So the “destination: calypso” rp is about a disease that ravages the continents and results in a worldwide apocalypse plagued by infected zombie-like individuals. The biggest, safest base left in the universe is called “calypso”, which means “to hide” or “to conceal”
If I were to do a subnautica rp (my subnautica brain rot is intesnseee) it would probably just be WoF dragons in the subnautica world
The dystopian future one would probably be something like the hunger games idk
If the destination: calypso rp is chosen I’ll probably turn that one into a fic or something because I really like that concept
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@NeverSayNether 2
@Stormshock the animus ElectricWing
@Predator the human hunter
@Harbinger of riffraff