or important non-government organizations, companies, etc.? Be sure to add details if so.",
"type": "string"
"paths": {
"label": "Paths",
"description": "If they have/use any, what are any paths your community owns, uses, or frequently converses?",
"type": "string"
"currency": {
"label": "Currency And Trade",
"description": "If your community uses a special currency or trade method, add it here.",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"currency-hubs": {
"label": "Hubs For Currency",
"description": "What are some hubs for currency (markets, cities, pathways, other locations, etc.) that your community owns or uses?",
"type": "string"
"important-figures": {
"label": "Important Figures",
"description": "Does your community have any important figures not covered in other fields?",
"type": "string"
"continent": {
"label": "Continent(s)",
"description": "What continent(s) is/are your community located on or based off of? If this is previously mentioned, deselect this option.",
"type": "string"
"original-owner": {
"label": "Original Owner(s) (Founder(s))",
"description": "Whoever created this community (Within the real world).",
"type": "string"
"geography": {
"label": "Geography",
"description": "What are the attributes of your location?",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"restrictions": {
"label": "Restrictions",
"description": "Is there anything your community cannot do (mark if it is current or past)?",
"type": "string",
"default": "None",
"suggested": true
"format": "block",
"description": "A banner infobox for advanced, comprehensive information about Wings of Fire Communities. Please be detailed when filling out. If you feel as if it is missing and important, please add it. If your addition is unneeded, it might be removed.\n\nPlease note that the examples might use limited text. For example, comprehensive parameters History, Evolution, Currency, and Government are expected to be longer (though longer length is not mandatory).",
"paramOrder": [
" behaviors",
[[Category:Infobox Templates]]