It was a fine morning for you. The sun was shining, birds were singing- and then suddenly a sack is thrown over your head. You inhale something sweetish and fall unconscious.
You wake up in a cell about the size of five dragons. Next to you in a line were three other cells and then a wall with a torch, a fountain, or nothing on it. There were four more cells and another wall. This continued in a large semicircle. At the flat wall there was some labs in a five by three arrangement. There was a staircase with a map hanging on it in the middle of the room which led into the ceiling above and the floor below.
Up the staircase was the 15 guardrooms and the 10 guard living quarters for the tough, strong guards. There was also the entrance to the outside and Truthmaker's office, which she rarely left. Outside there was a door in the face of Big Mountain which was the entrance. There also was a few stepped gardens and a sloping path leading to the door.
Down the staircase was the abandoned wing, which stretched for a distance and was filled with disorganized cells and sporadic labs. There were other oddities there too (you the roleplayer can create these).
You got to rarely get see the upstairs of the lab, however.
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