Welcome to the spring edition of the wiki’s newsletter! We hope the new year has been treating you well.
Here’s a quick overview of what we’re covering this season:
Tribe Contest Results
Wiki Rule Updates
Batch Delete Reminder
Moderator Team Updates
Miscellaneous Stuff
Tribe Contest Results
The 2021 tribe contest has finally wrapped up, and the winner was the CrystalWings! Thank you to all the participants, you all had absolutely incredible entries! We can’t wait to see all the wonderful new characters and stories you create with the new tribe.
Wiki Rule Updates
We’re clarifying our stance on a couple things. Namely:
Media in crossovers cannot have a higher rating than pg-13 (for shows/movies) or T (for games). If you want to make a crossover with media that doesn’t have a rating, ask the moderation team first so that they can review it and see if it’s wiki-appropriate.
Conversations on discussions, message walls, and comments should be held primarily in English to allow for appropriate moderation
The name claim policy only affects names, not the content on the page
Also, reminder that you don’t have to censor “mature” in your roleplay titles. It doesn’t benefit anyone, since “mature” still has to be within the bounds of the wiki’s PG-13 limit and it is detrimental to people who use screen readers.
Batch Delete Reminder
We missed 2021’s November Batch Delete and opted to skip this year’s February Batch Delete due to how close it ran to the Tribe Contest. We will be getting back on schedule this coming May: All pages under the 2500 byte threshold will be deleted on May 31st.
If this is your first experience with a batch delete, we recommend checking out our rules for more details on how this works. See this blog post for instructions on how to check the size of your page.
If you had the byte checker enabled from previous batch deletes you will need to re-enable it in your preferences. You may need to reset your preferences before being able to do so.
Moderator Team Updates
FearStrikerKrysantheShimmer, one of our bureaucrats, has stepped down from his position. We thank him for all his hard work on the wiki, and wish him the best of luck in the future!
Himmalerin has been promoted from administrator to bureaucrat in Hunts’ stead.
Miscellaneous Stuff
Homepage Updates
The “Disclaimer” section has been removed from the homepage, and a feed of the recent discussion news posts has been added. (edit: actually not yet since the script hasn't been approved, but hopefully on monday)
(edit 2: it is now live!)
Yet Another Coloring Book Notice:
We would once again like to remind everyone that we will not be allowing uploads of the bases from the upcoming Wings of Fire Coloring Book.
A dedicated announcement on this topic will be sent out closer to the book’s April 5th release date.
happy birthday, @Wheatproduct!
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