"I know that." Finch sniffed. "She just doesn't know what she's talking about." He glanced at Peridot.
Finch snorted. "Yeah! Ember is being a mean-face."
"Oh. Okay, fine. But I'm still scary."
"Yeah! She's right." Finch declared. "And I had nothing on my snout! I bet you're lying."
Uh finch and peri argued over food and then salt threw a stick //
Finch snorted and wriggled back. "Yes I do!"
"But it was mean. So you're mean."
Finch sticks his snout into the air. "Hello." He breathes out a puff of smoke. "Did you throw the branch?"
"Grr!" Finch bounds over, a bit pathetically as his face is still covered in apple juice.
"Who did that?" Finch growled.
Finch squeaked as a branch tumbled past him. "Eep!"
Finch stretched his small, stubby arms. "Uh... me."
"Aw." He sat down. "Well, I'm good at helping. Just tell me what to do and I... might, do it."
"Do we have to?" Finch snorted.
"Help who? What's going on, again?"
"What's a camera? Aren't those the advanced technology that only the richest dragons have?"
Finch spat it out. "Am I going to die now? Is it a poisonous apple?" He fretted.
Finch unhinged his jaws like a snake and bit into the apple. "It's kind of squishy," He said. "And really hard. But yummy, I guess."
"Twenty billion?" Finch's eyes widened. "That's like... more than three! And apples are kinda good, I guess. I like putting cinamon on them!"
"PitaWHAT?" Finch snorted. "I thought there were only like... three types of fruit."