Base by Owibyx
Biggest language nerd there ever was…
If you break your streak, he’ll come find you and bring a knife
Uh i mean…uh…
Favorite language is all the ones his app offers
He’s a creep…
Inactive, please don’t ping
Please remove me from pings, im inactive here
Hi astral! This is awesome, but I’m inactive here, so please take me off pings :)
Dw, I’ll always be on canon and DOI
Please take me off pings/nm
“Hmmmm,” he inspects you. “Not happy…but that is a hard language.”
”as for the rest of you, DO NOT BREAK IT OR I’LL BREAK YOU!” He smiles sweetly. “And remember: *demonic voice* I’M ALWAYS WATCHING…”
happy year of the 25th year of the 200s
Duo stares at you guys
*sharpens knife* be careful…one small mistake
Can i have a cropped Duo please?
Looks amazing!!!!!
Happy new year, Cavern!
He’s coming to find you..
Base by Owibyx
Biggest language nerd there ever was…
If you break your streak, he’ll come find you and bring a knife
Uh i mean…uh…
Favorite language is all the ones his app offers
He’s a creep…
Same as Glorybringer
Could you do Duolingo? base by Owibyx
Happy belated!
Ima do it on the Warrior Cats Fanon Wiki
Hah alright lol
Woah roaff u back on that acc?
Ooo looks cool!! Sleet is such a cool guy
Welcome back! Popping in and saw this, so could you do Cotton? Base by Phantomwolf115