Swa this on google
I'm a be honest I left the wiki a while ago.
Swa this on google
(Ah ok)
Steve Wandered through. The Swamp and found a camp which he promptly watched for a while
Don't mind me ima just sit hers and die for a little
(Recap are we still getting juged)
Steve sat wondering if he should help
Steve watched the two fight, he was to judged soon
Steve played with a stick, not at all worried on his ranking,Figuring that he can take a dragonet.
Name: steveirwini
Nickname(s)**: steve
Gender & Pronouns: male/he/hin
Age (DYs or HYs): 20dy
Tribe: mud/sky
Reason for being Judged bad (can be something very little): he built something without permission idk
Character(s) of Inspiration: minecraft steve
Appearance/Ref: uuuhhhh wait ill draw it soon
Personality!!: stiff, strong brute with high iq, kind to others, survival smart and lives out in the Wilderness often
Background**: steveirwini is a construction worker, he built parts of the mudwing pakace and skywing palace as well as places in Possibility
S&S: bi and yes
Abilities/Skills: talented builder, skywonk(so good flyer to imitate creative mode) high iq and biq (reference to Redstone and PvP)
Thunder be meming himself
My life be like
Down side
Hed getting cancelled, he seems to make powerfull leaders mad on a daily
Yeah I saw it
I got incredible angry for no real reson
I here now
Name: dust stone
Tribe: sand/night
Appearance: black sail, stripes and wings with a cuctus red underbelly
Personality: cold to his enemys and those he didn't trust, reality tho he's insanely loyal and follows a warrior code
Strength: (encompasses both muscles and toughness) (on scale of 0-2, 0 being a normal person and 2 being a world class body-builder)
1 (1.5)
Reflex (hand-eye coordinatation, sand rating system as above) 2
Intellect: (smarts, wisdom, charisma, all of those. Same rating system as above) 1 (1.5)
Weapons and skill with weapons on a scale of 1-5 (ex. Spear (2) ): throwing knife/dagger 4
Any special skills and abilities or things they’re particularly good at:he's trained in "Morning! Nice day for fishing, ain’t it? Huh-ha!” battle planing
Backstory: as a young dragonet he loved watching the soldiers patrol, so he eventually joined and dedicated his entire being to the code
Accessories: helmet and chestplate(but he doesn't wear them often)
*brutally slams galaxy gazer*
Idk who your doing next but I'd lce to see a httyd villian
Oh splatoon three I have it (I just don't play)
Draconic axolotl
Now I wanna see that
Also I have no clue who radiance or 8 is lol
(Guess I got research)
Chaotic icewing that's literally the game that gave me this udea
(As if I don't walays do that)
Wings of fire, But game
So new challenge, make a OC you based of any video game (just keep it age appropriate) and I will rank and the winner gets a prize or something idk haven't thought that far
End the 15